Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS VOL. I No. 34 DEDICATION. To the poor women without homes, to the little toilers who should be in the schools and play- grounds, to the white slaves in their tragic bondage, and to the children who die, these pages are dedicated! May every woman who la not too idle to have a thought, or too vain to have a soul, or too rich in gold to have a heart, join in the great struggle for women's free- dom! Purity, Liberty, Justice — these we must work for! THE LAM1> OF SACRIFICE "The truth is maivhine; mi." Vic- tory upon victory—crown upon crown—all ours and through no effort of our own. Shall we let cithers win our battle for its? Shall we sit idly by, dreaming of the worlds there are to compicr, while the great march of human progress sweeps by us and beyond us? ( >r shall we rather lake our banners staunchly and forthwith claim our place among those who are bearing the burdens for others? It is a short road to the grave: let us pace it out nobly so that the footprints that we .'-.^iv'' hi'lund im "iav. be JX°odfc ff.r others to march by. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Let us give to the utmost limit of our ability, our strength, our means to the cause that is humanity's. The war chest needs refilling. \\ ill you help to lill it? 1'lease si-nd all conlrihutions to ihc Mauvi.ano SniKAoi. \i:ws. Si7 North ( barles street. II. A. \\................. Sn.75 K. 1 1. W...................JO t'hristmas Seal............ .J§ N'ew Subscriber............?5 t 'omenlion .............. .15 Volunteer................11) Progressive.............. i.oo 1'revionsly acknowledged.. ""i./J Total.................Si'/.t-'J SUPPLEMENT TO THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1912 THANKSGIVING DAY IN COLORADO____AND IM MARYLAND EVENTS OF THE WEEK Monday, November ag — National Convention, Philadelphia. Tuesday, November J(i— -National Convention, Philadelphia: Head- quarters Committee meeting at headquarters at ij M.; Suffrage •• \t Home" iii headquarters frmn 4 to 5 to meet Mr. Robert Lorainc; Men's League hani|tK't :M Hotel Pmcrson at ".,v> P- M. Wednesday. November 27—Kx- ccutivc Committee meeting at head- quarters at 4 I'. M. I*rida\. Nuvenilw.r jo- Regular open meeting of the Just liovern- iiK-nt League at headquarters at 8 r. M. All members and their friends are urged to he present. Mrs. James P.ngel of Forest < ilen will speak on "Tfee Primitive Woman." Saturday, November 30—Rally Committee meeting at headquarters at it A. M. FIVE CENTS HOW YOU CAN HELP We are hoping to have a convinc- ing demonstration of the fact that Maryland women want to vote, when, 011 Wednesday, December It. scores nf suffragist- take their places in the (hops and hotel lohhies to sell the Votes tor Women Christ- mas seals ami cards. Will yon not pledge yourself as a worker in tin-, one-day campaign? (live one day to suffrage as a Christmas present and see how much worthier you feel t«f all the ( hristmas cheer when you have made this sacrifice. Please I send in your name ttt emeu tfi head- I quarters. SO that we ma\ know Ih-u ' main workers we can count on, THE MOTHER'S COMPENSATION ACT The Mothers" Compensation Act, which has recently become law in Colorado, provides that the State shall subsidize a widowed mother who is left without means of support, in order to tnahle her to eare fur her children in the home. In Maryland, where no such law exists, the widowed mother is often forced by pecuniary need to place her children in orphan asylums while she goes out to work. Moral: (Jive votes .0 women, so that they may find a way to stay in their OfM***** sphere—the hmm* ¦ BANQUET AT HOTEL EMERSON All Suffragists Urged to Be Present. At a join 1 committee meeting held at headquarters Sunday after- noon, Novemlier 17, it was decided that the banquet to Ik- given h> the Men's League should he held on November Jo at the hotel Kuiersun. It is hoped that all suffragists will avail themselves of the opportunity to hear speakers of such national fame as Jane Addanis, Kev. Anna Howard Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. James Lees Lai tt law, Reginald Wright Kaufman, Rev. Stephen S. Wise. Congressman David J. Lewis, etc.. who will eotne here direct from the national convention in Philadctphin, winch adjom us on 'nat Ui The on '.tat tli K»ven '4g*-f NATIONAL CONVENTION Large Maryland Delegation in Attend- ance at Philadelphia. I >n Thursda\. November ji, tin* Maryland delegation, including in it> uuuiher Mrs. Robert Moss. Mrs. D. U. Hooker. Mix John I '.. \\ il- snn, Mrs. R. T. busier. Miss A. M. Larkin. Miss llenrietta Uieksnii, Mrs. b'red. Trosell and Mrs. Prank Ramey. left for Philadelphia. The delegates were armed with banners and other in-ignia. and upon their arrival in Philadelphia they found the Christinas seals and jiost-eards awaiting them. Cuiler the direction of Mrs. John *.. Wil- son, these seals and post-cards have been distributed widely throughout the convention, and it is understood that many of the delegates will take orders of Christmas seals with thetn and start the same in their own towns. The meetings so far in the convention have been most inspir- ing. Several of the delegates are being entertained by Philadelphia suf- fragist. DORCHESTER COUNTY Mrs. Foster Talks to Cambridge Women. A meeting was held in the assem- bly room of the Seminary, t 'atit- bridge, Md.. on Priday. November 15, Twenty ladies were present and li-teued with interest to ibe speaker, Mrs. R. T. poster. A number of them asked for literature to take home to husbands. A meeting was planned Ed? the first week in I )eceinber. al which the speaker will be Rev. J. < i. Mvthen. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY Mrs. Byrne Addresses Enthusiastic Gathering at Mayo. A very enthusiastic meeting was hehl at Mayo, Anne Arundel coun- ty, tin Thursday evening. November 14. at S o'clock. About Joo people were present ami listened lo the splendid arguments advanced by Mis. |t. J. P.yrne. president of tlie Howard County League. About J50 pieces of literature were dis- tributed. A party, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. I). Swauu. Rev. Mr. Smiley. Mrs. |I. J. P.vrne ami Mrs. Robert Moss, went lo the meeting from An- napolis in Mr. Smiley's automobile. Pour new subscribers to the Mvhvi.wh Srr'i u \i;i-. Ni:ws were secured. MEETING AT WEST ARLINGTON Rev. Mr. Mythen Speaks In Town Hall. A very enthusiastic meeting, ar- ranged In the State Kqual Pran- chise League, was held in the town hall at West Arlington on Monday. N'ovemher iN. Mr>. William J. Brown presided, and the speakers were Mrs. William M. Kllicott. Mis> L. C. Tmst and Rev. J. C Mythen. MRS. ENGEL TO SPEAK AT FRIDAY NIGHT MEETING All Suffragists Invited to Be Present. At the open meeting to he held at headquarters. Si- North Charles street, on Priday. November _»o. at N.15 P. M.. Mrs. James Kngel of Porexi (den. Md.. will speak on * The Primitive Woman." Mr*. P.ngcl is a very fine speaker, and il is hoped that the suffragists will lake advantage of this opportunity to hear her. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Regular Meeting Evidences Very Con- siderable Activity. Tile monthly iiu-ell'tltf of till- -|tl*1 (in\fninu'tn League of Montgom- ery t'nuiitv wa* lidil ill < iaidu't-- hwtgi I'riday. November N. at the repittence of .Mrs, Krank Trazzare. I'ifteen members were present and two mu one- were added b i tin- After tlic busiuos meeting an elo- i|iK-tH address was ^iven by Mr-*. James Kitflle of i-'nu'st litem A lad> from Woodstock, \ a., who was present, >aid >he was go* iny to rail a suffrage meeting as -iiiun a> she returned home. Tlu- following resolution \va-> adopted to be sent tu the papers: ¦'A'i*.V''/;vf/. That tlu- member- of tbi- just (invernmeut League of Montgomery eoitnty, who distrib- uteil literature at the polls on i-lee- tion . K. Hooker. The toastmaster for the occasion will be Kev. J. U-'aclt Stratoti. The different league- will attempt to reach every suffragist b\ means of formal invitations, but as the time is so >horl some people might be overlooked and it is hoped that all suffragists in the Stale will consider themselves invited. The subscrip- tion price is $j.5o per plate, and names should lie sent direct to Kev. J. Hrattan Mythen. S17 North Charles street. CATONSVILLE W. C. T. I. Temperance Workers Show Approval of Suffrage Movement. P.y invitation of the W. C. T. L\ of Catonsville. Mrs. I). R. Hooker made a short address mi suffrage at the Methodist Church, corner Melvin avenue and Prcderick road, on Monday afternoon. November IS. at J, P. M. Mr^. Clein of Ca- tonsville, president of the local imam, presided at the meeting. Most of the women present were already in sympathy with the cause, and a number of trial subscription- to the M.\ini.\si> St'i;t'«\ia' Ni \\s were ordered. MENS LEAGUE TO BE FORMED IN FREOERK K Rev. Dr. Dixon to Be Chairman. Pending the formal organization of a branch of the Men's League in prcderick, Rev. Dr. Dixon has con- sented to act as temporary chairman. Several new members from Pred- eriek were added to the membership as a result of tlie meeting at the