Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS SUPPLEMENT TO THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL VOL. I No. 36 DEDICATION. To the poor women without homes, to the little toilers who should be in the schools and play- grounds to the white slaves in their tragic bondage, and to the children who die, these pages are dedicated! May every woman who ia not too idle to have a thought, or too vain to have • soul, or too rich In gold to have a heart, join in the great struggle for women's free- dom! Purity, Liberty, Justice — these we must work for! THE LAW* OF SACRIFICE Thi' iifyaiiizalinii of two ni-w countkn i- trader contemplation, l am ill anil Dorchester. In Car- rnl! esptfta% the unttouk i> wtv bright in i*niisii|iiiui-r of work done at the Ml. \irv lair fur the past two years. It «ill taki' ntnul two months i" effeet g.....1. substantial wnl'Uiiiii iir^ani/alinii^. ami il i" Ini|k-H that MilnVunl I'nmU will Ik- forthcoming to make ii possible to enter upon the work early in Janu- ary. The inilial tost "ill be ulsitit .S500 for literature, traveling ex- penses, hall rentals, "i-yani/cr*' -al- ary, eti. tliu after the work i» done *.m. !>• .xi)ie in Carroll i;-i" Dur Chester counties will lie alile to pay ilu-ir own propaganda expenses, anil thus relieve llle Stale;ile of a great lmnlen. Il i- ihe ok! eronotnieal proposition of helping people to help themselves. Will yon lake part I l'lea-e send all contributions to the Mahyi.wh Siiisva: Nkws. X17 North e'luirles street. I-'.. < 1. W................. S JO K. V. Kasttttan meeting......... 101 Usher....................15 Delegate .................10 I'.alto. I'm..................*J Ninas seal..................15 Montgomery ............. •£$ \ iilllllleer................t$ I'reviou-ly seknowledgrd.. ''"/'i" Total..................S 1X0.07 The women 'if llarriMiuville are luiikinj; forward to a suffrage meet- ing, which ihe\ hope in arrange sometime during ilu- winter. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1912 IN EXCHANGE FOR VOTES EVENTS OF THE WEEK Monday, December y — Kalh (nininiUir iiu-ctiny :it he$fkHtaft*n at ii A. M. Tuesday, December 10— llea«l- i|iiarU'rs Committee meeting at lu'ndt|uarU-i-> at u M.; Suffrage "At Hour-" at liratli|uark'rs from 4 to 5,30 to iiK'i-t Mr. Max Ka-t- maii; nuvtiiijr at Mi'ou-al Fanilty Bttikltftg at 8 P. M. Mr. Max I'.aMinan will sptak on "Tin* Ut/al Reasons fur Woman SulTra^f." \\ r.liK'silav, December 1 1—K\- tHMitivf Committee meeting at head* qtUPtera at 4 I'. M. Ttiurs«la\, December u Suf- frage l>av Committee meeting at lu-a at 1 1 A. M. l-riila\. I KrcMilnr it\-- - Parade Committee meeting at headquarter- at .\ P. M.: M\im.\\i> Siiih\«.i: Committee meeting at bead- quarters from 14 In 1. SUFFRAGE RALLY! ------------------------------------------------------------- UlllKi.SS ON-------------------------------------------------------------- "The Real Reasons for Woman Suffrage" BY-------------- MAX EASTMAN MEDICAL FACULTY BUILDING 1211 CATHEDRAL STREET Tuesday Evening, December 10th, 8 P. M. Tickets 25c. each, on sale NOW Just Government League Headquarters, 817 N. Charles St. BALTIMORE PARADE Plant Launched for Great Assemblage of Suffrage Workers to Be Held on May 31. Ai a moat enthusiastic meeting on Tuesday. Decemlier 3, at 4 l\ M.. at H17 North Charles street, the inilial plan- were I'ormnlaU'il for the next Baltimore parade. The day was fixed for Saturday. May 31, am] 5 oVlfvk was tentatively iiauii'il as the hour at which the parade would start. Mrs, F. F. Kanuy was elected of the committee, Mrs. W. S. Symington, Jr., recording secretary; Mrs. R. T. Foster, corresponding secretary, and Miss M. 1*".. Lent, treasurer. Miss Kllen l.aMotu- was elected chairman of the finance-committee, and Dr. Nellie V. Mark and several Other arduous workers volunteered their service* for tins important de- partment. !>r. Mark delighted everyone b\ promising at once to raise fiOO toward the $1000, which was said to lie necessary for general expense*, and one other nietuher of the committee promised to raise Sim aUo. Jl was decided to ask Mr>. liel- moiit if she would he wiling to sup- ply thr fonr extra golden chariots now needed to represent the four new snlTrage States. Another committee meeting will he held 011 Friday. Dceeml>er i.t. at 4 o'clock to apjroinl the advertising committee, floats committee, music Committee and delegation commit- tees. CHRISTMAS SALE Bazar Held By Equal Suffrage League a Great Success. The Christmas Fair, which has been held during the past week at lite Fqual Suffrage League head- quarter-, at Sji) Norlh Charles street, has made suffragists long for a suffrage shop to Ik* open all the year round. Sueh wonderful bar- gains were displayed there that the finery of the ordinan store has come to look very unattractive by contrast. The whole affair was a tremendous success, and fully re- paid the tabors of those who had arranged it so tastefully. TALBOT (OINTY Meeting Arranged by Mrs. Wilcox Successful. Mrs. K. T, Foster, Rev, J. C Mythen and Mr. Cordon O'Keefe were the speakers at the meeting held in < ixford on Friday, Decem- ber ''. Under the auspices of the Just Frunchi-e League of Talbot County. The local committee mem- bers derived a great ileal of inspira- tion from the meeting, which was a great success. FIVE CENTS HOW YOU CAN HELP lite great throng of c kftegc worn en thai assembled at McCo\ I lall ¦ in Tim «lay evening. I VccmUr ,*. at S I*. \l. \,, "help keep l rancher fur I'.a'iinmiv." presented by the mere token of their existence a strmtK argunum for granting vote- to women. Surely bo mam trained minds nuuht to lie made use <>i h\ imt l ioVtril'lHllt \t the name time this splendid group of college women, number- ing more than ~**\ silently bespoke lo anyone who knows the workers in the suffrage ranks, the real rea- son win we have tun woman sttf" ("rage in Maryland today. Moal of the Wearers .,i" eap anil gown could Ik- ru'ognued as believers in sttf fragv, but ala-! sn few, *¦. very few, could 1«' recognized a- workers for the eaif-c. Sot more than seven women of all that fCO an teall> contrihnting any brain- or any ap- preciable work or time or money to the ea»*e of their own et.franchise- iiunt. It is appalling, hut it is true, that the college graduate- in Mary- land do not count in the -nffrage movement. Where they might to he leader-, they are men ly inactive believer-. It is precisely this leth- argy mi the part of the best edu- cated and best conditioned among women that makes the path to vic- tory sci thorny for those who are iloiiv/ •'•. work. Probably the rea- -011 ui,y college WOtneffl in Mary- latvl have i" 1 come In*! 1 the move- .ie 1 .a,' ? 1' r,\v,». ,fc the} have not reah/ed that brains more than anything eKe are needed in the work today. It is easy to Me that the Makvi.anu Srii k au: Nkws itself could be improved enormous- ly by the in-tillation of more brain pOWtf hit'* its columns. The organization of a great pa- rade, such as the parade on May 31 should be, 'temands concentrated intelligence if il is to be thorough!) successful. In the name of your alma mater then. I) college women, conic for- ward and otYer up your services any week day between *) A. M. and 5 I'. M. at K17 North Charles street. Don't Ik* hoodwinked into thinking that acquaintance with the truth has made you free, for you are slaves just like the rest of u<. and the burden of your duty is even greater than ours for the opporiun- ity that ha- been given to yon. MEETINC AT HEREFORD A very good meeting was held in Miller's! lall. Hereford, on l-riday evening. December (•. Miss L. C. Tra\. Mrs. R. T. Foster ami Dr. D. H, Hooker were the speakers. Ke freshments were served after the meeting by the ladies of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, Hereford. SUFFRAGE DAY DECEMBER 18TH. 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. Tho*c willing lo acll Chriitmaa aealu and pottaU in the ahop«, hotel lobbies, ct*. on SUFFRAGE DAY. will kindly >end their natnea at once to Mrs. John G- WiUnn, Chsirman, 817 N. Chirle. Street. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. IDat* chMfl'tl from D*c Nth to Dec IhK)