Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS 143 Mrs. C. E. VICKERS, Special Agent Mutual Life Insurance Company All I'nlicitftt I', !,,,(, In VtM.rly Dividends. Lonirand Short Term Kn- it, h UmkhI. 817 N.CHARLES STREET Mt. Vernon 106* SPLENDID MEETING AT HARRISONV1LLE Working Committee Formed for Sec- ond Diatriet. An enthusiastic HWStiwg was held in the schoolhouse at Harrisonville before the BxctUktf Literary S<»- ciely mi Monday evening. Decem- bcr J. AImhii fifty people were present ami listened with interest In the address delivered by Miss I.. C 'I"rax. Kifteen new members were secured, and a committee to carry on the work in the Second district, l.altiniore county, was formed. The (Mister*, containing the surTrage ar- guments, which were posted in the Second district for election day. still remain and are creating much interest throughout the district. The Eichelberger Book Co. ».». MIIU I. i. KIIHTM 308 NORTH CHARLES ST. 1 glHIll I ¦ -1 v%3k N'iVr'n"V"'l"l',' i"' KuV WASHINGTON NEWS LETTER Christmas Bazar to Be Hold. The women of the district re- turned to the city with renewed en- thusiasm and amliitiou after the convention week in Philadelphia. The old enterprises pushed l>efure November g$ stood ^till while the delegates were auay from town, but the threads are Itcing gathered up and things set in motion once ;igain. Mrs. McCartney, who ha* taken up as her es]»ecial line of en- deavor the organization of suffrage wheels. is earnestly carrying for- ward the scheme, which was orig- inal witli Mrs. McCartney and Mrs. Ilendle.v. The p&tpOH is b> brtnj^ in money to the treasury through the small fees which are paid by each memlicr of the wheel, and sec- ondarily, to concentrate in some one pur|>ose or reform. Interest is living aroused and the uiimher of wheels is increasing. The Political Study Club helil its rcgu- WILLIAM OETZ Maker or fJOOD PHOTOGRAPHS 349 North Charles Street BALTIMORE. Mil. Phone Ml. Vernon 2.101 McLANAHAN'S 206 N. LIBERTY STREET 2nd door above Lei ing ton &S::.°' MILLINERY Reasonable Price* Mftiffllnf. Goodi a Saeclallt lar .Vovemlitr meeting, when the <|Uestion as to whether suffrage would 1h- desirable in the district was discussed. The iucuiIrts showed a good deal of interest in the topic, with sjrcechcs on ImiiIi affirm- ative ami negative. The next IIIISlllllJ will be given over to a discussion of the parcels post. The Stanton t'lub held over its meeting until January. The Col- lege Suffrage League met on last Monday night. The matter of a demonstration at inauguration time is Incoming a pertinent mailer l>e- fore wide-awake |M?ople in the Dtft* trict. At tl.e College Suffrage ses- sion the decision was to apfioinl a committee to confer with represent- atives of other suffrage clubs in the city, and form a definite plan a> to the form of the parade. Miss Kthcridge put out a feeler while at the convention as to suffrage dem- onstration at inauguration. The parade, if it is a parade, will prob- ably be on the day preceding the inaugural parade. The idea, how- ever, is on the bud until the con- ference of the clubs decides defin- itely. The College League will hold its next meeting in January, and then the various tncml>ers who have 1k*cu engaged in campaign work in different Stale- will tell of their experiences. It is a matter of considerable pride to the I'ortncr 1 leadquarlers to possess a spicy bit of suffrage news that is of interest to all suf- fragists. The Slate Convention in N'ebra-- ka is proceeding lo canvas the State with a view to using the initiative and referendum in bringing uni- versal suffrage liefore the voters. This information comes from Mis- Mary II. Williams, who has been corresponding secretary for the District association for many years, hut who is now living in Nebraska. The Anthony League is planning a Christmas bazar for next week. when, by the united efforts of the laities, an accumulation of sweets and spices ami fancy things galore will keep salesladies busy during three evenings. Have You An Endowment? D* you realise that an Enslewmen! The House of Fashion fJTGood Style is as necessary in your garments as salt is in food. f]|Good Style appeals to good taste—but good tailoring and good materials are absolutely necessary to insure service and lasting sat- isfaction. fTTWhen you buy garments ^here you KNOW that individuality and quality are combined in the highest de- gree—and withal, prices are most moderate. E. OR IS WOLD THELIN Mir. Tki Prudential Us. Go. of America 401 Union Trust Bldg. Bsltimors. Md. DORCHESTER COCNTY Enthusiasm Aroused in Cambridge By Suffrage Speaker*. As a result of the suffrage work done in Dorchester county some two weeks ago, a second meeting was arranged fiat Thursday even- ing, December 5. at eight o'clock, in the Women's Club room. Kev. J. (.. Mwhen. Mrs. fc T. I'oster and Mr. (.onion O'Kecfc of New York were the speakers. The meet- ing aroused considerable enthusi- asm. THE HOME RILE MOVEMENT IN THE FEDERAL DISTRICT At the People's l-'onun. Saturday evening. Novcmlier J0i Dr. Thomas I". Will, executive secretary of the District of Columbia Suffrage League, addressed a large audience. lie said: "In the history of the District. for \ears past, there has been no more remarkable event than the present demand of our people for the right to vote. ( hilv last August the Suffrage League was launched. Its beginnings were humble. After its operations had attracted the at- tention of the city it was -till dubbed a 'Tooley Street" organization. Its fund was petty and it* mt miters were small. Among its open fol- lowers were few. if am. of the great and powerful. It launched its cam- paign on a street corner and ad- dressed itself to those who cared to bear. "Today the issue it then raised has become a burning one. Con- gressmen are discussing it. I.ills providing for it will soon be intro- duced into Congress. Powerful friends of District suffrage and self- government are found in lioth houses of Congress. "Three years ago a hopeful suf- frage movement was launched in the District. Its leading exponent was one of the ablest anil most elomient of our citizens. He fore a most rep- resentative both, including the Pres- ident of tin- Cnited States himself, he plead the cause of the disfran- chised people of the District. "'This plea called forth a repl\ h\ ihe President himself, 'The Chief Magistrate of the nation then ami there dealt the suffrage movement a stunning blow, from the effects of which in three full years it had not recovered. "Now that President lies buried beneath an avalanche of adverse ballots. I lis successor, soon to as- sume the reins of |>ower. is president of an organization whose business it is to propagate for cities in gen- eral the same gospel the Suffrage League is propagating for our cil\. "( >n election day. just passed, the SUCCESS In any cause •• often a matter of drex. You can loak your be»t at a small outlay if we clean or dye your clothe- EMIL FISHER 31. W., St 419 N. < Karl.. St. 319 N. Howard St. Hopper, McGaw & Co, Importers and Grocers 34* ami 346 V Charles St. BALTIMORE, MD. lV/TAKE the cause a Christmas present by getting an ad. for the Suffrage News. voteless citizens nf the National Capital were given opportunity to express their desire on the qftuHofl of the vote. This opportunity was so meagerly advertised that thou- sands never heard of it. Mam have not heard of it yet. Vet almost tvwlve thousand people marched to the polls and voted. < if these. ¦,_* per cent, voted for the riejit to vote. "l *n Prida, night, December \t\, a great mass-meeting will be held in the National kihVs Armory, Its ob- ject is to voice the un<|ueuchalile tie- sire of the people of this coiinnunitv for political liberty. Among those who will speak on that occasion are some of the most disinterested and representative of the citizens ai this communitv. Their voices will go far. "The tight has just lteguu. Three months ago our efforts, to many, seemed a forlorn hope. .Now, in- telligent onlookers tell us the battle is already won. "Our own view is more conserva- tive. W'e realize we have rivers yet to cros- and great battlw t" tight. At the -ame time, we beliexe 1h.1t mm u' oi uttr bauK -1 «*vik Kca be hind us. We have disproved tin falsehood that the people air -ati- tied with their servile status. We have proved that the love of liberty is not dead in the District. < in December IJ we shall prove, that the distinguished citizens of the District are not all on the 'Tory side. "The outside press is taking up our work, Kre long, some Wash- ington paper, we believe, will see its \\:i\ clear to champion the people's cause in this greatest of all conflicts, the struggle for libert\." Mre. M. K. QL'INN Importer Gowns and Evening Wraps, Tatlor-Made Suits 723 N. CALVERT STREET C. ft P. Phone. Mt. Vernon .MIR svsvaaaaseawaeeaaeeeeawn < What is the date on your wrapper? 1 C0UGHLAN & CO. JEWELERS 336 North Charles Street BALTIMORE, MD. LUCAS BROTHERS Stationers and Printers 221-223 E. Baltimore Street S12 St. Paul Street Attractively Furnished Rooms with Beard Lunches anal Dlaaers a Specialty MRS. E. O. PRICE Kasasemontiili, Appointment. OSMateBBaaBBBa ft .... Mndiaon NN MRS. ELN0RA WARLEL MASSEUSE ¦Start! Facial Ma.aaite, Sv.lp Tr.atmenl anr!t;«ner.l Ma. ..>•• 919 W. Nertt, A... BALTIMORE Sisco Brothers erimmiiutti. .Vatirii (auinoa Flags, Pennants. Banners and Badges 304 N. HOWARD STREET BALTIMORE. MD. The Border State Savings Bank ol Baltimore City «. W. CORKER FtiETTE ST. 110 P.R« ME. Solicits tout Snmii account The Just Cevenuatii Leane bu,p It, Bads... Button, and Pennant, from the T01SCH « FKANZ BADGE CO. i H. Liberty SI.. UltisMre U hen Rev. Anna llowanl slum's httle uranilniece of eight confessc-I to her ninther that she conkl not be a suffragist U'cause the other chilihen made fun of her. her wee sister of six fiercely exclaimeil: "I wouldn't he a coward: they've been making fun of Aunt Anna for hundreds of vears!" The WiisImi I»rattge, which meet- at KaudalUtown. has promised to open up one ol it- meetings to sulTrage. Enterprise Fuel Company HANOVER ANO rAVCTTI ITS. Respectfully solicits your order. Facilities for suburban delivery. SCALE OF IMPORTANCE "I low's wr \\lu*;it *•" "l'ir-t rate." "I'ijjs tlitin' wfll?" •l-iiK.'' "That pum colt eome Yotniil al riirht:-" "I lc sure di,!." "(ilatl to bear things i~ «" likely I'-iM. 1 lovr*l irsff wife?" Edward H. Wiederhold 150 N. GAV STRICT Beat Picture frames In J own I Want the Suffrage Trade »NOOT LEATHER GOODS AND GLOVES The Dulany - Vernay Co. 339-341 N. CHARLES ST.