Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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era Seven Dollars per Annum.] THU R§DAY, JAJsUAIU ^ 0 °- A O -¦' *-> 'it* Guest Atterbury and Co. Have received b\< the Cornp'.anter, via Philadel- phia, and other late arrivals, AN ADDITIONAL ASSORTMENT Of Calico-s & Chin zes, Taney worked Muslin Dresses, Colonade and plain Mulls, Plain, figured and co- lored Cambrics, Cambric St other Di- mities Ginghams, & Cham- bray Muslins, Cotton Shirtings, f-8, U-8 & 6-4 Linen Checks, For sale on their usual terms. November 8_____________________d Fred'k Lindenberger & Co. 200, Market-street, Have imported per the Hi-ma, and other late ar- /rvals from. Liverpool, A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Hardware, Cutlery & Saddlery. On hand, from fwmer importations, Printed Cotton 8t Lin- en Handkerchiefs, A lelphi Sewing Cot- ton, in boxes, Platillas and brown Hollands, Best London super- fine Cloths & Kersey- meres, Green, blue and red Baizes, Flannels, Flushings, Plains, &c. Patent Shot, Tin, Sheet Iron, Crowley Steel, Flat Point Nails, Bar Lead, October 31, Pewter, in casks, Sewing Twine, Crown Window Glass, Spades and Shovels, Frying Pans, &c. he,. Henry and Lindenberger, 204, Baltimore-street, Have received by the ships Diana, from Liver- pool, ad Six Sisttrs, from Bristol, the re- mainder of their Vail importation of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADDLERY, BRASS & JAPANNED WARES, AMONG WHICH ARE, Tin in boxes, Anvils and Vices, Crown Window Glass, Spades and Shovels, Nails, &c. kc. &c. October ,24- ......_______ d Henry and Lindenberger, 204, Baltimore-street, Stive received f>y the ship Globe, from Liverpool, ,\n additional and extensive supply of HIRDWARE, CUTLERT, SADDLERT, BRASS AND JAPANNED WARES. On hand, Ketland Guns, in cases, London and Bristol Pewter, Tin, in boxes, Iron Wire, Brass and Card Wire, Spades and Shovels, Anvil:; and Vices, Sewhiff Twine, Patent shot, assorted Nos. Bar Lead, Nails, Frying Pans, Sheet Ii-on, &c. &c. October_U. ________________d__ In Addition to the Old Esta- blished Lines, An Accommodation Stage for the City of "Washington and George-Town, will leave the Indian-Queen, Baltimore, at ten o'clock, A. M. everv day in the week j returning, leave M'Laughli'n's at 8 o'clock, A. M. September 3 o.__ _____ _ d To our Friends and the Public. The subscribers (successors of the late firm of Sower and S. Cole) respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they intend to con- tinue the business of AUCTIONIERS of Rooks, Maps, '.harts, Prints, Household and Kitchen Furniture, isp. and Lottery-Office Keepers, at No. If4 1-2, Market-street— They solicit the support of their friends and promise that all business committed to them as Auctionier.s shall be executed with the strictest promptitude anil fidelity. They will study particularly to make the best disposition of Orphan's property committed to their care. The public's Servants, COLE and I. BONSAL. Nov. 7 d George Thornburg, 207, Market-street, Has on hand, A large and elegant, assortment of 'SPLIT STRAW, CHIP & LEGHORN BONNETS & HATS, Where town and country, merchants can be supplied on the shortest notice, and most rea- sonable terms. Also, A handsome assortment of Plush Velvet. September 26._______tl_________ ToLet, -HAT elegant three-story Brick Dwell- ing House, formerly owned by Mr. Valk, in Pratt-street, with every convenient back build- ing adjoining thereto ; coach-house, stables, Uc. Possessionwillbegivenonthe llthof Oc- tober next. Also, A convenient and well-finished three-story Brick Dwelling House, in Water-street, ¦with or without stables. For terms, apply at No. 6, Calvert-street, W SMITH. September 2. d Dividend. THE President and Directors of the Union Bank of Maryland, have this day declared a dividend of Four per cent, on the capital stock •'¦ereof, for the half year ending- the 31st .slant, and the same will be paid to the stockholders, or their representatives, on or after Friday, 2d January, 1807. By order of the Board, R. H1GINBOTHAM, Cashier. December 29.______________________d4t 40 Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber on Sunday night last, a young negro, or dark mulatto man, ¦ named DICK, about 25 years of age, about 5 ,' feet four inches high, wen made, & very likely, •l«w mild speech and down look ; he is a good nailor, and tolerably good waiter. He took a quantity of cloathing witii him ; among which •Was, a superfine blue broadcloth oo.it, and olive I colored pantaloons, good hat, shoe, &c. It is eupsosed he is still in town. Whoever appre- hends said negro, and secures him in jail, ss that I may get him agara, shull receive the fcove reward- JOHN E. DORSEY. May 24. '¦ f-.S..|})tt_^ Thomtis Stacy, i«:>ster, SisS--^sSaSas Intended as a regular trader; part of her cargo being ready to go on board, she will sail about the 25th instant. For the remainder of freight, or passage, having ele- gant accommodations, apply to capt. Stacy, or WM. L. RICHARDSON, At Mr. fan. D. M'Kim's, 78, Market-Street N B The subscriber idtends going to New. Orleans in the above ship, to reside, and shall be happ ¦ to attend to any business intrusted to htm. WM. L. RIVHARDSON. November 14. i For Charleston (S. C.) r r ¦ , The fine, strong Danisf Brig ^W»®K.' FREUNDSCHAFT, J> Captain P. 0.«qiM»| 4jSS?-:. Will lake freight and psSBen* gers on very low terms, and sails in all th:s week. Apply to HAZLEHURST, BROTHERS & CO. or JOHN BOLTE, Ship Broker. December 15. d Plaister &c Oil. 90 tons Plaister of Paris, SO barrels Liver Od, received per schooner Amherst, for sale by THOMAS MARE AN, afl, Bowly's, wharf. Freight W anted, TO J NT PORT IN ¦: HE U. STATES, yjt-S- \ For the Schooner KJ__M^V AM H E R S T. p%Mj\^P Nathaniel Gl, s&, Statftl ; mSSISmSm Bui then goo barrels, two years qjd. Apply to the master on board, at Bow- ly's wharf, or as above. December 26. ________ d7i§ Freight wanted, To the Windward, West- India Islands, or for Nevi-Yi» k, v;TV For the Sloop teS^pV MARGARET, KS.jC&i^ Benjamin Edes, Master; ^i^s-^S&i A staunch strong vessel, bur- then about 6oo barrels and in 3 days will be ready to receive a cargo. Apply to the mas- ter oil board, at Smith's wharf, or to JOHN BUFFUM, 84, Bowly's wharf Who has received per said sloop, 100 boxes Codfish, 50 ditto Scale diUo. December 26,______________________i"Uk For Madeira, f JCies. The good Ship T^^SftSfs HOPE, lp*OC&^' Samuel W. Smith, master; -StlsJJisilfeGw*Part of her cargo being engag- ed, the remainder will be taken on moderate freight, if immediate application is made to JACOB ADAMS. ^December 27. dGt For Charleston, S. C. The Brig 1_|V_ C E R E S, \ ;'X.-..!r Captain Brown ; s Now lying at Bowly's wharf; she is a strong safe vessel, and h:-s good ac- commodations for passengers. Part of lier cargo being already engaged, she i? expected to sail in 6 or S days. Fur freight or passage apply to the captain on board, or to E- & T. FlivLEY. Received by the above vessel, 198 barrels prime New-York Beef, 13 pipes best 4th proof B.randy. Which will be sold low oft' the wharf. ____December 27._______________ d3t For Sale, A new SCHOONER, About 70 tons carpenter's mea- surement. She is bllilt ofgood materials, and has every ap- pearance of sailing fast. She has a cable and same rigging, which arejiew, probably to the amount of about 58,200. She is faithfully built, her bottom and_pciling of the best oak plank. For terms apply to REDMOND GRACE, 67» smith's »h:irf October 13. d JUNO, % ^atr Captain Herman Deviers ; '"-:—rrt*s Will sail with all possible dis- patch. Part of her cargo is already shipped on board ; the remainder will be taken on mo- derate freight. Apply to S. SMITH & BUCHANAN, on, JOHN BOLTE, Ship-Broker. November 21. <"'" For the Fiver Jade, Or Bremen, if the ]l~cser should hot be block- aded, ..r'Zx The Ship ' .'"V^'V EUROPA, & Captain Henry Mertheni; .,-. Part of hercargo being engag- ed, the remainder will be taken on moderate freight. Apply to SIMON BECKER, or JOHN TiOl.TE. August IS. eo For Si Ome Hundred Acres WOOL ANIL which will average from 35 to 40 cords per trie, about four miles frorn this city, contiguous to the Reisters-Town Turnpike Road. Enquire at this ofliee. Dec 15. , d!2t ......- ¦-------------------------—'....... ~— Fresh Raisins and Lemons. fast received for sale, 600 boxes fine fresh Bloom and Muscatel RAISIN i, and 15 chwis Malaga LEMONS. Also, A large and well chosen assortment of Gro- ceries, on the most liberal terms, wholesale and retail. WM. WOOD, 31, fcUdtimore -street N. B Just received direct from the town of Cheshire, in Massachusetts, of the neigh- borhood wjiere the Mamoth Cheese was made, about 700,) lb "of the fittest rich CHEESE, and for sale as above. December 27. d8t W, L & I. Barney Offer for sale, the cargo of the sno-w Paragon, I otleth, from Trieste, vita. 1907 boxes Castile Soap, tO ditto German Steei, 11 bales Corks, 13 cases Tumblers, 3 ditto Check), 3 ditto Bi-itanmas, 2 ditto Platillas, 1 ditto Listadoes, 1 ditto Diapers, 1 . itto Leather Linen, 1 ditto Od:mdinas, and '2 boxes Wax C;mdles. Also, 50,000 wt. Coffee,' and 30u0 wt. Sugar, -receivedper the schooner Hi nry, Graves, from St. Thomas's. December 27 d Cogniac Brandy, Raisins and MACKEREL. fast received for sale, 10 pines real Cogniac Brandy, from the house oc Otard, Dupuy and Co. • 150 barrels Fall Mackerel, 50 casks Raisins, 87 boxes Muscatel ditto, 90 ditto Brown Soap, 100 ditto Codfish, 50 ditto Spermaceti Candles. Apply to NATHANIEL F. WILLIAMS. December 26. No. 15, Bowly's wharf. _________ <14t|| The Subscriber HAVING commenced the FLOUR and GROCERY business at No. 116, North How- ard-street, opposite to Messrs. Isaac Philipss and Co. solicits the patronage of his friends, acquaintances and the public ip, general. THOMAS BAXLEY. December 16. Saw " stock: FOR Sale, either on long credit, or dis- count froin par, for ready money, 150 Shares Frederick town Turnpike Stock, 50 do Reister's town do. do. Enquire at this office. December 16. eo25t-or-tf Boarding. THREE or four Gentlemen can be sccern- modated wilh.Boarding, at No. 9, Shakspeare- street. December 24- eo4t|l Simon Becker, Corner of Pratt end Commerce-streets, has re- ceived by the late arrivals from Bremen, Platillas Royales, Rouans, Listados, Checks, No. 2, Checks and Stripes, White Rolls, O'snaburgs, Two and three bushels Bafts, Which he oilers for sale on accommodating terms. December 34. «o7t To be sold on moderate terms, A PLANTATION containing between 4 and 5 hundred acres of Land, one-half of which is heavily timbered, within 12 miles of Ual imore, and convenient to good naviga- tion ; there is no standing or stagnated water or marsh on the land ; it a fertile productive soil, and 100 acres of meadow may be made on this land. Merchandize would be, taken in part, if Suitable to the purchaser, and the terms for the remainder made convenient Also for sale, or to be rented fir 59 year*, renew- able for ever, 20 Wafer Lots, on the south side of the basin, lying from opposite toEilicotfs wharf, down the edge of the basin, to opposite. South- street. The Lots will be made Isirgc or small, to suit the purchaser or tenant. Apply to CHRISTOPHER HUGHES. December 57. d7t-eolm A. Richardson, No. 34, Market street, Has just received by the schooner Citizen, from ttew-Tort, 163 casks first quality Goshen Cheese, of the brand of B. Norton and Co. which will be sold on good terms. December 29 d3t-eo4t Bristol Goods Imported in the ship Canton, and for sale : viz. 9,938 bushels tine blown Salt; will be sold cheap if taken from along side the ship, 500 hampers London-shape Porter Bot- tles", 697 Grindstones, assorted, 2o crates well assorted Earthen-Ware, 12 crates Patent Vials, ! 300 boxe« Pipes, Best double Gloucester, Dolphin, N. Wilt- shire and-Pin« Aj^ile Cheese, 13 casks Phot, B.B & B, 10 Casks fine seine and sewing Twine, 100 kegs White Lead, ground in Oil, 4 bWs; dry White and Red Lead, Tin in boxes, Spades and Shovels, Sad Irons, Frying Pans, 40 boxes Crown Window Glass, 2 cases Pins, > I cask J e:i Kettles, and 41 casks N;iilti and Spikes, of all sizes. For terms apply to E. B. SMITH, No, 8, Commerce-street; Or, WILLIAM VANCE, Broker. December 29. d New Papcr-Hanging Store. ROBERT ELLIOT, No 7, North Charles.street, INFORMS his friends, and the public in genaral, that he has just received, and has now ready for sale, a large assortment of the most clegantPAPEn Hakcinos &. Borders,, from London, Paris and Boston ; amongst which are some of the most superb patterns of the new invented Spangled or Frosted pa- per. lie will always have a regular supply, and constant succession of the newest fashions, from Hurley's manufactory in Philadelphia. Me wijl superintend the hanging of his own papers, employ the best workmen, and ex- ecute all orders in town and country, with neatness, punctuality and dispatch. N. B. The American Papers he will sell at the manufacturer's prices. December 29. dlOt Fresh Venison and Saltpetnd Hams. The subscriber offers for sals, 30 saddles very fat Venison, 15,000 wt. saltpetred k well-smoaked Hams and Bacon, 1,000 gallons rich and well-flavored Cher- ry Bounce of his own making. Also, A quantity of Lard & Butter, winter strain- ed Spermaceti Oil, 1 Bid. of ftih proof real Irish Whiskey, very old, with a general as- sortment of LIQUORS and GROCERIES, which will be sold either wholesale or retail and on very accommodating terms, by FREDERICK: LEYPOLD, No. 61, N. Gay street, near Griffith's Bridge Deeember 29. d3t eo5t .its and Lemmons, fast received, 150 kegs fresh Raisins, entitled to draw- back, 100 boxes Bloom ditto, 15 boxes Malaga Lemons, 50 kegs Anchovies, for sale, by RICHARD KEYS & SON, 79, Bowly's wharf December 26. d6t German Goods. Imported in the brig Paragon, captain Evelith, from. Trieste, 18 cases fine Platillas, L5 ditto ditto Checks, 7 ditto ditto Britannia;, 6 ditto ditto Dowlas, 3 ditto very fine Shirting ditto, For sale on liberal terms, by LORMAN h FULFORD, and JOSEPH YOUNG. December 26. d Cheshire Cheese. fast received direct from, the tovm of Cheshire, in Massachusetts, from the neighborhood inhere the Matnoth Cheese was made, About 7000 lbs. of the finest rich Cheshire CHEESE, and for sale by WILLIAM WOODS. December 30. df.t Sweet Oil, &c. The'subscribers have just received and offer for sale at 64, Market-street, 150 cases SWEET OIL, 30 flasks each, 150 boxes, do. 12 bottles each, 50 bags old white COFFEE, for family use. The whole entitled to drawback. JACOB & WM. NORKIS. __December 30._________d.'5t-2aw3w A Stray Cow. CAME to the Plantation, of captain Wm. Stone, 18 miles from Baltimore, on the Fre- derick read, near Allen's mills, a small red COW, with tin- ends of both iioniB sawed of, and a swallow fork io both ears. The owner is requested to'proye property, pay-charges and take her away; WILLIAM STONE. December 2p. , dStlj Fresh Smyrna Figs. 80- boxes iu t received, for sale bv Ikll'iv.gs'woxth and Ifartbington, Count) 'wharf- Also for sale, A few hhds. very, fine St. Croix Sugars, Young Hyson and Hyson Skin Teas, Old white Coffee. December 31.__________dot [J Bristol Goods, Received per s/rp Canton, and fir sale by Hancock and N orris, 53 casks Nails, from 4-d to 2Qd, 8 ditto Sad Jrons, 1 ditto Vices, 2 ditto Iron Wire, assorted, 4 ditto Sail Tv.ioe, 2 casos Pins, 10 Anvils, 12 bundles long handle Frying Pans, 8 ditto Woldron's Scythe* Also received per shil> Sully, from Liverpool, A handsome assortment plated afBt'ltrhan.- nia metal Coffee and Tea Potts, Sic. December 31. dlSt 20 Dollars Reward. WAS stolen out of the waggon of the sub- sreiber, on the night of the 27tu November last, in a place called Hell-town, near Eiiicoti'a mills; Ismail bos marked Goldsmith Chand- lery AYi'ichester, Virginia, and containing'three dozen Watch Glasses, under 20 ; 3 dozen do. under 25 ; 1 dozen knots of Cat Gut ; 6 dozen' Clock: Bells ; 1 dozen Main-Springs ; 6 Clock Dials ; 19 sheeets of Brass ; a pair Dividers ; 3 doeen gilt Keys ; 3 dozen Hour.Hands ; 1- card of Gilt Chains ; 1 card Steel ditto ; 2 dozen Spirit Levels. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver the above articles to Messrs. Thomas and I Ed-, mondson, or to the subscriber, near Winches* ter, Virgmja. JOHN SOWARS. December 11. «o7t Gait H Thomas R iif importedin the Abeona, from. Liverpool, A pa>tofihei< Fall Goods, And have on hand, a quantity of SEW INO TWINE September 2. d6t-eo "India goodsT" fast received 40 bales consisting of Manioo(!i<-s, Emerties, Cossas, Sannahs, Baft as, Gurrahs, Sawns, Guzzenahs, Checks, Blue Emerties, &c. ALSO, 5 cases Bandanna Handkerchiefs, mostly scarlet and yellow, of a superior quality—For, sale by JOHN M. MINER, & CO. No. 66, Bowly's wharf. October T.O.______________ eo i"resh fruit, &c The subscribers have just received, ant! offer for sale, ' 70 boxes Muscatel and Bloom Raisins, 30 I egs ditto