Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Pt5^0T>'JxAZETT E~ THURSDAY. MM! IKY 1. The Eastern Mail had not arrived, when this paper was put to press. To the Patrons of the FEDEiiAL GAZETTE. The subscriber, having become Pro- prietor and Editor of the " Federal Gil- j %itts, and BiltUnarc Diilu Advertiser," \ deems it not improper th,at he'should, in respectful!}- approaching his ;iends and the public, declare to them, in the most . unequivocal terms, a fixed determination I relative to his editorial character. All the reasons why and wherefore the trans- fer of property has been made, have been distinct!v stated by his polite and ranch respected Predecessors. For their good opinion of their successor, volun- teered in advance, he returns sincere thanks : and,whilst blessed with superior health and youthful vigour to the one, and having a fortune far inferior to ei- ther, he w\ll use every exertion, of which hois eapahle.to gain'a rank equally eminent, in the puMjc estimation. It will.be. recoliecloil. that the consti- tution of the United States was not re- ceived without opposition, and that those p.-r.-onswbo advocated its principles and provisions, were denominated Federal- ists, /t is also well known, that this News-paper was established -,* a time •..hem the great Washington presided o- ver the councils of our country ; and that his labours were directed to give efiect to the important, objects for which the constitution was framed and adopted. These objects, as set forth in the instru- insn.tr itself, are,—" to form a more pcr- " foci, union ; insut e domestic tranquili- " iy ; provide for !.:¦ co.m'.iwii defence; . " promote the genenjl welfare, and to ** secure the 'blessings of liberty to our- *' selves and our posterity'." To aid, in an bumble degree, the labours of Wash- ingtoii, and to support the principles of the islitufion, this journal was insti- tuted : hence it received the- appropriate title of Fr.nr.ttAi,. Such was lli.u origin of this paper and its title, Tfe present Editor has found it tiriw, and decidedly Federal ; such sbali it. continue, whilst in his pos- session : For he feels a conviction, daily strengthened by facts, that without effi- cacious arrangemints to maintain " a t perfect union,' iVertrtnent nms;. 1 sink-into nerveless imbecility, and fa!' to pieces; that wituout, energetic mea- sures to " insure dOttie.itic tranquility," oursoii will not. fail to generate Cpesars I . srul Syllas ; that frthobt a speedy re- Course to means catulated to protect our property at home,, and procure respect abroad, " the geneml welfare" cannot be " promoted ;" and that, without, provi- sions adequate to " he common defence '» neither our cartstitmon, nor " the blessings of liberty," can be secured, to ourselves, or to our posterity. These are theobj cts, to promote which this Gazette was established. By these, have the former Epitors directed their course : and, with the same objects in view, and with thj same principles to animate, the present Editor* pledges him- self to conduct, witbjhis best, ability, the charge committed tohis czre. The Editor's prac'ical knowledge of the printing busines, and correct .infor- mation of the assidiity requisite in so great an undertaking, lias taught him to weigh well the task, jjreviousto entering on this arduous duty: He has therefore made such arrangements as will enable him to meet the uthoat wishes of his subscribers. In order to insure the suc- cess of his plans, Mr. Yundt, senior member of the late irm, has obligingly consented to continue his clme attention to the business. Thus ably seconded, by ¦ punctual and experienced friend, the liditor is encouraged to hope for that. candour and liberality, which can alone crown with success any honourable enter- prize. With this solemn pledge, thus freely given, he hopes for a happy result, and respectfully solicits a continuance or the extensive patronage which the Ga. aette lias thus far received. JOHN HEWES. Counterfeiters Detected. Oh Saturday night last, Francis M'Collis- ter and Luther Calender Parker, were surprised in their bede at Weathersfild, Vt. and a number of counterfeit plates found on them, viz.—Of a one dollar bill cf Troy Bank ; of a three dollar bill of Cheshire Bank ; of a five dollar bill of Pennsylvania Bank, not quite finished, and a number of others partly finished—a considerable num- ber of bills finished, & a .large supply of pa- per. On Sunday morning, a fellow of the Wiswall, was also taken, who had in his possession 220 bills »f SmicWield Bank, of the denomination of 5 dollars, afrCMMtw- feit. They were taken befoi'tf-justice Hatch) and ordered to recognise, Parker in 2000 dollars ; M-OoHister if. 1300 ; and Wihw.iII, j in 700. The plates we're well execute : no dolibt many are in circulation. A four dollar bill of the Portsmouth 'Sank, ex- i tremely well executed, was. found among the others ; but no,plates. \_Keene, N. B. Cent.I William Somervill, esquire, of Calve;* j county, i3 elected a senator' of this state, j vice Thomas Duckett, esq. deceased. On the 5th December, in the house of re- j preventatives, of South-Carolina, Mr. B. > JJuger reported a bill, entitled, a bill to pre- vent negro slaves, and other persons of co- lor from being brought into or entering this state, and for other purposes therein men- tioned ; which was read a first time, and ordered to a second reading on Monday, the 8th ultimo. Married last evening, by the Rev. Mr. Glendy, captain Joseph Bounds, to Mrs. Ann Alarm Danniels, both of this city. Con -ress of the United Stales. MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Wed-nesoay, December 31, The speaker laid before the house a letter from the secretary of the treasury, enclos- ing a, report in obedience to a resolution of the house of the 18th' instant, [respecting the direct tax, submitted by general Staun- ton, for which, see Federal Gazette of the ipth instant.] A petition was presented from the manu- facturers of glass in Albany, (N. Y.) which was referred to the committee of commerce and manufactures. Mr. Holmes presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of Nanjemoy, (Md.) praying that the port of entry may not be removed from that place. Referred to the committee of the whole house, to whom was referred the bill changing the name of the district from Nanjemoy to that of St- Mary's, &c. Mr. Clinton presented petitions from sun- dry inhabitants of the city of New-York, praying for the fortification of that harbor, which was referred to the same committee t0. whom was referred the former petition on the subject, The " Bill making; appropriations, for the support of the military establishment of the United States for the year 1S07," was read a third time and passed. The house proceeded to consider the amendments of the committee of the whole to the "Bill to prohibit the iipportation of slaves into the United States, after the 31st December, 1807." The first amendment agreed to by the committee was, to .strike dui that paift of the 1st section which de- a. breach of the law to bkfeCeity, and .inflicts the punishment of death, and to provide in lieu thereof, that persons .con- . cvavening the provisions of the law. slioulo be guilty of r\ high misdemeanor, and be Sub. ¦ject to Jaic and imprisonment. This amendment occasioned considerable debate, which was opencned by Mr. Sloan, 'who hoped that the amend menl would not be agreed to. He then in a' studied speech of some length, entered into of inconsistency, in thus departing from the a view of the slave 'trade, and dwelt much on the magnitude of the crime. !»• wished the punishment of death to he inflicted on persons contravening the provisions of the laws. Nothing, he contended, pculd induce any person to engage in this abominable traf- fic but the sordid principles of avarice, which, they attempted to gratify, contrary to the law of the country. He might be accused peaceable principles of his profession ; but he wished all punishments to be proportion- ate ; and many offences of less magnitude than this, were punished with death. But it would perhaps be said that this crime did not constitute murder;, if so, the histories* which he had read, were very far from the truth ; for they informed him, that many of those unfortunate people died on the pas- sage. Was not this, murder, and murder of the deepest die ? According to the Mosaic law, any man stealing another, and selling him, was to be punished with death : If this were just, and he -hoped no person would deny that it was, the same punish, ment should be inflicted in this case. But it was urged, that if this crime should be pu- nished, with death, it would not be c into execution: he should be very sorry to believe this to be the fact; but he did not ; he hoped there was not :i jury to be found in the United States who would acquit a man guilty of such a crime. Several other members spoke on the same side, when Mr. Lloyd (of Md.) s;;id that the arguments drawn from the punishment of death inflicted on man-stealing, by the law of Moses, was not applicable to the pres on case ; but much as he abhorred those engag- ed in the slave trade, justice ought to be done them. Any person 'acquainted with the history of Africa, knew, that the peo pie taken from that country where not sto_ ten, but purchased. Three-fourths of the inhabitants of that country were said to be slaves, either by descent or con. quest : and they were accordingly; sold__ In framing punishments for crimes, regard should be' had to the jury who were to try them ; and in the southern fates a law in- I flic'iugacapita! punishment would notbe ex. 1 eouted ; the people of that seofio'n of-tb? union wove not in the habit of considering the importation of slaves as a felony, so ;',,..- a jurywould conceive th# punishment too severe for the offence. The Mosaiac law which had been qibted^pnld not apply in this country : Under thVjewjsh rKspe'risation, all punishments were considered as merely tem- poral; and he did hot believe there was a Single passage in the Mosniao law, which held out an idea of a future state. \t was a different case at present ; under the CM is- tian dispensation,, we had to answer for par actions to our God. And after all, did the severe punishments inflicted on the Jews, answer the end desired ? No, they turned out to be the most abandoned people on earth. And look at (3. liritain ; did the numerous gibbets erected in that country to prevent highway robberies, appear to dimi- nish the practice ? They certainly did not, and robberies were often committed in sight of the very places. He was, there- fore, opposed to annexing capital punish- ment in every case. Moderate penalties would have a better effect, as was found to be the case in Pennsylvania, where murder of the highest degree only was punished with death. After some further debate, the question was taken by ayes and noes on concurring with the amendment made in committee of the whole, and it was agreed to, ayes 63 ; noes 53. The further consideration of the bill was postponed 'till Friday. Mr. Holmes, from the committee of claims, reported a bill for the ri lief of cn.pt- Geoige Little, which was read twice and referred to a committee of the whole on Frr day. At about ton minutes before 4 o'clock:, the house adjourned till Friday morning. Mayor's Office 22d Decembsh, 1806. WHERE AS the cvilciislom of firing gims on Christmas eve, aud 1 n the eve of the yenr, has be fore practised by many idle and imliscreet persons, in direct violation of one of the ordinance* of t! e city of Balti- more, And to the ^reat -.- of the riti- zt os thereof; I do then-fTe hereby especially enjoin the city consta,hfes, and city uotchmen, to be active and viroant in rtetectirijf and ap. prrmending all pro-sons committing so wilful' a breaeai of law, am! the citnrcfgj oi Baltimore are, earnestly Msqiicated.to afford thiyi' assist- ance io the public oiiieers, in ordei1 ibat ail 8 11 b u -0.1st the Kv.', ill" peace, and lie good order of the city, t»«y-be brought to pumslmiejjt. THOPOWGO- '1) SMITH, M'tyur tj the eitj <•! liattiv.are [ 11 (I3t • PosiHOffice ;''i"tore, Dfxembrr 27th, i8ofi. Letters for the British Packet V/rndsor Cas- tle- for ahfiOUtb direct ivill be reechoed at this c:(ficr, Until Ik V past 7 o'clock, A. M. 0:1 Sum! iv the .\th tf January next. l.HARLkS BURRALl. P. .?. The inland postage to New-York, must be paid on. all letters for the Packet. December 37, d sap^a&e Insurance Office, January 1, 1807.. ' Toe Stockholders in the CKSaPEAKE rKSURANC^ COrviPA>,Y, will please to Cake notice, thai by tlujir charter of ihcorpora- : ey are required to renew the notes for respective •hares in said company, in the month of January in every year, with the same, or two other such indorsers as the direct- tors for the time being may require S<,approve. A'ol that on the first Monday of February n •,' in election will be held- at their office f >i' thirteen directors of the said company for the eusuijjgyear, conformably to si.ic! cbarte* • ) AMES CALHOUN, President. January I. _ Th-Sc-M-lm State of" Maryland, Montgome- ry County, to yvit: November Term, 1806. AMONG other things is the following to wit : ORDSREDby the court, that all suits trans, mitted from the gener ,1 court to this court, un- der the act of assembly, entitled, an act to provide tor the organization ind regulation of" the courts of common law in this state, and for tiie administration of justice, and continued last court under the rule to employ new coun- sel, shall not continue lunger than the end of t';e next court, under the s dd ru'e ; and The suitors interested therein are hereby required to, appear to the same, in perfeon, or by coun- sel, on or before the second day of next term, or the same will be tried or discontinued as the case, may be, during' the ssid term-. Copy. Test, Ul'TON BEALL, Clerk, Montgomery county court, Tannarv 1. lawl/t . John E. Rigdern No. 2','8, Market-street, /fax just received, by the Oraz tubo, from Liver- pool, asd other recent arrival* front, tindgtaiul, A large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of-various constructions, Mantle and common Clocks, A revy choice selection of Jewelry, and Silver articles, Silver and Tortoise Shell Spectacles, !-.ottd m fancy Pocket Hooks and Purses, P! -.ted Ware and Cutlery, Gilt Seals, G'.ass do. Chains and Keys, Silk Strings, &e. &e. A vajlety of Fancy Articles, llot'.ers' How Strings, » V very extensive assortment of Clofk and Witch-maker's toois and niaterrats, Clock movements and Dials, Sets of Pinions and forged Work, N. B. Those articles have been carefully selected^ and are direct from the moniifacto- l'ie», and will lie sold at very reduced prices, by the -quantity. ' j.-nm.o"- 1 d lNuaee.. T,HE Subscriber is under the necessity of petitioning to-tbene-ct C!iai-!es cour.tv court to be released from debts, )w :s ¦¦.:: I tp pry. SAMUKb BAXTER. January 1 ' eo :,o vT'^s'left at the subscriber's '::-.'. tl.ES', on the ?.'A November hist, a . ;, about 14 ban Is high, maiked tvi'tlv three wliit/s feet, bald lace j'a glass eyed, tor a ;.- ¦ its man wlio h is i q kuo of on. The owner is requested to come prove proper-,;-, pay charges, and tnke iiim otherwise be will be soil to pay Ids expellees. JAMES BRtDEN. January 1. d6t "Were " left at the store of the SUnSCRIBEHS, by the captain r.f the'schf. Citizen, fi'o'.n New-York, three barrels, said to contain apples. The owner is desired to call and prove property, pay charges., and take them aw v. WKELAN & LATJItENSON. January 1. il3t Anne-Arundel County Court, September trr~v,, loJ6. RULED by tire court, that all soils trans mitted from the general court, to this court, under the act of assembly, entitled an act to provide for tire organisation and regulation of the courts of common law in this state, and for the administration of justice, and continued last court, under the ruie to employ new counsel, shall not continue longer than to the end of the next court, under the said rule, and the suitors interested therein, are hereby required to appear to the same in person or by counsel, on or before the second dry of next term, or the same will he tried or discontinued, as the case maybe, durinp'the said-term. Ordered by the court, that tiie said rule be published in the Maryland Gazette, of j\nua- polis,andtbe Federal Gazette of the city of Baltimore, once a fortnight for six months. By order, NICHOLAS HARWOOD, Clert. October 14. »2VV13t For Sale, And worthy of attention, THE Subscriber being in the decline of life, and desirous of withdrawing from busi- ess, now offers for sale the following' VALUA- BLE PROPLll'l'X, occupied by him, King in the centre of Chtetertown, Kent county, state of Maryland, viz. That valur'dile LOT OF GHOl.'ND, at the comer of liigh, «nd Princess-street, 198 feet on the former, and lt3/, feet on the latter, on which are err-ected the following buildings i A two-story frame House, neyr occupied as a store, 50 feet on nigh-street, and 24 feet on Princess street, weather-boarded with \sft- low poplar, dry cellar under the whole, and an excellent garret-with ten dormant windows. A two-story Granary or Warehouse, 75 feet by 33 feet—mi extensive garret with six dor- mant windows A two-story brick House, 4*5 feet by 32 feet, with a inrt-e airy passage in the centre, well-finished, &. adry collar under the whole- adjoining which is a two-story frame Kitchen, 33 feet by 18 feet, with a room for a house- keeper or nursery below, ami bed-chambers above. A Stable with nine stalls for horses and cows, a Carriage-House, Smoke-House, lien House, Stc. &c. and an excellent Garden, with a pump therein. Also, a two-acre Lot of Ground, now in timothy. The above improvements are faithfully built anil in good repair ; and thii very valuable pro- perty is worthy of attention, and will be sold on moderate terms. Any person, desirous of purchasing, may oppiy to WILLIAM BA- iviUt or ISAAC BURNESTON, Baltimore ; JOHN KENARD or LAMBERT W, SPENCER, Easton; or to the subscriber, on the premises. WILLIAM BURNESTON. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to PHILIP F. RA- S.IN it CO. are earnestly requested to pay their respective accounts, or close the same by bond or note, before the first day of January next. Those whose accounts may be standing open at that date, may expect them to be placed in the hands of an attorney. PHILIP F. RASIN & CO. August 2a _ e2W ' For Sale. TWO valuable unimproved LOTS, situate no the south side of Lexington street, be- tween Howard and North streets.. Enquire of OWEN DORSEY. December 22. d3t-2aw4w Agreeable Present FOR THE NEW YEAR, Just received from Philadelphia, &for sale by George Hill, The American Ladies' POCKET BOOK, Par fhtt Tear Rigkteen Hundred and Seven, CONTAINING An Almanac, Ruled page's for Me- morandums, ; Observations and En- gagements; Also, for accounts re- ceived, paid or lent, for every dav in the year, Singular mode of tra- velling in Lapland, Selected Poetry, New and celebrated Songs, Marketing and other useful tables, With an elegant engraved Frontispiece, i-Wce75 cents, and in Morocco, 125 cents. ALSO, THE GENTLEMAN'S 1 Annual Pocket Remembrancer, For the Tear Jii^liteen Hundred and Seven, containing An Almanac, Kuled pages for Me- morandums, observa- tions, engagements, & for a cash account, Government of the U. S. Executive, Legis- lative and Judiciary Departments at the Seat of Government, General Establish- ments, Duties on Goods im- ported, Correct List of the Na- vy and Army, A number of useful Tables, &c. Price 75 cents, and in Morocco 125. Likewise, 20 bnrre'is Long-Island New-town PIP- PINS, selceterr on purpose for familv use, and expected every hour by the Fortitude, oaptain Holmes, from New-York. December 23. eol2 By order of'the Orphans'' Court- October Term, 1806. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT the subscriber of the city of Balti- more, hath obtained from the orphans'court of Baltimore county, in Maryland, letters of administration on the estate of Felix Caune, late of said, county. All persons having claims against the said Felix Caune, are hereby warn- ed to exhibit the saitie, with the vouchers (.hereof, to the subscriber, at or before the 10th April next; they may otherwise hy law, be excluded from alt benefit ofthe said estate ; and all persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber. Given under my hand, this 3d day of December, 1806. HENRY MESSQNNIER, Jdm'-r. To R-ent. A 'ot,-!""v 2-story Brick Mr '¦ ^KHOl'SE . ¦'. I. VR, withiconvenient Back-bui d-' ll in rompU—t ortler, sti cc»m. iunilv, with i ,; imp of excel- lent water at tliedooi, and the use ol n I: rg-i va- cai '. I it adjyuurig. . It is an exec I! , the Hour and grocery business, Suvopposite the French seminary and convenient to the New market Bos$essio r may be leol on the 1st of November. For terms, apply at No. 193, Mar- ket street. October f>. eo3t-2aw Just arrived, In the brig Ann, Jamw Vinson, master, 6C1 r.Si» tan<,tii£ at , i:r ivkarf, 100 hogsheads ;.;u id iyluscoyadb Sugar,- lo7bags best green Coftee, Also, 46 hogsheads Clayed Sugar, received by the schooner John and Elcy. THOS StSAML HOLLING'SWORTH December ''• .Looking Glasses-. GEOPGK SMITH, GAPS-VHP AND G1LDKR, No. 174, o! miket-sth eet, Baltimore. MAKES all Hinds of Looting.Glass and> Picture frames, oval or square, from the plain- est to the richest pattern ; Gilt Cornices ; Giroiuloles -, Pier Tabl s ; rich Brackets lor Clocks and Glass Lustres, ,xe. xc. and all sorts of Venetian Blinds Smith has al ways for sale, fashionable Look, ing Glasses and elegant Prints. Captains of vessels arm o'hers, thidinjg to the West-In- dies, will bud their advantage in taking ven- tures of the above ix: %vx\ \ Caracas Cotton, 71 reroons of the very first quality, just M» ceiv.rd, and tor sale by J.'. HOFFMAN & SON. December 27. eo8t Fresh qsj GRAPES, Sec. Just received for sale, at No, 64, Mai bet-street, 400 boxes os lei and Bloom Raisins, 100 jars Malaga Grapi a, 200 boxes rich Goshen Cheese, nlcelv CO. lored. JACOri k WM. NORRIS. In store, 3000 lb. realZant furrants j 150 1b. Fresh Mace j 50 lb. real Citron ; 16 casks London refined Saltpetre ; 50 boxes warranted and common Chocolate ; Olives, Capers and An- chovies, in boxes : Butter in firkins and kogs •, Bordeaux Oil, in baskets, of 12 bodies each ; and boxes of 30 flasks each ; Spermaceti Oil, in casks, and by retail; 100 half boxes 1st chop Segal's ; French Fruit in brandy, 12 bottle! in a box ; 1000 baskets Tables.*; Holland Gin, in pipes ; real Cogniac Brandy, in long*pipes, old and fit for immediate use ; 50 kegs Virj^J n'tAmanufactured Tobacco, 6twists to theib. recommended to retailers ; Imperial, ilvson, To. December 3. i^Wi s«U