Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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MFIMi Seven Dollars per Annum.] MONDAY; FEBRUARY 2, 180? Sale by Auction. The real estate of Dr Robert Pottengu, deceas- ed, lying in Prince George's comity, and state of to and nd, about Jive miles from Queen Anne, and iver.tr from (SeorgeTamn ; con- taining between eight hundred and a thousand acres of Land. THIS" v<ia&le Property is situated in the heart of that rich and well known tract of country, called the Forest of Prince George's, and is indisputably among'the most fertile and best improved places in the state. The s lie will be made on the premises, en Wednesday, the J6th of February next, if fair, if not, on the first fair day thereafter, at 11 o'clock, in conformity to a decree of the •di court of Chancery "(the estate not ad- King of a division among the representa- tives of .the deceased) ; and the certainty which the subscriber feels, that those who arc inclined to become nurchasers, wilWview the premises before the day of sale, renders any further description of them unnecessary. The pnrchnse money must be paid, in four equal annual instalments, the purchaser giv- ing bond with approved security for the pay- ment of each instalment, with interest there- on, annually, from the day of sale. On the the purchase money, with the interest thereon, a conveyance will be made 10 the- puroifeaser, by the subscriber, in vir- tue of, and pursuant to, the said decree. THOMAS BUCHANAN, Trustee. January 21. dtl'tld'|| William Wilson & Sons HAVE FOR SALE, An invoice of GOODS, particularly select- ed for tha East-India market, and 30 tons of Russia Iron, the whole entitled to drawback, and will bt disposed of on very moderate- terms. ' They have also on hand, Irish Linefl*. Lawns and Checks, Holland and Russia Canvas, Ravens Duck, Best clean Russia Hemp, and German Steel. , January 27 N The Ship POWHATAN, Thomas IV. Norman, master , JL ¦MST^-.:- - /'' -¦¦ For passage only (having good accommodations) applv to the master on board, or LEMUEL TAYLOR. January 29. __________________d6t____ For Bordeaux, The Brig SALLY, '\'ff\> Captain Chase ; tsm About twp-thirds of her car- go being engaged the remainder will be taken on moderate freight. Apply to JOHN BOLTE, Ship-Broker. January 10. _________________ d For Bremen, The Bremen Ship UNTE RNEHMUNG, J. B. Wendt, Master » Part of her cargo is engaged, the remainder will be taken on moderate freight. Applv to GEO. REFOLD & F. WAESSHE. or, JOHN BOLTE, Ship-Brcker. December 24. __________(° For Amsterdam*, ¦ ¦¦ . tv The Ship V I R G I N, __& William Auld, master, :L.;-*%- Will commence loading im- mediately, and sail with all possible dispatch. For freight apply to the subscribers. J. OGLEBY & D. WINCHESTER. DANIEL HOWLAND. Jan. 16______ .___________%.% For Bremen, The fine fast-sailing Bremen Ship BELLA, Captain I. C. Kuleniamp, Has a considerable part of her cargo engaged. For freight, apply to S. SMITH & BUCHANAN, OR, D. L. THOMAS, Ship-Broker. November 20.____________________«£_ For New-York, r_-pv^ The Schooner *T?Ji£m: FORTITUDE, XjS^S Abraham Lociman, master ; -.;;._, a regular trader with fine ac- commodations for passengers^ One half her cargo being engaged, is expected to sail in a few days (weather permitting) ; for freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at FeH's-Point, or to ISAIAH MANKIN. Who has received by said vessel, 50 qr. casks superior Sherry Wine, And per schooner Fe sera! George, from Boston, 53 boxes Codfish, in lice shipping order. On hatd, 150 boxes nice White Codfish, 300 kegs Pickled Salmon. 250 do. Tongues and Sounds, 35 bbls fat Makeral, 20 do. Boston Beef, No. 1, 20 do. do 2, 20000 wt. Glauber Salts, in barrels, 17 phests Young Hyson Tea, 2 do Imperial do. _j pipes 4th proof Cogniac Brandy, 4 do. 1st do. Holland Gin, 5 do. red Aloque Wine, 8 qr. casks Cuerry Bounce 170 casks first quality Raisins, 6 hhds good Muscovado Sugar, 4-0 bbls. excellent Cyder Vinegar, 1 bale of Cloths, assorted, 1 do. Kerseys, ditto, 1 do. Rose Blankets, 1 case Cotton Cambrics, A quantity of Sugar Moulds, Sec. &C Which will be sold on liberal terms. January 20. d4t-tl0t Lorman and Fulford, Offer Jot tale, received per the ship Leda, cap- tain Spear, from New-Tori, 401 boxes Castile Soap, entitled to draw- back, 14 tierces of Alum, 5 do. Copperas, 20 cases Sulpber, 17 casks Spanish Brown, 117 bbls. prime Pork, And a quantity of English Coal. On hand, Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson Skin Teas," of the latest importations. J anuary 5.__________________________ d _ Fred'k Lindenberger &c Co. 200, Market street, Have imported per the Diana, and other late ar- rivals from Liverpool, A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Hardware, Cutlery & Saddlery. On hand, from firmer importations. Patent Shot, Tin, Sheet Iron, Crowley Steel, Flat Point Nails, Bar Lead, October 31. Pewter, in casks, Sewing Twine, Crown Window Glass, Spades and Shovels, Frying Pans, &c. &c. Notice is hereby given, TO the Voters of the Western Precincts, that an Election will be held at Chamberlain's Tavern, on Monday, the second day of Feb- ruary next,, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning, and 5 in the afternoon, purpose of electing ny ballot, seven Commis- sioners of the Western Precincts Market, sijireeabb/to an act of assembly in that case provided. OWEN 3DORSEY, ~> Ji JN. BANKM V of the HE '.i.E Sl'UURIEROElection. Jam!;;, dot Overseer Wanted. A Person is wanted as Overseer to a plan- tation, well stocked, and hands Sufficient to work. He will be received either on wages or on shares — A. married man would be pre- ferred, who can be well recommended. Ap- plv at this.office. January 28. ___________ dlSt Tennessee Cotton. TWENTY ha'es, about 6000 wt. of Ten- nesce COTTON, of superior quality, for sale by HAWKINS & ClAGGETT. January 23._______________________dlOt Received From New-Tori, per schooner Fortitude, captain Lociman, 50 chests Hyson Skin TEA, of the Beaver's cargo. For sale by C. GHEQUIERE & H. KUNCKEL. Who have on hand, Young Hyson and Souchong Teas, of an excellent quality, About 300 Demijohns, of about 4 1-2 gal- lons, Bohemia Window Glass, 10 by 12, and 8 by io. t Also, A quantity of Canada Racoon Skins, and Beaver, of a superior qualtity. January 23___________________________dBt A isl A U T For the punishment of Forgtrjl and for other purposes. WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, that the crime of forging bank notes and negotiable notes hath greatly increased, and the punishment already provid- ed by law,not btinglhought sufficient to pre- vent the commission of the crime, for reme- dy thereof BE it enacted by tiie general assembly of Ma- ryland, That any p ?rson who shall w ith a Frail - anient intent, employ an artist to engrave or etch any plate, in imitation of the note or notes of any established hank within this slate, or of any bank which may hereafter be established within this state, or which are orwraybees tablished by law in any of the United Stales, or any person engaged in engraving or etching such plate or plates, or any person in any man- ner engaged in striking impressions from such plate orplates, or any person who shall affix to such notes, fraudulent or forged signatures, or any person who shall be in any maimer concerned in the altering, forging or counter- feiting, any note of any banknow existing with. in this state, or of any bank which may hereaf- ter be established in "this state, or any person who may pass within this state, forged or counterfeited notes (knowing them to he such) purporting to be the genuine notes of a bank regularly constituted within any of the United States, or any person who may pass as genu- ine any note purporting to be a note of a bank which' does not exist, or shall pas's as genuine negotiable notes, anj forged or counterfeited negotiable note or paper whatsoever, or who shall erase or allerany genuine negotiable note or neg (stable paper, or any endorsement there- upon'; or shall tender in payment, or in any- way utter, any such erased, altered, or coun- terfeited note or notes, or negotiable paper (knowing such bill or note, or negotiable pa- per, or the endorsement thereon, to be alter- ed, forged, counterfeited, erased or falsified) with intention to defraud the said bank or banks, or any other person, shall be adjudged a felon, and shall oe condemned to death with- out benefit of clergy.___January 8 <130t To our Fnerids and the Public. The subscribers (successors of the late firm ofSowerandS. One) respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they intend to con- tinue the business of AUCTIONEERS ol Books, Maps, Charts, Prints, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. and Lottery-Office Keepers, at No. 171 1-2, Market-street— They solicit the support of their friends and pi-miise that all business committed to them as Auctioniers shall be executed with the strictest promptitude and fidelity. They will study particularly to make the best disposition of Orphan's property committed to their care. The public's Sen anti . COLE and I BONSAL. Nov. 7_______________________________d_ John Hewes, Late pvbltsiiuii of the Companion, HAVING disposed of his former Printing Office, to Joseph Robinson, requests all per- sons indebted to him to make payment at the office of this Gazette. January 3. ___________^^__ d Stock and Stand. JEREMIAH HOFFMAN, intending to decline his present businsss, will dispose of his stock on hand, which is a choice and excellent one, on advantageous terms for the purchas- er. The stand, which is a first rate one, and well established for fifteen years, can be se- cured to the buyer of the stock. January 6. d M AMMOT^CHEESE- IN MINIATURE. THE subscriber lias on hand, a quantity of the Richest CHESHIRE-'! 'OWN CHEESE, made in the ncijjiiborhood where die Mam- moth Cheese was made, for sale, with a choice assortment of GROCERIES, at No. 31, B«. timore-street. W. WOODS. January 7-__________________________ d Notice is hereby given, THAT I intend to apply by petition to Bal- timore county court, or to some one of the judgesthereof, lo release me from debts w iich I am unable to pay, agreeably to an act of as- semblv, passed at November session, 1805, entitled " An act for the relict of sundry in- solvent debtors, and a supplement thereto, passed at November session, 1806 HUGH SANDS. January 26. (22.) eo2n> To Him who has It ! WAS left at a Public House, not many hundred mile's over Market street Bridge, on Sunday evening last, a Green Silk Umbrella, (nearly new) with a small piece broken off the ond of the crook. The present possessor is we'd known to the owner, and is earnestly requested to send it to this Office, before Wednesday next, otherwise be may hear of something to his tf&adt ar.tige. J anuary _>_.., *St Wanted to Purchase, An active and healthy NEGRO BOY, of a good character, between 16 and 20 years of age. For such an one a liberal price will be given Apply at this office. Jan. 30. eo4t b* 30,000 wt. of Connecticut CHEESE, (rood quality, 200 bids.'Beef, 100 do. Pork, 150 boxes Mould Candles, 50 do. Spermaceti do. 50 bbls Mackeral, 5 pipes 4th proof White Span- ish Brandy, 5 do. rest Cogniac do. 2 do. Holland Gin, 4 hales Baftas, 1 case Bandana HkTs, Spanish Flotant, Bengal, and Carolina In- digo, Hyson and Young Hyson Tea, and a few boxes Dumb Fish. For sale by CU13ILRLAND D. WILLIAMS. January :>-). ______ eo5i.|[ Stray Calf. CAME to the Subscriber's house-, living near the Presbyterian Meeting House, Oid- Town, a small white and red CALF, 4 months old Whoever want-: information, may have it, by applying at George Hui Tan-Yard, on the Causeway. N B The owner is desired to prove pro- perty, pay charges, and take it away. JOHN CASH'jWt'.li. January 28 p.oSt ii :tray Co'vvs. Came to the subscriber's plantation, near Peter File's Mill, four Cows, of the following description : one a brown, with wliite on her belly and without ear marks ; one a red, with a white forehead, and a s!i> m the left ea;- ; one a white and red, with a slit in each ear ; and a briildle with while in her forehead, and •¦ marks. Tiie owner or owners arc desired to propert,, pay charges and take them away. ELIZABETH W'AYTS. January 23: eo3b$ The undersigned About 10 daes since, notified in the public papers, the l-'ss of three proiin-.ory notes, bear- ing the sign..tures of James Sterling, John Reinikcr, and Henry ami Georjre Gassaway They proved to have been mislaid and are now recovered ; the object «f t] lotice is for the purpose o; doing away any effect.the former " Caution" could have produced. AMOS WEST. January 31- _____ d-it Land for Sale. THE Subscriber (in virtue of a decree of the honorable die chancellor of Maryland, mails in the cause of Robert Fergusson t. S. Lticket) will on Friday, the 2"7tt) day of Fe- bruary next, at 12 o'clock, sail at the court- house of Charles county, in the stale of Ma- ryland, to the highest bidder, all the estate and interest of Samuel L .cket, of the said count), i;, and to all those tracts or parcels of land, l^ing in Durham Parish, and county aforesaid, called Lucket's Slipe, Lucket's Hazard, Lucket's. Addition, and Lucket's Chance, containing by estimation, four hun- dred acres ; and m and to another tract or par eel, lying in the said Parish, called Frog's Nest, containing about one hundred & twen- ty-five acivs. The terms of sale, prescribed by the de- cree, are, that the purchaser or purchasers pay the purchase money on the day of sale, or up the day of tin: ratification thereof, by the chancellor, whicli, if ratified, shall be jast five weeks from the subscribers's report ol the said .sale —And on obtaining the chancellor's ratification of the said sale, and onpaVirrgthe whole 61 the purchase money, the subscriber shall execute a deed to the purchaser or pur- chasers in fee simple, conveying to him or them all the right, titie, and interest of the said Samuel Lucket, free and disciiared of all the claim of the said Robert Fergusson and nd Samuel Lucket, The ..aid lands will lie either sold.entiro, or divided so as to suit purchasers. CLEMENT OoaSfiV, Trustee. Janua.:'}' 29. ___________________ No Lice. THE Subscriber lias taken out letters of administration on the estate of captain James Norman, late of the city of Baltimore, de- : ; requests all persons having claims Bt the deceased, to bring them in legal- ly authenticated—and those indebted, to make immediate payment to Mr. Charles Robinson, who is fully authorised to settle tliesatne. THEOPH1LUS NORMAN, Adm'r. January 26, eo4t-2w4t|| Edward Johnsun tk Co. INFORM their friends Sc the public, that they are well stocked with, and now ready to deli- ver, STRONG, TABLE, and SMALL BEE R. January 2. Saw To Rent. THE subscriber oilers lo rent, for one or more years, the place he usually occupied as a summer retreat, about three quarters o, a mile from the city, on Baltimore-street ex- tended. The buildings are a convenient two-story dwelling house, with two rooms on each floor, and a passage in the centre ; a kitchen, spring house, stable and carriage house : the lot con- tains upwprds of 4 acres, apart in clover and timothy , a large garden which has been in cultivation for several years, and contains a variety of shrubbery .- on the premises, is a thriving orchard of more than loo apple trees, with a variety of bearing' trees of peaches, cherries, pears, plumbs, he. 8tc. Tiie convenience and eligibility of this pro- perty requires no recommendation : to an ap- proved tenant the terms will be accommodat- ii g. For terms apply to JAMES M'CANNON. A!.SO, For sale, four acres Land under good fense, nearly adjoiningthe above property, it extends from Baltimore-street to Pratt-street, and fronts on each about two hundred leet. Fcr terms apply as above. January 31. *C-4w [Vol. XXVI—No. 3961. FORTY BALES Tennessee COTTOM, FOR SALE BY TALBOT JONES. J ,io u ary "11.______________ c'' _ - For Sale. TWO valuable unimproved LOTS, situate no the south side of Lexington street, be- tween Howard and North streets. Enquire of OWEN DORSEY. Decemher 22- ¦ ¦ (13t-2iuv4w To be sold a-i.Vmg or stagnated wa'ter1 or 'iUirshon tiie land ; it a feriie produ sod, and ('(;aeies o! mead iw it ay be on ibis land Mfirebandn,e v.-ouklbe taken ia part, if suitable to the purchaser, nnn thai terms for the remainder made convenient, Also for sale, or to be rented fur 99 years, renCVl' able for crer, 20 Water Lois, on the south side of the basin, lying? IrojTi opposite toEHiemt's wharf, down the edge Of the basin, to opposite South* street. The Lots will be made large or small, to suit the purchaser or tenant. Apple to CelRISTOPHr.l. HUGHES. December T.______________drt-colm^ For Sale, By C Deslmn, No. 57, Smith** tobarf, 500 bags Green Offee, 36 chests Hyson Skin ~) 32 V jiing Hyson C TEAi 2 pson J 40 pipes 4th proof white Spanish Brandy* 10 tons Fustic. ffust receive:!, 45,000 wt. Martinique prime Green Coffee, in hhds bbis. and bags, 55 hhds. first quality white Clayed Sugar, 4 tons Fustic. December :-.0.____________eolSt Albert Seekamp Has imported in the ship Bacdnts, from. Ham* burg, A KJtNDSOMB ASSORTMENT op Silesia Linens, Of a very superior quality, suitable for the Spa- nish market, consisting or Platillas, Roccadillos, Bretagnes, Eastopiflas, Ilouans, Gimlets, Creas-a-la-Morlail, Dowlas, anil Listailos. ALSO, ' Per the Bella, from Bremen, AN ADDITIONAL S 1] P p L V OP Westphalia Linens ; All of which he will dispose of at a moderats advance, and the most accommodating terms Also for sale, 30 hogsheads Molasses. November 17. eo The subscriber intends ap- plying to the judges of Baltimore county court, two months from this dale, for the be» nefit of tiie last insolvent law, to release hinv from all debts, as well individual as those cor,» ttacted by the firm of John G- \ff C. Bed, 'which misfortunes disable him to discharge. JOHN G. BECK.'. January 14._____________2aw2m : "STOCK FOR Sale, either on long credit, or d:S- count from ;'-ar, For ready money, 150 Shares Frederick town Turnpike Stock, 50 do. Kclster's town do. do. Enquire at thi; office. ember to. o-'?.'"t-ov-tf J.or Sale, (IN THIS STATE ONllJ A. NEGRO FAMILY, ' CONSISTING of a Man, his Wife rvml two Sons. The man is about 33 years -'.'. has been accustomed to all kinds of f t driving a waggon, and is handy about tiie house. The woman is a good cook and house servant, one ol the children is about thre* years old, and the other about eight, eft months, ootfi healthy and strong'—both haVdf been vaccinated. They are ofil.'1-ed \hr sale in consequence of the inconvenience of children in a small kitchen, and not from any fault. Apply al this office. January 8 eo Thos. S* Sam, Hollingsworth, HAVE FOR SALE, 100 hhds. Muscovado Sugar, 200 do. Clayed do. Cologne Mill Stones, various s'u"s, Bolting Cloths, different qualities. January 24. _____ en Notice is hereby given, "THAT I intend lo apply by petition to Bal- timore cmuity court, or to some i r ¦. of the judges thereof, to release mefrom debts which t am unable to pay, ag-reeablyto an actof assem- bly, passed at November session, 1S05, entU tied " An set fertile relief of sundry insolvent debtors," and a supplement thereto, pa_*«tt at Notember session, 18J6. THOMAS MEETEER. January 20- cum Jienj tk. Geo. Williams Offer for sale, at No. 3, Bowtjfs wharf, M »l 14~pipes 4Ui proof Cogniac Brandy 46 do. do. Wlote Spanish do. lo do. Red Aloque Wine, SO half pipes do. do. SO qr. cuuks White do. do. 20 do. do. Malaga do. do. 500 bbls. 1st sind 2d quality Pork, 50 do. Navy and M_oS JBeefj 100 boxes J'iOved C:.l:-.i;e-S, 20,000 lb. Bacon iiams, 8 c lb Goeds, 90 bales India Cott-ms., cT various deseftp* U0113. Russia Heron, a Ravens Russia Sheetings, id Sweedish Irony Copper Bolts arid SpikfcB, lie- 1 el Chocolate Mr.-fkefei, Liverpool Ste. &c. &c Ji^„ryS0. &fe-2awi:i.