Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Seven Dollars per Annum.] MONDAY, MAKCH 2, 1807. |_Voi. XXVI—No. 3983. Jamaica Rum. A few puncheons 4th proof Jamaica Rum, •n\\\ be landed on Monday, from on board the Patty, captain Bevan, at. Smith's wharf, smd will be sold low, if applied for immedi- ately. GEORGE HOB KM AN. February 28. d2t Just Received, Per the Severn, from. 3 enven, S'bales White Ticklenburgs, 4 bales Osnaburgs, and 3 boxes White Roll*, Which I offer for sale at the corner, head. of Smith's dock. CHAS. G. BCERSTLER. February 18.____________________d!2t Ground Pbster Paris, l?or sale at the Piaster-Mill ifthe subscribers, earner of Franklin and Paca-streets. ALSO, • At their ivare-house adjoining, 200 kbls. Rye Whiskey, 100 do. Apple Brandy, ' .'V 150 kegs 1st, 2d and 3d quality Butter, fit for exportation, 200 lb. Bees Wax, & A quantity of good fresh Clover Seed. RENT fc BROWNE. February 26. dot-eolOt City Commissioners' Office. Baltimore, 26th February, 1807- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the City Commissioners will meet on Tuesday next, the 3d March, 10 o'clock, A. M. to establish the lines of a Lot, late the property of Mr, Shaidel, being part of Lot No. 505, on Liberty-street, near Co- nawago street. Those who are interested in the above establishment, are requested to attend with the surveyor, land marks, ar.J papers, ne- cessary for establishing the same. By order, SAMUEL VINCENT, Clerk. February 26.* d.4t In Baltimore County Court, February 3, 1807. ON application to the judges of the said County Court, by petition in writing of John Cumming, of said County, praying the bene- fi* of the " Act for the relief of sundry in- solvent debtors," passed at November session eighteen hundred and five, on the terms men- tioned in said act j a schedule of his property and a list of his creditors, on oath, as far as he can ascertain them, as directed by the eaid act, being annexed to his petition ; and the said County Court being satisfied by com- petent testimony, thut the said John Cumming has resided the two preceding years within the state of Maryland, prior to the passage of the said act; and the said John Cumming «t the time of presenting his petition as a- lbresaid, having produced to the said court, the assent in writing of so many of his credi- tors as have due to them tne amount of two- thirds of the jhsbts due by him at the passing the said act. It U thereupon adjudged and ordered, by the Said court, that the said John Cumming (by Causing a copy of this order to be insert- ¦jed in some one of the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, every other day for three months before the ninth day of May next) give no- tice to his creditors to appear before the said County Court, at the Court-House, in the said county, at nine o'clock in the forenoon of the said ninth day of May next, for the pur- pose of recommending a trustee for their be- nefit, on the said John Cumming, then and there taking the oath by the said Act pre- scribed for delivering up his property. Signed per order, WM. GIBSON, Clerk. _ February 21, 1807. dlstA-eo3dMy Twenty Dollars Reward. ON the night of the 8th instant, was stol- en out of the Baltimore and Frederick-Town Turnpike Road Company's stable, a dark ehesnut sorrel HOUSE, 7 or 8 years old & about 15 hands high, with a snip and star in his forehead, walks remarkable wide with his hind feet. Ten dollars will be given for the Horse only, and the above reward for Horse and Thief, and all reasonable charges paid by JOSEPH EVANS, Superintendent of said road. February 19. dim IsiTmMOTH CHEESE~ IN MINIATURE. THE subscriber has on hand, a quantity oP the Richest CHESHIRE-TOWN CHEESE,' wade in the neighborhood where the Mam- moth Cheese was made, for sale, with a choice assortment of GROCERIES, at No. 31, Bal- timore-street. W. WOODS. Jin nary 7. d W. L. 8* j. Barney, liaise on hand from lute importations, and sell on reasonable terms, 1000 boxes superior Castile Soap, 10 do. German Steel, JO cases Glass Tumblers, 51 bales porter-bottle Corks, '1 Case well-assorted Diaper, I do. Shirting Linen, 1 do. Leather do. 1 do. elegant Marble Chimney Ora meats* 1 do. LsglrSrn Hats, 20 boxes Havana Sugar, and 13 barrels Muscovado do. January 7._________________________d Election. Mf conformity with the charter of the Bank of Maryland, an election for twelve directors, will take place, and be holden at the Bank, on Saturday, the 7th March next, to cum- wt'ince at 10 o'clock, A. M. By order, R. WILSON, Cashier. February 3. dt/Mb. For Sale. %00 kegs Malaga Raisins, 10 pipes Cogniac Brandy, 1 pipe L. P. Madeira Wine, 20 bhls. Cider, 10 dozen Ladies Tortoise Shell Combs, Course and fina Salt, Imperial Hyson, "Young Hyson, and Hvson Skin Teas, 8tc. &c. -Appiy to GEORGE YEATES. February 25, iS4t Sale by Auction. On WEDNESDAY Next, The 4th March, at 11 o'clock, at Mr. Price's •wharf, fell's-Point, mill be sold, i >-C-JC^L T\\e Schooner ZMm? CAT ELENA; /> Burthen about 150 tons, copper :hr.9tsm fastened, St coppered, sails re- markably fast, about 4 years old, and may be sent to sea at a small expence. The vessel and her inventory may bo ex- amined previous to the day of sale, on ap- plication to the captain on board, at Price's wharf. Terms will be made known at time of sale. VAN WYCK U DORSEY, Auct'rs. February 26 For New-Orleans, g^ The substantial, well-built and fast-sailing Schooner I.AVATER, Captain J. % Williamson I Will sail 4 or 5 days ; having the greater part of the freight engaged, for the remain- der, or passage apply on board, at the lower eud of Frederick-street doak, or to the cap- tain, No. 81, Market-street. February 7. d Sale by Auction. On FRIDAY, The 6th day of March, I8o7, at 11 o'clock, in the forenoon, ivill be sold at auction, at Nicois' •wharf, Feil's-Point, on terms that Kill then be made known, the Ships ROBERT and HERO. J,j\ The ship ROBERT, is about '^**fe%iPV> 600 hhds. burthen, built in p 1799 at Whitby, in Great-Bri- -Se* tain ; copper fastened and cop- per sheathed ; standi marked in Lloyd's A. No. 1, (fi.greea.bly to vouchers in possession of the present owner.) She has lately gone thro' a thorough repair as to the hull, and is allowed bv judges to be as sub- stantial a vessel as can be built. f'XTr^- The Ship HERO, burthen /SgSjk 500 hhds. built in 17S9, at itfi&sr Saltcoats in Scotland, and is -.*:: >ftS.SiSfee finished in a superior manner, with patent pumps he. ; is marked likewise, in Lloyd's Books A. No, 1. Inventories of the materials belonging to each ship, may be viewed on board, and at the vendue warehouse at the comer of Second h. Frederick-streets, previous to the sale. THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. February 28. _____________ Philadelphia "Packets, (OLD LINE) ¦SsSra HBBHlllllSlBH VIA ^^^^^^_ Eripnch-toxun and New-Castle. A PACKET wtll start from the lower end of Bo why's wharf, To-Morrow the 20th—and will continue every day through the season (.Saturday's excepted.) For freight or passag-e, apply to the captain on board, or to [Feb. 2CJ WM. M'DONALD, 103, lower end of Bowly's wharf. Feliruarytl9 ___________ dSt For Liverpool, r JCy^X The British Brig JSpSSC AID» l^OtiMS* Ni'.holas Sullivan ; itacas5 She is a fine strong vessel, and vvill ha dispatched with all convenient spued. For freight or passage, apply to HENRY DAVIES, 71, Smith's wharf. Who offers for sale, received. p<*r said brig, An invoice of Earthen-ware, and a quanti- ty ot' Liverpool Salt, which wilt he disposed of on accommodating terms, if taken tit.ni along side the vessel. J^kruaryS._________________________d For Sale, The fine Coppered Ship ROBERT; Mounting 10 Guns, burthen 600 hhds has lately gone thro' a thorough repair, and is now ready to re- ceive a cargo, J.LSO, ^^^^~>X FOR SALS, t>« The substantial Ship HERO, Now undergoing a thorough repair, and will be ready in a few days to receive a cartro. For terms apply to WILLIAM YOUNG" LEWIS, 20, Calvert-street. Who has imported in the ship Severn, capt. Bry- den, from Bremen, 20 bales German Linens. And has on hand, 40 bales of India Muslins, and a general assortment of goeds suitable to the approach- ing season ; all of which he is determined to sell very cheap for cash or good paper. Country merchants and others, shall be sup- plied with India and German goods upon as good terms by the single piece, as if they bought by the bale February 18. eolOt Agreeably TO the first article of the association of the Hager's town bank, Luke Tiernan, James L. Hawkins, Christian Keller, William Matthews and Clement Brooke, ar« appointed to open subscriptions in the city of Baltimore for 2000 shares. NOTICE, IN conformity with the above, the commis- sioners will attend on Monday, the 2d March, and the two following days from 10 till 5 o'clock (if the stock should not be sooner sub- scribed) at'Peck's tavern for that purpose. Februar "_________ d<4M A Pocket Book WAS lost yesterday morning, supposed at the Centre Market space, containing a ten dollar note, and a note of hand drawB by Benjamin Bateman in my favor for 530 dollars, payable on the 18th of May next, with other papers of use to no one but myself. The Pocket Book was made of common black leather and bad part of a silver sleeve button to it for a fastening. A reward of Five dollars will be paid for the above Pocket Book, with the content? lost, or. delivery to NATHAN PARKS, Anne, near Wildes-street. February 27. dStj John Hewe-s, L»-TE PUBLTSHKtt OF THE COMPANION, HAVING disposed of bis former Printing O.lice, to Joseph Robinson, requests all per- sons indebted to him to make payment at the oHioe of this Gazette. January 3. -_______________ d Boston Beef. The subscribers have just received c2" offer for sale j or Will barter for Super/ini ana Fine Flour, ¦¦ 15? bbls. and 9! No. 1, Boston BEEF, 182 do. No. 2, do. 61 half dp. Mess, do. LORMAN & FULFORD. February lo._________________d To our Friends and the Public. The subscribers (successors of the late firm of Sower and S. Cole) respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they intend to con- I tinue the business cf AUCTIONIERS of ! Books, Maps, Charts, Prints, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. and Lottery-Office Keepers, at No. 174 1-2, Market-street— I They solicit the support of their friends and ! primise that all busines.; committed to them | as Auctiomers shall be executed with the Strictest promptitude and fidelity. They will study particularly to make the best disposition of Orphan's property committed to their care. The public's Servants, COLE and I. BONSAL. Nov. 7 d German Linens, cic. &tc. ffust received per the. schooner Alexander, captain Athoe, from Trieste, 30 cases P-latillas Royals 21 do. Creas 17 do. Checks 10 do. Hasboseinl 8 do, Britannia* 5 do. Cavaliuas 5 do. Listados 3 do Estopillas 4 do. OUamiines 750 boxes Castile Soap (bluemarWed) 30 cases Glass Tumblers, ' For sale by LORMAN FULFORD, & JOSEPH YOUNG, Who also offer fat sale, 150 boxes white ~> Havana Sugars, superior 100 do. brown 5 quality 70 tons Campeachy Logwood, and A quantity ot Sarsaparilla. February 6.____________d Battle Powder, Cotton, ike. The subscribers have on hand, for sale, at No. 64, Market s^eet, 4,000 wt. Wilkinson's Double-scaled Buttle Powder, in casks of 50 wt. each, very superi- or quality, suitable for retailing, and will be sold on very accommodating terms. 15 bales fine qualify Tamiessee Cotton, 14 pipes Holland Gin, Real Cdg-iiiac and Bordeaux Brandy, in pipes (fine flavor), Cabiness Tobacco, in kegs and half do. Cassia Cinnamon, in small bales, 30 qr. casks Sberey Wine, Negro Pipes, in boxes, Double Gloucester &. Pine Apple Cheese, Fresh Mace, Basket Salt, fcc. &C.&.C JACOB & WM. NORRIS. February 3. d Maryland Insurance Office, February 2rf, 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT agreeably to charter the Stockhold- ers in the Maryland Insurance Company, are called upon to renew their notes in the pre- sent month. Likewise, that an election for thirteen di- rectors will be held at the office of the said company, on the first Monday in March next JOHN HOLLINS, President. N. B. No transfers will be made from the 4th instant, until after the election of officers. February 2. dim Wanted to Purchase, AN active NEGRO LAD. A libera price will be given ;or one that possesses the necessary requisites, and can be well recom- mended, if immediate application is made. Inquire at this office. February 23^______________ d Mechanic's Bank of Baltimore. January 23* 1807. The Books for the transfer of Stock, will be closed during the month of February, and the stockholders sre informed that on applica- tion at the Bank, on or-alter the 25th of the said month, they will be furnished with their certificates. D. A. SMITH, Cashier. January 23. Dissolution of Partnership. THE articles of partnership between the subscribers, under the firm of Bolton Jackson and Co. having expired this day, the same is "hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment to either of us ; and those having claims against the concern, will please render them for settlement. BOLTON JACKSON, JAMES ROSS. The business will be continued by BOLTON JACKSON. February 24.________________d Schultze &, Vogeler, No. 45, S. Gay-street, Bwe received per ship Severn, from Bremen, Isf on handfr.mformer importations, German LINENS, GLASS-WARES, Broad CLOTHS, superfine and common, Garden SEEDS. Which they offer for sale on liberal terms. February 55. d24t Five Cents Reward. Kan away from the subscriber, on the 23d instant, a Boy named SAMUEL BOLENE, about eleven years old, bound an apprentice to the millwright business ; he has black eyes and sandy-coloured hair, and is well built for his age. Had on when he went away, dark velvet trousers, a striped waistcoat and yellow nankeen round-about jacket. Whoever brings back the said boy shall have the above re- vvard, but no charges, paid by '" "'": JOSEPH WAMPLER. February 27. dStJj Stray Boar. CAME to the subscribers, on the York Road, about 5 miles from Baltimore, some tima in December last, a yoiing white BOAR, marked with a crop off each ear, and a piece out of the side of the ear. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges and take him away. RICHARD KEYS. February 27.____________________d4t C- S. Konig, Has on hand, and offers for sale, 2000 pieces Bretagnes, 300 do. "latillns, • 150 do. Listudoes, 200 do. Libietlas, 50 do. Dowlas, 50 do. Creas, 18 boxes Hempen and Flaxen Osnaburgs and Ticlclenhurgs". 7 casks Swords »nd Cutlasses. February 25. _6t Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership formerly existing under the firm of Thomas Neilson and Co. is this dr:y dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having any claims against said firm, are re. quested to bring forward theii respective accounts for settlement, and those indebted, to make immediate payment to Thomas Neil- son, who is authorized to Settle the'business of the concern. TAOMAS NEILSON. JOHN HAN MA. N. B. Thomas Nei'.sop continues the bu- sines as usual at .us old stand 55, Bridge- street, Old-Town ; and has just received, via Philadelphia, a handsome assortment of DKY GOODS, Which he is dispose ' to sell cheap for cash 3 cases of London Pins, assorted, 3 1-2, 4, 4 1-2, 5, and 5-4. Which will be sold at a low advance. , February 27. eo4t In Chancery, February 7, 1807. Thomas Peters ag'ainst Robert Mitchell and Prescilla, his wife, Spencer Ball and Bel- ly Lauden Ball, his wife, Robert Barkley & Julia, his wife, John Y. Chinn and Sarah, bis wife, John Tasker Garter, Sophia Car- ter, Harriot Lucy Maund, Fran- cis Tasker Jones, Thomas Ap Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, John Carter Peck, Har- riot Peck, E manual Peck and 'Faster Carter Qitinlon, and o- thers, devisees of Robert Car- ter. The object of the bill in this cause, filed, is to obtain a decree for conveyances to the com- plainant of Lots No. 68 and7S, being part of a tract of land, called Orange, which were sold by the lialtimore Company to the Com-, nlainant, and afterwards conveyed by them to Robert Carte.1, one of the said company, and parii-uilarly described in said hill. The bill states that Robert Mitchell and Priacila, his wiie, Spencer Ball and Befly Lauden Ball, Robert Barkley and. Julia, his wife, John Y. Chinn and Sarah, his wife, John Tasker Car- ter, Sophia Carter, Harriot Lucy Miund, Francis i'asker Jones, Thomas Ap Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Jane Jones, John Carter Peck, Harriot Peck, Emaiiual Peck and Tas- ker Carter Quinlon, reside out of the state of Maryland. It is there upon adjudged and ordered, that the complainant, by causing a copy of this or- der to be inserted three Tuesdays or three Fridays in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, be- fore the eighth day of March next, give no- tice' to the absent defendants of this appli- cation, and of the substance and object of the bill, that they may be warned to appear ,hef* in person, or by a solicitor of this court, on or before' the eighth day of July next, to shew cause if any they have, wherefore a de- cree should not be passed as prayed. True Copy. Test, SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, Register Chancery Court. February 20. Fot Claret Wine, Brandy, &c. Not! landing from on board the schooner Dor- chester, direct from Bordeaux, 110 hhds. Claret, prepared for the East and West India markets 35 pipes Armagnac Brandy, 4th preof, 2 do. old Cogniac do. do. H^ 100 ba&kets Okve Oil. For sale by HUGH THOMPSON. Who daily expects in the ship Ijliza, from Bor. deaux, a further supply of the above articles, and A quantity or PRUNES, in whole, half U quarter cases. February :7._____________________!__§_ A House and Garden TO RENT, And possession to be given immediately, situated on French-street, near the fail. The House is built of brick, two stories high, with two rooms on each floor, kitchen, &.c. all in g-ood repair. The garden contains about an acre of ground of a very rich soil, is under a good fence, and part of it well culti- vated. Apply on the premises to CATHARINE SLY. February 27. eo3t|| For Sale, Liverpool Stoved Salt, Eartht nware, iu crates assorted, English and Holland Canvas, assorted, London particular Madeira Wine? in pipes and hhds 1 case Nutmegs and Cloves, German Linens, assorted, Seaming and Seine Twine. Apply to JOHN SHERLOCK. February 12 eoflt For Sale, By C. Dethon, No. 57, Smith's vihaif, 150,000 wt. prime Green Coffee, on a li- j beral credit. On hand, Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson Skin Teas, of good quality. Fjjj>ru»J£ ii »»H Farmer's Bank of Maryland. NOTICE i* hereby given, that the Books will be Opened at Annapolis, on I.Tooday the 13th day of April m?vt. and continue open the next day for the disposal of the number of Shares remaining unsubscribed in the Farmers Bank, on the Western Shore ; tiie subscripti- on to be taken at the Bank, between the hours of ten a«d five, each day ; the subscrib- ers; to pay ten dollars on each share at the I time of subscribing, and residue as follows, to wit : Ten dollars on the thirteenth day of June ; ten dollars on the JCitli cayof August} tea dollars on the thirteenth day of October ; &. ten dollars on the twelfth day of December next, but reserving to any subscriber the li- berty of paying at any one of those clays, tlrtl whole of his subscription then due The shares which mav be subscribed above the number limited, to be reduced by a proportional ' doducion throughout the several counties, on the Western Shore, or by lot, if necessary, and the monies that may be paid thereon, to be immediately repaid at the Bank. If any stockholder shall fail to mr.lie regit- lar payment of any instalment (nfter the first payment) sueh stockholder's money in Bank, shall remain free from interest and not entitled- to dividend, until such instalment, or call shall be made good, and the dividend there- after to be paid to such stockholder (as well upon tha money by him regularly paid as up- on the money paid after default) shall be cal- culated onry from the time when said last in- stalment was made good, The subscribed sharoe of.the Farmer's Bank having already risen above par, and be- ing in great demand, the directors deemed it to be their duty to give every facility in their power to the citi/., ns of every part of the Western Shore, to become proprietors of a Stock, to which exp rience has already at- tached an high degree of" confidence and an enhanced value, and which from every ap. penrance, would rapidly appreciate whenever the subscription of the surplus shares should remove the .possibility of procuring the stock at a lower value, th«.n the successful!, man. Bgement of the institution.and the public opi- nion should have conferred on it, notwithstand- ing, therefore, that the charu-r directed that the subscription Books for this stoek shall be opened at Annapolis, yet the directors hold themselves at liberty and have determined it to be their duty, to devise means to^tccommo- date the citizens of the several counties, who might wish to subscribe, but who cannot at- tend at Annapolis ; in, conformity therefore-, to a detenuwiation that had already obtained, at a joint meeting of the directors of the Bank and Branch Bank, on a similar occasi- on, the board have adopted the following re- solution : That die directors for the several counties on the Western Shore, be authorised and di- rected to .ereive in their respective countless from all persons -who may offer to subscrib« for Slock in the Farmer's Bank>on the day, or days appointed for subscribing, powers of attorney, enabling some' person to subscriba for them at Annapolis, and also to receive from persons so disposed to subscribe, the sums which are made payable, on subscrip- tion! personally made, and alj subscription* made under powers as aforesaid, shall b«t held and deemed as valid, as if made by the individuals themselves at Annapolis. By order, JONATHAN PINKNEY, Cashier. Annapolis, February 12, 1807. February 18. lawtlSthA Dividend. The Creditors of John Graham, who have not yet exhibited to the subscribers a state, ment of their claims, are requested to pre- sent their accounts, properly authenticated, to C- Mayer, before Monda) the 5th of March next, when a small dividen ! will ht paid, on application to Mayer and Brantz. Creditors, who neglect attending to this notice, wiH, necessarily be deprived of tbe-btiietit of Wats said dividend. ________ HUGH YOUNG, NAM CHHISI^_________________________ February 2-3. eo4t INDIA GUUDbs Just received 40 bales consisting of Mivmoodies, Emerties, Cossas, Sannahs, Baftas, Gurrahi, Siwns, Guzzenahs, Cheeks, Blue Emerties, Sic. a wo; 5 cases Bandanna Handkerchiefs, mostly scarlet and yellow, of a superior quality—For sale by JOHN M. MINER, &'C0. No. 65, Bawly's wharf Qotober 30._______________________law Anne-Arundel County Court. September term, 1806. RULED by the court, that ail suits trans- mitted from the general court to this court, under the act of assembly, entitled an act to provide for the organization and regulation of the courts of common law in this state, and for the administration of justice, andcontinued last court, under the rule to employ new counsel, shall not continue longer than to the end of the next court, under the said rule, and th« suitors interested therein, are hereby required to appear to tiie sanie in person or by counsel,, on or before the second day of next term, or the same will be tried or discontinued, as tha case maybe, during the said term. Ordered by the court, that the said rule b« published in the Maryland Gazette, of .Anna- polis, and the Federal Gazette of the city of Baltimore, once a fortnight for six months. By order, NICHOLAS HARWOOD, CM. October 14. e2WU, —.------------------------------------------1---------------------1------------.—i—i------------------«—. To be Rented, THAT excellent and well known stand, Tuwsan's TAVERN, now in the teunre (if Solomon Schrnuck. There is a meadow and some upland bud, belonging *¦> '*•• Possessi- on will be given on the 4th of April next. Apply to the subscriber, living on the pre* mises. " kEBECCA TOIVSON, February 28. S3t§ l^JtU. JGH YOUNG, -) Truste«* t'l'HAM LEVERING, i of John [RISTIAN MAYER, 3 Graham, A House to Rent, In Lexington, near Liberty-street. Th« building is ni?w, of brick, three Stones high. and well finished. May be had vary cheap, and immediate possession. Juqujr* a£ thi* offici