Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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rtaera Seven Dollars per Annum.] WEDNESDAY, APPIL 1, 130/ [Vol «¦& 40O9. Sheriff's Sale, jByVirttie of two writs of Venditioni. Exponas Issued from the court of appeals for the Western Shore of Maryland, :tnd to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the 4th day of April, at half past, twelye o'clock, on the promises, for cash, the following valuable property, seiz- ed and taken to satisfy two judgments in said court, obtained by Richard Neave, for the use of Robert. Correy, against Robert 0- liver, terre tenant of Robert Purviance, Hjvd Richard Neave, for tl\e use of Robert Correy, against Robert Oliver, terra tenant of Samuel Purviance, viz. ALL the right, title, claim and interest of ¦Robert Oliver, terra tenant of Samuel Pur. viance, and Robert Purviance., in and to that large and valuable LOT of GROUND, with the improvements thereon, situate and l)ing in the city of Baltimore, on the east side or' Co-mmerce-sti-iset, and contained within the folio wing-metes andboundstowit: " Beginning for the same at the distance of forty-five feet south from the south side of an alley, which runs between certain brick buildings and cer- tainlarge wooden stores belonging to the laid Samuel and Robert Purviance, and running from thence south, along the line ot Com- merce-street one hundred and twenty feet ; thence east sixty feet to the line of Philip Ro- gers's lot, thence north along the said Ilog- gers's line, on« hundred and twenty feet ; thence west sixty feet to the beginning." being the same lot heretofore conveyed to the said Robert Oliver, from the said Samuel and Ro- bert Purviance. bv indenture dated on or a- bout the I9th day of October, 1786. THOMAS BAILEY, Late Sheriffe of Baltimore county. . March 28. d6t' Valuable Property for Bale. On WEDNESDAY, The 8th April, ivill be soli on the premises, at 12 o'clock, by Auction, on a credit of six, twelve and fifteen months, THAT valuable PROPERTY, at present occupied by Mr. Charles Ghequiere, consist- ing of a complete finished two-story Brick Dwelling House, with very convenient Back Buildings, and a two-story Brick Warehouse adjoining- thereto, also well finished. The ¦whole buildings are erected on a Lot fronting 81 feet, on Charles street, and about 80 ieet deep, in fee simple, and inclosed by a sub- stantial Brick Wall about 11 feet. high. It is but s;eldom that property is offered for sale, in such a central situation for business, having at the same time every desirable con- venience for a family. An indisputable title ¦will be given, and possession may be had on the 15th April next THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. March 26. _____ d Any Person Wishing to enter iivto the Retail Business in the country, well qualified, who can ad- vance a small capital, will hear of an advantage- ous situation, by applying at this Office March 27. d6t Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of several writs of Fieri Facias ! from Baltimore county court, to me direct- , ed, will be exposed to Public Sale,/er cash, . the. following Property, at the times and places hereafter mentioned, to wit : ALL the right, title, estate and interest of Samuel Eckler and Ulriclc Eckler, in and to two hundred and forty acres of LAND, more or less, situate in the upper part of Bal- ti oore county, near Manchester-town, ad- joining the Lands of Jacob Coier,and Adam Burnes. The improvements are, a log dwel- ling House, Barn, and other out houses, late the properly of the'aforesaid Samuel and Ul- r:ck, taken at the suit of Magdaiine Eckler, use of Henry Matthias. Sale \ The Schooner faiMMER, 8c * -isSiJfi&Si^fck! uer tac',:;'vlj now lying at Frc- -SSwr derick-street dock ; and one .';:SSSa& valuable Negro MAN about 30 years old, late the property of John Fitz- hugh, (taken at suits of William, M'Mechen,) at my olKce on Thursday tile 2d of April, at 10 o'clock. JOHN HUNTER, Sheriff of Baltimore county. Marhh 26, 1807.____________dt4thA Wanted to C barter, " f«C3ES A VESSEL of one hundred •_ T^i'i^'SrNi^ ana twenty to one hundred 8c Ol|P t;,rty t(>nsf> tot the West-Iu- FITCH HALL, Jun. SI, Bowly's wharf, March 30. d4t|l For New-Orleans, The regular trading Ship COME F, N ^^^^^^^^^^M Captain Hart, - Will sail on Wednesday, first April, and those persons intending freight will please send it on board, without delay. She has superior accommodations for passen- gers. Apply to the captain on board, at the Coffee-House wharf, Fell's Point, or to WILLIAM TAYLOR. March 30.________________, d4tj For Liverpool, w c A N T $ N,\ i> Captain Peter Wickham, V>,r»;*=?^ae Having now commenced load- ing, and the greater part of her cat engaged, the remainder will be taken on rea- sonable freight if immediate applicationis made to HU. THOMPSON. The accommodations in the above ship be- ing equal to any out of this port, a few passen- gers v.dil be taken. Those who wish to em- brace so favorable an opportunity, will please apply to the captain, who may be always found on board. March 16. sol A The Proprietors OF THE PILOT STAGES, RESPECTFULLY infor-m the Public, that they have reduced the price of fa e from eight to six dollars. The Pilot Stage will leave, the Globe Inn every Morning, Sundays ex- cepted, at live o'clock, A. M. arrive at New- port at eight o'clock, P. M. leave Newport at five o'clock, A. M. arrive in Philadelphia at ten o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM EVANS & CO. March 13._________________________d_ R E M O V A L. F. C. Graf, Has removed bis Counting room two doors from his former stand, to the house heretofore I occupied by Messrs. R. & J, Fergusson.— j Where he offers for sale the following German Goods, Imported via Philadelphia, by the ship Pisca- taqua, captain H. H, Kennedy, Platillas Royals, 1 Byitanias, > Estopillas, J Of a very fine quality, For Amsterdam. John Buffum, No. 84, Bowly's wharf, JIas receive I per Susan and William, captain _^H Lv.ce, from Hasten, Solihds. New England BUM, 150 boxes (Sampson's) Mould CANDLES, 5o do. Spermaceti do. 3oo do first quality COD-FISH, 4 tons clean Russian HEMP. March 3c. d6t. Wanted to Flire, A steady, well behaved Servant WOMAN, who understands plain cooking, and all kinds Of house work ; her employment will be in a small family. None but a person well recom- mended need apply. Inquire at this Office. March 3o. dot Sprini Goods & Earthen Ware, Receivedper ship Edward, capt. Lewis, from. L veerpool and for sale by John Wood & Co. No 18, Calvert-street, ! 216 crates Earthen Ware, 116 packages Seasonable Goods, Among which are, Fine and common Printed Calicoes, Cambric and Narrow Dimities, A 4 and 6 4 Cambric Muslins^ Ditto Book do. Fancy Muslins, Ginghams, Nankeens, Granderclls, Braces, Cotton Hosiery, Velveteens, Printed Vel- vets, Sewing Silks, AdelphiaThread, &c. &.c. March 18____ __ _ d Pilot "Office^ THE Office for issuing and renewing li. cences to Pilots, will be opened on Wednes- day the 1st of April, and continue open dur- ing said month of April and May, until eight o.clock in the morning, and from four o'clock in the evening, at my residence, No. 6, Gran- by-street. The lmard of Commissioners for examining Pilots will sit one hour from eight o'clock, every Monday morning during April and May, 8t the Maryland Insurauce Office, in South- set. Li' Girder of the hoard of Commissioners, J;)HM WEATHERBURN, Register. March 20" dl8t'||__ Ship THOMAS, T. H. Jones, mater ; ___ To sail early next month For freight of Coffee in bags, or small packages to fill iiu, apply to. WILLIAM COLE, Who has just received by ship Eliza from Oporto, FOR SALE. 2 pipes, and six h -.'me old Port Wine of I <>: quality, And an hand jf HI ftmttr importation!, London particular Madeira Wine in pipes; and ho| , in pipes, L'r'!' ' . ¦ lids. Claret, In ~» Do in cases, f Untitled to Castile soap, bine mv.-ble.d, ^debenture. Two eases Leghorn Hats, J Kfo». 20 to 4:1 J And will let for a term of years, the house in •which lie r'side.s; No. 4, South street. March 28. d Just Received. Per Schooner Lr i,-.' tiapt'ain Roberts, and for .¦.,. '< ' of Smith's dock, 100 bales Cotton, 1?4 bags Coffee, 60 do. Cocoa, 5 tons Nicaragua Wood, A. BSD Jj The Schooner ¦^ LINNET, • >>- Burthen o.50 bhls. with all ¦'.¦y*r-.- her tackle uc. just as she ar- rived Irom sea. Wanted to Charter, To a Pert in the West-Indii , i;"!.;, A fast. UO0NER -fW«. , . of from foor to six hundred '•<•¦'-?" .V barrels burthen. Applv to CHARLES BCERSTI.ER. Who has removed his Counting Room, two doors from his former stand, to the house heretofore in the tenure of Messrs. R. and J Fergusson. March 17. ^^B m:- hj£t\ For Li-, c i pool, Ship HERCULES, A remarkably good, fast sail- ing vessel ; only two years old; burthen "46 tons ; will be read, to re- ceive a cargo in 8 days, and dispatched with all possible expedition. For freight or pas- sage apply to the captain on board, or HENRY THOMPSON. March 26. d For Amsterdam, The copper bottomed Ship WILLIAM TAYLOR, Captain Munson Hitchcock ,- .. i'ij -., , Has th : great< r part of her cargo engaged; and will sail with all possible dispa'xh.' For freight apply to D. L. THOMAS, Ship Broker. March 2f. eo Q^iadruple Silesias, Dowlas, Brown Platillas, Listados, The whole entitled to drawback. And on hand on which the drawback is lost, Book Linens, Creas a la Morlaix, Dowlas, Checks, No. 2, Diaper Table Cloths, Striped Linens, Brown Platillas, Britaiuiias, Quadruple Sekcias, Bieliield Linens, ALSO, Souchong- and Hyson Ters, and An Invoice of Se\\ inland Knitting Needles, just received per the Hope, from Ainsti*. dam. March 17. d A Barrel Lost. Supposed to have been wrong delivered by some dray o!. n, a : containing Nutt Gall, landed to the month of January from schooner Fortitude, captain Lockman, from New-York. Any person hav- ing knowledge or possession of the same, will i render a fiwor by lodging Information with ISAIAH MANKIN, No. 69 Smiths-wharf. March 27._______________________d6t The Creditors Of the late firm of THOMAS & JOHN H1G1NBOTHOM, are requested to take no- tice, that, they are now prepared to surrender all they possess, and intend applying to the Baltimore comity court, tor the benefit of the act, entitled an act for the relief of sun- dry insolvent debtors, passed at November session, 1805 : and also of the supplement to said act, passed at the last November sessi- on. THOMAS HIGINEOTHOM. JOHN HIGINBOTHOM. March 6. ____ ___d2m Notice. FROM many losses I am compelled to give this notice ol ray intention of applying to the judges of Baltimore county court, forthe benefit of insolvent Laws of 1805, and 1806, in two months from tiie date hereof. J. SPRIGGS. March 26, 1807- d2m Notice is hereby given, Ti: at I intend applying to Baltimore county court at its next sitting, for the benefit of toe insolvent laws of Maryland. ANDREW BUCHANAN. March 2. d2m Notice is hereby given, TH AT an election will be held at the office of the Marine Insurance, company, on Monday, the 6th day of April next, from 10 to J.2 o'clock in the forenoon, for thirteen directors of the institution, to serve from the first Monday in ' Ba;j8 \r,]\ April 1807, to the first Monday in April 18C8. No transfer of stock can be made until after the clay of election. The president, and directors of the Marh- Insurance Company, have this da; decJan 1 dividend of seventy-five dollars per share, on four \iandred shares, being the stock of said company, two-thirds of which, or fifty dollars per share, will be paid to the stockholders of their legal representatives, on or after Monday the sisth of April next, while the remaining j one third, or twenty.five dollars per sh will be carried to the credit of the stock, a- | greeableto the charter ofincorporation. Bv ol dor, DAVIQ STEWART, Seo.'ry, March 2$> dgt§ DORSEY, Auct'rs, eo5t For Sale or Charter, The English Schooner M WANTON, J" Coppered to the "bends, bur- then about 'i00 barrels, and Her inventory may be seen at our auction room. VAN WYCK ^^ March 23. i Mari'" !To"r Sale, Freight or.Gharter, The Ship FAIR AMERICAN, P''*l,,Tf f'^^' Captain Harding, .^i"xzs.i'\^v»-s? Just arrivedfrom New-Or- andnowlvingflt the Coffee House wharf, Fell's-Point. this shin was built at Bath, district of Maine, is 186 ton* burthen, five years old; a sirong well built ship, and in all respects well found and fitted. Apply to the captain on board, or to WILLIAM TAYI.OIL March 3o, «**. To our Friends and the Public. ¦- The subscribers (successors of the late fins ofiSower and S. Cole ; Iry inforrii I heir friends an : ild to con- tinue the ¦ HERS ol Books, Maps, Charts, Prints, Hous Kitchen Furniture, Sic. and Lot.terv-C Keepers, at No. 174 1-2, Mirlcet-street— They solicit the support of their friends and premise. that*all : immitted to them as Auctioniers shall be executed with the strict - and fidelity. They will stu •> particularly to mjaki of 0i"P ion's property committed to thew care The public's Servants, COLE and I. BONSAL. Nov. 7 '1 To Let,. And possession given the fit st day of April next, That very coiamodiojM HOUSE, at pre1:, nt oocjpied. by Mr. Fielding; situated about half way between town and Point. This properly is well calculated for a private dwelling, hav- ing a fine Garden and Lot well inclosed, Car- riage-House, Stable, &c. Iyti' terms, (which will be made accommodatiflj|to a tenant, who wiit rent it for a number of years,) apply to HUGH THOMPSON. _ March 27._____¦__ dotf Baltimore & York-tozun Turn pike Road. T HE subscribers being appointed Commis sioners by an act of the legislature, " entit- led an act to make several Turnpike Roads through Baltimore county, and for o'her pur- poses"—to lake subscription for making a pike road from Baltimore towards York town, to the Pennsylvania line ; do hereby give, notice, that a subscription, book for a ca pital stock of 100,000 dollars, in" shares oi ars each, will be opened at Mr. Wm Evan's tavern, in the city of Baltimore, on the 11th day of May next, ii-ovn the hour of 10 until 2 O'clock and will continue open dur ing the same hours the two following days, unless, the capital stock should be earlier sab scribed. Every person most pay down one dollar on each share at the time of subscrib- ing. Not more than 25 shares can be sab- scribed for on the o >y any one person, nor more than R ; ¦ day. JOSEPH TiiORNBURG, Y", NICI1. MERRYMAN, of Elijah, DAVID M'MECHEN. March 23. dllthMy The Editors of the E-atton Star ,¦ Republican Jdvoc ue, m i the German paper, Frederici-tcwr ; the linglish a-'d German papers, Hager's reran, will n/ease ropy this:* "ertisement, and foi •Kuril"' their accow, ts to the ;'_,;¦ e of the American. John / loss, Jun. 9, CitAi'.K r-r.'i it.ft, Is row opening 50 packages of S P R I N G GOOD S, Received per ship Oliver Ellsworth, via New- York, ci nsisting of Elegant Fancy Muslins, , LonV»s and Picquits, Book Mnslirts, Sewei! and Check Leno Sliawls, ras IIandkerchiefs, Nuns Threads and Mlllinetts. All the above are entitled to drawback and particularly adapted for the Spanish U West- India markets March 20.___________________________d_ Guest, Atterbury & Co. Have leceived per the M'ereulus, from Liverpool, Calicoes and Chintzes, Furniture do. 9-8 & 6 4 Cambric Muslins, Colored and Black do. Dimities, Cambric and Furniture do. Pink Ginghams, Cambric Shirtings, Muslin Hdk'fs, Fancy Velveteens, Twilled and Plain Mankeens, &c. ALSO, 100 crates well assorted Earthen ware, which will be sold very low if taken from on board. March 25._______________ d Grundys ana Qrosda , Have imported in the Hercules, from Liverpool, 6 cases black 1 buffi P'a'n & twilled Nankeens, blue 3 .3 cases Bindings, Tapes and Bobbins, 100 crates Earthenware, well assorted for exportation. March 26. d8t|j Dissolution of Bartnership. THE articles of partnership between the Subscriber*, under the firm of Bolton Jackson and Co. having expired this day, the : hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment to tidier of us ; end those having claims against the concern, will please render them for settlement. BOLTON JACKSON, JAMES ROSS. The business will be continued by BOLTON JACKSON. February 24. d NOTICE. I have removed my Office to No. 6, Front- street, opposite the east end of Christ Church, and near Philpot's Bridge, where all persons in arrears for TAXES & FEES, are request- ed to call and discharge the same, or they will be executed without further delay. THOMAS BAILEY, Late sheriff and collector of Baltimore county March 28.______________dlOt__ Freight for Boston. Five or six hundred barrels will be shipped to that port, on application to LUKE TIERNAN & CO. FOR SALS] 15 quarter-chests HYSON TEA. March 28. d5i| Sale Postponed. The sale of D C. Stewart's Property ad- vertised for Wednesday next, is unavoidably postponed until WEDNESDAY the 22d day ¦ol April. THOMAS CHASE, Auet'r. City Com -lets' OfiTce. Baltimore, March 31, 1307. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, , THAT the City Commissioners will meet the 8th of April next, at ten o'clock, A. M to establish the second line at1 ¦ ¦ of Lot, No 78, leased by Thomas 11 irris in to Geprge Frederick Brown, situate on G»y-strj*et. Also', the second line of that part of Lot., No. 119, conveyed by Alexander La-.vson, to | G :rard Ho] ki ¦ And on Thursday the of April next, they will meet, at I'clock, A. M. to establish the. South We :: : les St North W'est-strei ¦ and iteo, the line of the South West si;, left in my .- bond thi y are. requested to return ii '.¦ ne. The mak- or of the bond is nc lifi d tin it is mislaid, and it therefore can be of no service to any person CLEMENT BROOKE. Marci 23._______________________d8t|| NOTICE. THE members of the " Baltimore Equitable Society for the Insuring of Huuses j'rom loss hy Fire" are hereby informed, that a geJiei&I meeting' of the said society will be htdd on th» 6lh day of the ensuing month, at James liry- den's, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing Twelve Directors and a, Treasurer for the society the ensuing year. By order of the Board of Directors, JOSEPH TOWNSEND, Sec'ry. March £8.________________________d7t COM MUNIC AIIO N. Jlfr. Printer, The enclosed is a copy of a letter, that came to me by mail, unsolicited : I conceive it a duty I owe the Public >s well as myself, to give it publicity through the medium of yourpapir. The writer is a native of Con- necticut, was lately professor of Natural Phi-; losophy at Yale College, is now President of* the university of Georgia, and is well knowtt for his universal science. S. H. P. LEE. New-London, March 1, 1807. Athens (GeorgiaJ January 24., 1807, Doctor Samuel H. p. Lee, Sir, I have, for a considerable time, neglected the performance of a duty which I owe to hu- manity ; the declaring to yen, my approOali- on of the Pills, which are sold here, under your agent, Mr. Herbert, of Autrusla. I had been convinced of their virtues before I left Connecticut; and I have found, in this countiy, their great utility, by a able experience, both in my own family , 8c among the students of the University I have no hesitation of declaring, that I be ' , i.cc's (New-London) Pills to be one of most useful medicinal preparations the world has yet seen ; and that they arc p use- ful and beneficial in Scut.hern and Billions Climates I am respectfully, Yours, j. MEIGS. The above mentioned Pills are sold at War. ner St llanna's Bookstore, comer of South. Gay and Baltimore-streets ; St by John Vance and Co. 17rf, Baltimore-street ; who have re- 1 afresh supply, which they oiler whole- sale and retail. March 16. eo8t New Paper-Hanging Store. ROBERT ELLIOT, No. 7, North Charles steeet, INFORMS his friends, and the public in, general, that he has just received, and has now ready for sale, a large assortment of the, most elegant Paper Ha ngings &, Borders, from London, Paris and Boston ; amongst which are some of the most superb patterns of the tiew invented Spangled or Frosted pa- per. He will always have a regular supply, and constant succession of the newest fashions, from Hurley's manufactory in Philadelphia. !Se will superintend the hanging of his own papers, employ the best workmen, and ex- ecute all orders in town and country, v/ick neatness, punctuality and disptftclr. N. B. The American Papers he will sell at the manufacturer's pricesl One or two Apprentices will be taken t* the above business, Ma-ch 5, »