Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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3$MmW£M-ZMMOME^ ^UfEETISEl i Seven Dollars per Annum.] MONDAY. JUNE 1, 5 807. [Vol XXVI—No. 4071. J, ,VO R K THAT OUT.HT TO BE IN POSSESSION OF KVF.lSY'MAN. THE LIFE OF Gen. WASHINGTON", By. John Marshall, Chief Justice of the. United States, Coctplete in 5 vols. 8vo. with an elegant Por- trait, an 1 a Variety of Mips ; is now ready for subscribers, and tor 9ule, by GEORGE HILL. Tlie'fiittowirig remarks from a late London publication, attest tiie high opinion entertain- ed of this authentic and interesting ivori : " Tin' public will learn with interest that the literary monument which has Icing been projected to the memory of the most illus- trious character of modern times, is at length completed. No apology can be roqui. site lor erecting such a monument to him, who was the first in war, the first in peace Mid iiie first in the hearts of his fellow citi- _ens : to liim who was the founder of a sifeat and prosperous empire, and whose mo- deraiio.n and pure patriot!;111 challenge the ¦¦» of all statesmen This performance of i Marshall has already been distin- guished by the .nost honorable and unequivo- cal testimonies; it lias been hailed as an ac- quisition to standard literature ; and it has beefl considered as deserving', in point of ei- "petition, a place by the side of Robertson s Con les the Fifth, and as unrivalled in the au- thenticity cf it* materials, by any work in the entire compass of* history and biography A nril 4. d6t-eo Walter Jenkins, No. 199, Market-street, Has imported by t/ie sundry late tit rivals from LoniLxx and Liverpool, A general assortment of SPRING GOODS, Which arc offered for sale on the usual terms to punctual men. LIKEWISE, A handsome assortment of selected JOB GOODS, c:or.uh;Ud i'or (he Spring- Trade, some Of which ;trc on coo;ignm P RING GOOD S. JAMES D~_LL & CO. Suite imji.iited in the ship Fair American, from London, The principal part of their Spring Goods, Comprising a select and general assortment Aniongftvikich arc, Calicoes, Chambray Muslins, Dimities, Ginghams, Cambric and Hosiery, Fancy Muslins, Superfine Cloths, Fancy Waistcoating, Kerseymeres, \c. A!! entitled to drawback, and many calcu- lated for the West-India market, which they oftcr for Sale on their usual terms. April 22._____________ dlOteoljy John and James Roberts, 23Q, Market-street, Have just received a few boxes of 4-4 and 7-8 verv fine IRISH LINENS, Which will b-e disposed of low by the box Or piece. ' may 22._________,_____________eo!5t For Private Sale, On very accommodating terms. The STORE and LOT, on Cheapside, at prese.it accupied by Mr. Charles Cruoke, 22 feet 6 inches front, extending in depth 6.; feet, on Franklin Lane, now under rent for one year from the 1st instant, at 500 dollars. A twrotslory Bric_ ¦pWMLI.tbG MOUSE itnd LOT, corner of Wapp'mg and High- streets, 96 Feet 8 inches on Wapping-street, ' and about 37 feet deep. Onetwo-stpryBrick DWELLING HOUSE adjoiping the above, fronting on Wappiug- slrccl 26 feet. Apply to JOHN P. PLEASANTS. May 7. '_________ e»12t "To Let, A handsome, new three-story Brick HOUSE in Chatham-street, now finishing and will be in readiness for a tenant in a few days. Alto to Let or for Sale, A convenient two-story brick House in Lex- ington-s'.reet, a few door e'ast ward of How- ard-street. OWEN DORSEY. may 15. ______ __________eo J. & S. Sleeper, i.o. 76, Baltimore-street, corner of Lemmon- stietl, Respectfully inform the citizens of Balti- more, and the public at large, that they have Vist received a few thousand pair of Ladies' KID and MOROCCO SLIPPERS, which viil be sold at the lowest prices. Also, Bal- timore Manufactured SHOES, of different kinds. A few hundred pairs of Baltimore manufactured BOOTS* suitable for shipping-. may &J. eol2t Ten Dollars lie ward- RanaVay from the subscriber, on Friday, 22d instant, a mulatto boy named GEORGE ANTHONY, apprentice to the shoe-make- ing business. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 in- che« high, stout made, full face, has a scar over one of his eyes, and a little pock-mark- ed. He is a French boy but spegks very good English Had on when he went away, a half warn hat and brown nankeen jacket, and a red flannel shirt, and a coarse linen shirt, a pairtof coarse flannel ti'owsers, a pair of old shoes. The above reward will be %'iveu for apprehending said boy, in town or .paint, if brought home. JOHN ASHMAN. No. 40, Light-street.' . N.B. Ail persons are, forwarned from har- v boring or cadging off said apprentice at their peril. J. H. ai.-.y 27. eo-it 'The subscriber o'Ters for sale, The C -\KGO of I he schooner Rainbow, just arrived from St. Thomas and Turks-Island, consisting of 2000 bushels clear white Turks-Island Salt, 45 bags Green Coffee, and 3 hods Sugar. • ALSO, £ rW&X The above SCHOONER, •:* -,."„" Burthen about400 barrels ; just i^:j\_Jj , > ,j?oti her second voyage, „mcom- ^J^^aJSWpiete, o! ilcr Apply to ROBERT CORNTHWAIT, No. 14, M'Elderry's wliarf. may 28. _______________________d4t For Leghorn, i rrCT>' , The coppered and fast-sailing a$__l_> ship CONNKCTIcuT' l«3l!_B2HP Capt David M'Clure, -*'_£:- Has a considerable part of her cargo on board, and will be disjiatcbed. with ail possible speed. For freight apply to THOMAS TENANT, Or D. L. THOMAS, Ship Broker. _may 29. __________________d For Liverpool, e -iXTJtX The staunch new Ship ^Smm: INI-'IAN CHIEF, %m To sail early in June, havng a cpnsidetable part of her cargo engaged ; the remainder will be taken on moderate terms. Apply; to SAMUEL WYfjOWN, Water-street. Or CHARLES B. YOUNG, Broker, No. 20, Commerce street. N. B. The. above ship has.excellent accom- modations for passengers, will return from Liverpool to SaltiingT- dirTnt. For passage apply as above_________may 29. , dl iis'je The Brig Charlotte, r— ~f"S\ 'f.dai JO'—*, master, ~S^"V\^ V/iU Uke from 2 to 300 bbls ^'",f'^S> on freight to Antigua or any \"£zii»r>r*43! of the [reward Islands, if im- mediate aiiilieation be made to the captain on board, at Fraderick-strc ct wharf, or to CORNTHWAI'l' h YA.RNALL, No. 83, ilowiy'b wharf. 5th mo. 2G, d For Havanna, r;T The Schooner - TSSv'tV' MERCHANT, ;;?>,;*-:*- !*Ve.?-vV ^, , ... . . : .-> 'to in liigt't, master ; . . :> A constant trader ; will sail in ten days, the principal part of her cargo being ready to g" on bo'.rd. Those who maj be disposed to soip by this opportunity, gooes suited to that market,< addressed to the con- signee of the ressel, may calculate on remit- tances by herreiurn, and a few passengers can l;e comfortably accommodated. Apply to the oaptaih on board at Mezzick's wharf. Fell's-Point, or to ROBT : HAMILTON, may 22.________________________d__ Charles C. Egertbn, No. 82, Bowly's wharf, Has just received per the brig Mercury f> cm Bordeaux, and offers for sole, 1200 boxes (of one and two do/,«n each) Medoc CLARET and Grare'e White Wine. may 23 d4t-col6t For Amsterdam, The, strong copper-bottomed Ship PORTSMOUTH, capt. Philemon Dawson, will have immediatedispatch. Thegreat- cr part of her cargo being engaged, the re- mainder will be taken on moderate freight — Apply to ISAAC LEE WEBSTER, or D. L. THOMAS, Broker, may 11. _________. ' eolOt For Charleston, --—jtv The regular Packet, JiM^ BrigLIGNESS, SlSP^ Robert Wilson, Master. "few'^:3Si«f She will be ready to receive a cargo on the 23th, to sail the 2d June. F""or freight or passage apply to captain Wilson on board, Smith's Dock, or to FOULKE k KARRICK. Who h.tvte lauding from said brig, 50 hhds. N. Orleans Sugar, superior quality, 50 whole, and) Rice, fresh, and of first 82 hdf tierces_> quality, On hand, Young Hyson Tea, 50 kegs manufactured Tobaceo, Twine, by the barrel and box, 40 boxes White Soap, Madeira Wine, Logwood, 60 barrels Pimento, may IS eo 2Je For Genoa, Or, if blochade-i, Jo: LUG HORN, r ' V\ The coppered and fasf-sailing bSSsIy* SlviP CON:;EC'i'lCUl', SS3SJK^ Captain !.)«vi•'.. Vracle.re; ¦'4jijti*%£^'~ lias a considerable patt of her cargo engaged, and will continence loading in about lOdays. For freight apply to D.LTHOMAS, Ship Broker, may $ '*° For Sale, ,JC*JJ_ The fast -sailing schooner iJjfeMK^ ENTERPRIZE, fyW^M* °f about 40° bll-,Tels' if'aPP1'- ^^3~^^"-t cation is made on or before the first day of March, at which time it is expect- ed she will be ready to Lake in a cargo. FiiEY, BRUK'ER, k CO. Who have received by said schooner, and for sale at theware-houtt; corner of Howard and Pratt- streets, adjoining their sugar-refUety, 12,000 wt green Coffee, and 10,000' do. Car- raccas Cocoa, entitled to drawback oil ex portation, 10 logs St. Domingo Mahogany, 266 Spanish Hides, and a few bales Cotton. Also on hand, 11 tons NiciU'rgna Wood. All of which they will sell low for cash cr on credit tor good paper, February 24, 2aw Grand y Square Piano Fortes Imported in the ship Fair American, cap- tain Davis, from London, and for sale at. J CARR's Music Store, corner of Market and Gay-street, with aU other articles in the mu- gicil buiineis. may 23. eot't|J For Petersburg !-J'ii..i^ljT.J^ A substantid, i^ood Vv^ssel ; X~M-\-£.~-:':i*j* having a part of her cargo now on board, is expected to sail on Thursday the 23d instant i-'oi- f-eighl of the ,r;¦in:i..i der, apply to the master oi boarfl, af Smitn's wharf„or to I:-'AIAH M,\--K1N, Who c<%iti.uies to transact business, on com- mission as usual, and oilers for sate on ac- commodating terms, 150 boxes white Codfish, ninice Shipping order, 160 casks fresh Raisins, 15 chests Young Hvson Tea, 8<>) bids Glauber Salts, 30 do. Cider Vinegar, 10 qr casks Sherry Wine, superior quality, 2 do. Malaga do. 5 pipes Aloque do. 3 do. very superior old Cogniac Brandy, 3 do. Holland Gin, good flavor, 300 kegs Pickled Salmon, 200 do. Tongues and Sound's, 10 barrels Fat ?,Iackerel, 25 do. New York Apples, 600 Sugar Moulds, Trenton Manufacture, A few barrels Boston No. 1 Beef, Cherry Bounce, Sec. ALSO, 1 bale Cloths, assorted, 1 do. Kftfseys do. 1 do. Hose Blankets, and ] case Cotton Cambric*, ttj" GOOD'S received on Storage. April 18. d4Mawflt This day is published, And for 'sale by Coie idX I. Bonsai, M. £j" J. Conrad l&Cp- Geoige Kid, Warner if ItaJina, George }) ddmiz? Mwphy, Samuel Butler, AndtnoH tlf y-ejferis. 'John Vance. tS" Co. and Samuel ¦y j/'ens,—(price 07 1-2 cents,)— A Tract upon Conversion ; WITH AW APPENDIX, CONTAINING Six important QUUSTlCfNS, tilth ANSWERS KhlCWLEDGE of tie EORGIVENESS of SINS. By the Rev. J ami^s Kemp, D-D. Rector of Greet Citoptank Church, Dorchester county, Maryland. This work is : ddressed to sober and serious christians, in hope that it may tend tocounler- act certain erroneous opinions which have pre- vailed upon the subject thereof, and which have been art '"ally cherished oy various means incompatible with the true iitfit of i Irristiini- ty ; such as loud preaching, rajbtnrous sieging, violent prayer; frantic gestpfes, and other improper methoo, pious and ortho- dox preachei of the Methods! Socn tyterms it, '•ranting extravagance, abowioauie practices, such as j.imping, pointing, dancing, boring, scratching, jel'i.ing,"* he. * See Rev. Mr. A'avz-rts't serm-.m, preuclitd before the last conference. ALSO JUSTRECEIVED, And tiir sale as above, (Trice 37 1-2 cents stitched, mSOcents in boards J an INQUIRY into the VALIDITY of Methodist Episcopacy ; With an Appendix, containing TWO ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, Never be/ore published. By an Episcopalian of the stateof Maryland. may 21. d6«eol2t Will be adeied to our sale io-morrmv viorning, 12 oJclock, at the head of Frederick-street dock, 1500 lb. VENISON HAMS. P. G. Bcsrstier, No. 50, Head of Smith's Dock, Has received per the Elenora, from Amsterdam, 6 boxes Haarlem Tapes, assorted. On hand, A few boxes pint and half pint Tumblers, Madder, Pearl Barley, 14,000 wt. Carracas Cocoa. W hich are offered for sale on accommodat- ing terms. may 25.__ ' ¦ _____ eo3w Whelan and Laurenson Have just received from Philaelelphia, in aelditi- on to their supply of fresh TEAS, 10 chests of real English Company TEAS, Consisting of Hyson, Young Hyson and Imperial. Which they offer for sale by retail only, at No. 132, .Vlarket-street. may 27. _____________________eoot Fitch Hall, Jun. 81, Bowly's wharf, Has for sale, 30 quarter casks Malaga Wine, 58 whole and 16 half tierces fresh Rice, 100 boxes white Cod-Fish, in excellent or- der, 50 do. Spermaceti Candles, 11 ,hds. N. E. Ruin, 50 casks good shipping Cheeses 20 chests Young Hyson Tea, 9 setts elegant dining China, each sett containing 17!' pieces. may 27. eo8t Received By the Brig Admiral Berily, capt. Collins, from Gonaives, About 70,000 lb. Prime Green COFFEE, in bags' lor sale by PAYSON & SMITH mav 29. eo8t Bengal and Manilla Indigo be Beef, just received. 7 cases 1st qualify Bengal J 2 do. Manilla 5 INDIGO en tilled to drawback, 250 bbls. Boston No. 1, and 2, Beef. On hand, Upland Cotton, Russia Sheeting,/;es/: Bice, Brown Soap, Candles, Cogniac Brandy, Gin, Shipping Cheese, Mackerel, and Carolina Indigo. For saie bv CUMB. D WILLIAMS, may 29. ___^___ eo8t For Sale, or Lease, A LOT of GROUND situate to the east Vide of Charles street expended, and adjoit. :ng Mr. Daniel Lanimot, jun ( its size is 27 fce\ front and 133 1-2 feet deep, to a 20 feet idLy, it is thougjt a Lot of Lis size cannot be found more UeaUliv, com Client, of agrei i>ble, jytp brevitt. may 2.. e.itjj Received By the Brig Hiram, captain Church fom St Croix ¦ 32 hhds. Rum, S3 do. Sugar, 44 bbls ditto', and 2 lih.Is. Molasses. For sale bv WM. MATTHEWS. may 09. eo3( " Henry Btickriey, Bowly's wharf, OFFERS FOR SALE, 1200 bushels coarse Salt, 50 kegs Butter, in shipping order, 5i) boxes rfitioaked Herrings, 150 barrels Resin, Pitch and Varnish. • "9. __^ __________" eo4l Five Dollars Reward For delivering Co me, or to Mr. Carroll's manager at ElkrHge, his clerk at Annapolis, or his overseer near Annapolis, a small brown mar?, witli a bagged mane and cropt tail, branded on the near buttock and shoulder p. C. which strayed from my stable, in Bal- timore, some days ago, and will probably at tempt, to get to Annapolis, or the manor. MOB. G. HARPER. may 29. eoot On We- nesday, The 17th day ef 'June next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, hv authority of the last r:iil and ttstatnent of Engelhard Teiser, late of Balti- more county, ele tease/, will be exposeft to pN>:t\t sale, on the premises, on a liberal credit, the fallowing PROP HU'TT i_c. -• "A LOT of GROUND!, fronting on Paca- street 49 fee.t, bin ling a ten feet alley 140 feet, to a 20 ''ct alley; This lot may be di. vi.l.'d ir.'o two good building lots A LO'l' opposite the new Market, fronting on l.oui/rma-street V4 ieet, and running in depth 60 feet, to the bcforemenli ;ned 10 feet alley. A LOT ftonttng on Hanover-street 21 feet, andrunn'nigin depth 150 fery, (utensils all complete-) now ii,t the tenure of Mr George Dopp. CATHARINE YEISE11,} JOHN ll'JrlLANl), C.E_'r«, NICHOLAS lL'.ICS, ) N. B. The above Lots will be sold in tVe order in which they are, advertised. may 20. . eol_t A" Valuable Stand for Sale by Auction. As Mr Thomas Dewet intends removing from the city in a short time, he means to Sell by Auction on Tuesday, the Id June, at\l o'clock in tlic forenoon, on tiie premises, The valuable and well known Stand he now occupies, fronting 25 feet on Market- Space, and 6J feet 011 Swan street (but bet- ter 1; ,>wn by tl»'> !i'„-.^. Ma.-'ict.") The im- provements are, a good two-story Brick Dwel- ling House, &e. well calculated for.the mer- cantile business, or a tavern, the grouud is in fee simple, the title good, and the terms of payment for the purchase money will be made known at the time of- sale, by THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r may 11.________________eo Von Kapft and Brune OFFER roil SALE, 100 pipes best Holland Gin 50 do Dutch Beer 600 boxes do. Cheese la do half pint Tumblers 2o do. short Negro Pipes 2o casks Crucibles lo do. Madder, 5 do. Sewing and Fishing Twine, 3 do. Brass Kettles, looo Gin Cases, 37o packs Sheathing Paper, 34 bales white and brown Flemish Sheet- ings. An assortment of GERMAN LINENS ; Consisting of CheeksNo.2, Listadoes.Book'Check, Stripes, Bretagnos, Platillas, Cfeas, Dowdas, R'ouans, Estopillas,GhoIets, white Rolls,Tickbnburgs, Bielfeld Linen, German Raven Duck, Hessi- ans, Bagging Stuff, and ready-made Bags. Also, 374 boxes white and brown Havanna Sugar 23 barrels brown Sugar, 2o tons Fustic, 12 tierces Rice, 115o bushels coarse Liverpool Salt, 18 casks Rocou, 16 barrels and 14 bags Gum Guiacum, 6 seroons Jalap, 12o boxes PortWine, of averygoodqui'lity 9 boxes Copper, 22 a 23 o_. 5o casks Steel, and A quantity of Glass Baads. may 4._______________________d!2teo The Subscriber Will sell his present residence, two miles -4fom Baltimore city, lying between the York and old Harford roads, adjoining general Smith's and Mr. Hollin's country seats, con- taining about eighty-four acres of laud, 1 half of which is well-improved, the remainder in wood of a large size, and is very fully suppli- ed with excellent water. The very extensive prospect is not exceeded, if equalled,, by any in the vicinity, or county. It is stocked with an abundance of the best of every kind of large bearing Fruit Trees, at least two hundred Pear Trees, of almost every kind ; two apple orchards, containing upwards of thirty-five kmdsj Cherries of the best kinds i Peaches; Plumbs; Apricots, and Nectarines, of all kinds ; Qfctinceai large Italian black Mulber- ries j a .considerable number of large bsarihg Grapevines, of various kinds j figs; English Walnuts; bard and soft shell Atii'iouds ; Fil- berts; a large Garden stocked with Rasberries j Strawberries ; Gooseberries ; Currants, and every other nccessar;. All the a'bove mention- ed fruit has been selected at a consicei ah.e exper.ee and attention for 20 years past, by, tiie subsriber, who thinks it unnecess ry to mention anything further in respect to the land and improvement:;, it being so near Bal- timore, and it is expected a person desirous, n> purchase will view the premises. Foi'tei its. apply to THOMAS PETERS. N. 15. The land may be divided, beui_ twi. seperatc Lots, nearly eaqu;_ _; quantity. V. oodland, May ij^ . eo Cumberland D. Williams HAS -OR SALE, 200 bales Georgia Up.and Cot'on, 75 tons best Campeachy Logwood, 5<;0 pieces Russia Sheetings, 58 tierces fiw.sh Rice, 200 boxes brown Soap, 150 ditto mould Candles, 30 ditlfi Spermaceti ditto, 2 1 pipes of real Cogniac Brandy, 4th proof, 5 pipes Gin, 20 quarter casks Malaga Wine, 30 cast's shipping Cheese, 40 barrels Mackerel, 200 barrels Beef, 3 ditto Carolina Indigo, 2 seroons Spanish Flotant ditto, may 50. eo8t Thomas Hawthorn Has received per the Annawein, via Philadelphia, An assortment of 7-8 and 4.4 Irish Linens, Long Lawns, and 5-4 Sheetings. ALSO, An invoice of English Goods, conrustirg of Dimities, pink Ginghams, Malabar*, Nankins, cotton Cbainbravs, fancy Wab.lcraating, supef- fine Cloths, black Botnbazeenss 4-4and'9-8 Cambric Muslins* Sewing Silks, low-priced Prints, t e. Ac. which he offers for sale at re- di eo,: prices for cash or acceptances ill town. may 8. eo Whelan and Laurenson Have just received, tmd offer fir sale, at No. 132, Market-street. 100 boxes Royal Cigars, directly from the Havana, . 2300 wt Double Gle'st'ey Cheese, 20 boxes liaker'saud Foster's Chocolate, no. 1 of 24 and 12 wt.each, 2Q do. do no.3, containing-Siltytt. cadi, A large sopply of Fresh teas of every des- cription, selected with die greatest attention, from the different arrivals at New-York, Phila- delphia and Baltimore. On haul. Mad eira. Pert, and Claret Wine in bottles, and casks ; Genuine oldjCogniac Brandy, and Jamaica Spiritsot very superior quality; Marti- nique Cordials assorted ; 300 kegs arid boxes Malaga Kaisi.ls j with every article in tho Liquor and Grocery lire, which they offer for sale by wholesale and retail on the most libe- ' ral terms. May 18.___________________d4teo4t_ Sale by Auction, On WEDNESDAY Next, T/ie 3d yuie, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, viiii be sold on the premises^ Tho Dwelling House and Oauden be- longing to Mr. John II Hoskyns, and occupi- ed by him, situated on the Reistcr's-Towra turnpike road, a short distance from St. Mary's College ; it fronts 011 the road 60 feet, and run» back 200 feet, to a 20 feet, alley The Garden is as highly improved as any in the environs of the city, and planted with the eiioisest Shrubs, Flowers and Fruit Trees ; and has the advan- tage of a singularly, wen constructed greet. House, which requites no artificial heat during the severest winters ; and is stocked with » collection of the ihoicest Plants. Tcrr.is.made known at the time of sale. VAN WYCK. ~ DORSEY, Auct's. Mav 2S. _______ Sale by Auction. On TUESDAY, The 2_ June eit tht Auction room, at the head of , Fredcrick-.:tr, et dock, at 12 o'clock, teill bt sold on a tihtt'-al credit, The. CARGO of the hrig Decatur, Son> Bordeaux, Consisting of 250 pipes Choice Brandy, VAN WYCK & DORSEY, Aucfrs. may 29. Sale by Auction. ON THURSDAY Next, The ith June at 12 o'clock, on the premises, mill be sold on, a credit of 6, 9, and 12 months fo- approved ine/orsed negotiable notes, A two-story Brick House and Lot, in Ruxton lane, No 15, near Charles street.— The Lot is 50 feet on Kuxton lane, and 120 feet deep. The House 20 feet in front, and 39 feet deep, containing 14 rooms, 11 of which have fire places, with a pump before the door, and another in the yard. VAN WYCK & DORSEY, Auct'ra. Public Sale". BY COLE & I. BONSAL, On WEDNESDAY, Sd June, will be sold at 11 o''clock in the forenoon, at No. 1, Market- street, THE remaining STOCK in TRADE of the late James Davidson, cabinet-maker, de- ceased, Consisting of One elegant Mahogany Side Board, One do. do. Two Desks and Book Cases, Bureaus, Dining, Breakfast, and Card Ta- bles, &c. And a quantity well seasoned Mahogany Plank, which will be sold together or in lots, to suit purchasers. Also, sundry Coffin Fur- niture tend Cabinet makers' Tools. Terms made known at the time and place of sale. The Executors being very desirous to settle the estate, hereby request those who are in- debted, to make speedy payment, as no longer indulgence can be given. TO RENT, The front House, two doms'fi em the bridge, in Market-street, an excellent stand lor a gro- cery or di»' goods store. Apply to Mrs. David- son, en the premisas. May 27- dot City Commissioners' Oi'tice, Baltimore, 2J>A May, 1807. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT the cby coin mi tsi oners will meit on TUESDAY next, the 2d p,.;...,. 9 ..'clock A. M. to establish the diviifl >ii line between Lots No. 619 aud ovG, , o. ... on-:d- ley. Also thf frorit line of Lot, No, G23 situate on said alley. Those who are interested in the above esta- blishments. are requested lo ate ',d with sur» yejor, land marks endpapers uce-)s3,ry for'es- tabitsuihg the sarrie. By order of the board, Samuel vikc*:-:t. elk. May '28. AH