Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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azettte. Seven Dollars per Annum.3 Sale by Auction. On TUESDAY, Tie Wth August, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, mriii be sotd at the premises, by order of the Cfurt, nd wder the direction of Frederick Price, esq. trustee, ALL that valuable piece of Ground, con- ts-ini-'g nine acres, about one mile and a half ,i (!> ¦ oily ,w4Is of Messrs. Edwards, Vincent, and Ball On the premises is erected a good and convenient dwelling Hon*. Stable*, &c. late- !v ovned and now occupied by Mr John Neale It will be at the purchaser's option, to pay the els.), or to give approved indorsed notes at six and twelve months, with interest thereon, from the day of sale. THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. June ;J- MkTh Mitifr Farm/orSale by Auction. On THURSDAY, The \6(h 'July at half past 11 o'clock at the fendue Warehouse at the corner of Second and Fieduri-i-streets, will be sold on a liberal credit, \V indsor MILL, on Gwynn's Falls, with all the Machinery thereunto belonging, with about 1G6 tti res of Land, situated about four miles from this city, near one half of which is cleared and uader good fence, arid well set with clover mid other grass. The im- provements are, a neat and v. ell finished two- s'. >ry S one Dwelling' House, Coopers'Shop, largs Stables and other convenient out-houses, ail built with stone. The Mill has lately undergone -it •Jioruigh repair, there are between SO and 30 feet head and fall. She 'ms two water wheels which work three pair ol Burr Stones, and is calculated to manufacture about (iu barrels of flour per day. The properly will be siiewn previous to 'the sale on application to the Miller, (Mr. Hugh M'G''* coi v) on the premise* or to Mr. j.-.r.u's O wings, merchant, No. 97, Bowly's wharf. "THOMAS CH^E, Auct'r. June 22. WILL BE PUB US HE Vj TO-MORRolt MORNING BY SAMUEL JEFFERIS, 212, Mareet street and ANDERSON AND JEFMRiS, 66, Number 2 of a New Literary W..rk, by the Lunarian Soiiity of Baltimore, emitted MOONSHINE. The publisher informs the patrons cf this work, that he has stated to the authors, a wish expressed by many ol their readers, that it iiould be made tO embrace objects of a more miscellaneous nature. To this they answered, <:i.i. i. would be entirely inconsistent with their pfa* ; but gave him leave to close in . me same cover, any quantity ol miscellane- ous matter that he might tliink fij. He has therefore, resolved to (five, with each num. ber of "he Moonshine, frejni four to eight pipes ol origin*! and selected matter, which will be paged so as to admit of being bound Up sparately. The whole of this additional matter to be given in each month, will con- stitute a number of a distinct work, ko be entitled THE BALTIMORE MAGAZINE. This department will be under the directi- on of a gentleman qf known literary abilites. The third Number of the Moonshine, will be published on Thursday the 9th of July, together with the first part of No. 1, of Tlie Baltimore Magazine ; after which, they will be published regularly every Thursday. The two works together will contain from li to 16 pages each week, and be delivered or forwarded to those who pay in adva nce, for Thre*. Dollars for six months, or at the rates heretofore advertised. June 30. d d4t Baltimore Office of Discount and Deposit, Jome 30th, 180?. This Bank will be shut on the 4tii of July next. In consequence thereof, all Notes and Bills, payable at this institution, on Saturday and Sunday next, must be taken up, on or before next Friday ; and all Bills and Notes, intended for discount on Monday the 6th July, must be brought into Bank on Friday. DAVID I1AKKIS, Cashier. June 30.________________________d4t Dividend. The Commissioners named in a commissi- on of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against Frederick Amelung, of Baltimore, mer- chant, intend to meet on Monday, the sixth day of July next, at four o'clock in the after- [ noon, at tlie office of John Caldwell, esq. No. 18, North Calvert-street, in order to make a Dividend of the estate and effects of the said bankrupt, when and where the cre- ditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same or they will be excluded from the benefit of said Dividend. WM. M'MECHEN,? . . JACOB F. LEVY, j AsslS?nes. ~+Une 5. ______________ d&thjy Green Turtle. TURTLE SOUP will be served upon the Table of the Fountain Inn, on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 2 o'clock, and from 11 till i, in. the Public Room, during, the season, JA.MKS BRYDEN. N Ii. Private Families e-iu be-served. . June 18. d For Sale. The fine fast-sailing French built Ship ROSE, Dennis M. Johnston, master ; ourthen about SOU tons ; built of the best materials, well found in sails, rigging, &c. and can be sent to sea at a small expence. Apply to CORNTHWAIT & YARNALL. Who have for sole, on board said ship, 131 tons of good building SAND- 6th mo. oOlh. d For Sale or Charter, The Schooner PH(ENIX, Elrphalet Gruby, master j #5^tS3£? Burthen about 6u0 barrels, a staunch good vessel, will be ready to receive a cargo in a few days For terms apply to CORNTHYVAIT & YARNALL, No. 85,(j*towIy's wharf. Who have for sale, landing from on board said schooner at the upper tide of Smith's dock, 50 tons Plaister Paris, 24 bbls. Beef, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 16 crates Earthen-waie, 14 boxes Brown Soap, 2000 feet White Pine Boards. 6th mo. 30th. d6t Wanted to Charter, A good American SHIP of 3500 to 4000 bbls. for Liver- pool. Cargo can be put on board immediately. ALSO, A good American VESSEL of 220 to 240 tons burthen, for a port in Ireland Cargo ready to go on board, without Apply to CORNTHWAir h YARNALL, No. 83, Bowly's wharf. 6th mo. 29th. d6l any deiiy. 4 £- For Boston, Schooner SUSAN isr WILLIAM, Will nail in a few days, having a part of her freight engaged, For freight or passage, apply to BUFFUM iSt- GOODHUE, No. 84, Bowly's whatf. Also received per said schooner and for sale, 20 pipes Corsica Wine, Sil boxes Chocolate, 650 Reams Wrapping Paper. June 2'J.______________________d4t-eo4t For Sale, .LjJ'-, The good substantial Ship ' imfe^i&rX GENERAL GREEN, tvll.JJJL^' 239 19-9') tons per register, ^0*5?^"?'^' and of such dimensions as to stow a large cargo, for a ship of her tonnage, well found, having an extensive inventory of materials. This ship will be sold, on the most, moderate terms, in order to close a concern. For teims apply to CHARLES B. YOUNG, Broker, Commerce-street. June 27._________________________d_ For Freight or Charter Y's> a port in Europe, The Portuguese Brig NAPOLEAO, ..-IX Capt. Jardiiier ; ipaissSW* It is expected she will load about 2500 bbls. For sale on board said brig, About 7000 bushels Cape de Verd SALT, Also fromforin-r importations, Lisbon, Port and Madeira Wine. it. BARRY. June 26. dot A Freight is Wanted X\ For the Schooner M\RINEH, Captain Summers, __* Either for Philadelphia, New- York, Boston, or Richmond,Nortbl!;,oi' Peters, burg. She is a remarkably fine schooner, of about 750 bbls. Apply to CHARLES B. YOUNG, Ctfmmesce-stneet, or The cnptmi on hoard at Smrth's wharf. N. B. There are on board said schooner,; from New-Yerk, several packages addressed! to A.iai.i Liiulsey, who is requested to take' n Liverpool; ths Fair American and Globe, JMi London, and other late arrivals at Nev>* \4k and Philadelphia, upwards of I) packages very choice GOODS consisting or 1 and 9-8 fancy Calicoes aiul Chintz " and 9-8 Furniture ditto > and 6-4 Cambric Dimities i, 9-d & fi-4 black and colored Cambrics imfaric, Jaconet and Book Muslins ipp.-t sisd figured Cambric ditto egant worked ar.d lace Cambric ditto ¦intedand worked Muslin Robes 4 Lappet and checked Cambric Shawls smatt and Hush bordered Handkerchiefs 8 and 9 8 pink, bide and fancy checked Ginghams rinted Qtiiltings ion's .i.id women's Cotton Hose, plain lace and 3andal clocks iegant siik ditto [adrass & French Pit'lLcat Handkerchiefs -8 and 9-8 camoric Shirtings ed'Tick, Sattinette lotton Lace and Spider Nets icnic and Spider net Sleeves Urpets, he. AND 0 casks London Porter, of a superior qua. Ii. April /. d Just Received From Philadelphia and for sale by GEORoii HILL, Vol. the 1st of European Commerce, ihewingnew and secure channels of Trade ah the Continent of Europe ; detailing the Iidnce, Manufactures, and Commerce of Issia, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark & Ger- r.i.y, as well as the Trade f the Rivers t>e, Weser, and Ems, witii a general view <.tiie Trade, Navigation, Produce and Man dctures ol the United Kingdom of Great fitain and Ireland. By J Jepson Oddy. Member of the Russian and Turkey, or Le- vant Companies MEMORIES OF Ninon De L'Enclos. . 'ith her Letters to the Marquis De Sevigne Id Minis, de St.. Evreir.o.id. , Translated from the French by Mrs. Grif- h. June 16. _____________________d23t v"r Sale, A handsome GIG HOUSE. Inquire at lo. 105, Hanover-street. JW 26. d8t Fifty Dollars Reward. Ranaway from thesubsorib.er, living in the ity of Baltimore, onjSunday the i!lst instant . Negro MAN, nairid ISAAC, aged about !5 Veart, about 6 feet high, very large body old strong made, has a custom of throwing fp his head, pr looking up when spoken to, cry large flat feet and slovenly in his w-dk. lad on a Ticklenburg shirt, and trow.sers, md a new red striped Swansdown under acket ; by trade a brick-maker, fond of Irink, and very quarrelsome. Whoever takes 'ip said Neg.o, and Secures him in Baltimore jail, shall receive, if taken in the city ten dol. iars, If 20 ruiles from Baltimore, and in the state 35 dollars, and if out of the state, the above reward. Paid by CHRISTOPHER HUGHES. N. B. Masters of vessels and all others, are forewarned against harboring, or carrying off lid Runaway. June 23.__________d6t-eol0t Fresh Teas. The subscriber has just received at his Tea Store, a supply of TK IS, of tlie latest im- portation and first quality, viz. Imperial in chests and leads of 21b. each, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Skin, Souchong and Bohea, Jamaica and New-Orleaas Sugars, by the hhd. and bid White and Brown Russia Sheeting, Ravens Duck, Huwsia Diaper, Superfine long and short Nankeens, Carpeting, and 20 bales West-India Cotton. Also, GERMAN and other LINENS, With a general assortment of Dry Goods, all of which will be sold low for cash. JAMES STERLING. June 16.___________ d Bolting Cloths. Millers and others, who deal in this article can be supplied on the best terms, by the in, voice or single piece, with Uniting Cloths, from No. 0 a 7, of a superior quality, from the ma- nufactory of the " Three Kings," by applying to the subscriber. JOHN SPERRY, 55, Smith's wharf. IWav 6. d Nimrod Maxwell, Proprietor of the celebrated Siilpher Spring in Adam's county, Pennsylvania, takes leave, on the approach of the season for bathing-; & drinking tnis highly medicinal water, to in- form his former friends, and the inhabitants of this and the neighboring states, who may be in quest of health or pleasure, that lie is prepared to gratify them in both. His house is in all respects in an improved state, his rooms freshly embellished and furnished with the best Beds, and his cellars replenished with a variety of the choicest Liquors. He promises a plentiful and luxrious Table em- bellished by the best cooks ; and has been at the expence of sinking in the solid Rock, and replenishing with ttbuudatics of Ice a cave for the refreshment of his Spring Guests- He will have obliging Waiters, and plenty of them, together with Music for the entertainment of secii as delight in that exquisite Treat The House on the south side of the Bridge, is occupied by Mr. Robert Long, wdio kept it formerly, Mid who has fitted it in the best munner lor the accommodation of Boarders. N Maxwell in this age of puffing, has chosen to content himself wiih this plain and modest notice, begging his readers to believe that he means to perform even more than he has promised. ., June 11. dijdijy Flavanna Sugar, Coffee, he. 325 boxes prime white and brown Havanna SUGARS, 13 half boxes refined White do 85 bags Green Coflee, and 3 barrels Flotant Indigo, just received per schooner Merchant, John Blgby, master, from Havanna, and for sale on a liberal credit for approved emdcfrB- ed paper, if immediate application be made before landing to ROBT : HAMILTON, Corner of Ca'vert-street and Lovely-bwae may 22. d Refilled Sugars. The subscribers inform their friends, and all those wlio wish to ftVor them with their custom, that they have mainif-iotired, and of- fer for sale at their Sugar Refinery, corner of Howard and Pratt-streets, all sorts of Refin- ed SUGARS, which they warrant equal, if not superior in quality to any refined in this citv, and which they wiil sell on the same terms with those who make Sugars of as good qii'ilit\. Orders from town and coun- try will be thankfully received FREY, BRUNER & CO Who have for sale, if immediately applied for, 10,000 IB* best Carracas COCOA, entit led to drawback, 11 tons Nicaragua WOOD. June 33_________________________dm "ToT.et, A two-story brick Dwelling HOUSS, No. 95, South llannver-stivet, and possession given immediately. Apply on the premises or at No. 10, South Charles street. June 11.____________________________d GRAND AND INGENIOUS IJ ¦¦<.]': IVOH K. M. ROSANVM.LE respectfullv informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Baltimore and its vicinity, that on SATURDATKVKNING, the 4th of July, bring the Anniversavj ol merican Indep.ndance, A (iHAhl) l'i-cl', WORK, of his own composition, will take place *t Chatsworth's Seat, Gunderman's Garden, (weather permitting, or else the next fair day,) composed of the following pieces, viz A HUN\INO CHANGING SUN, Of sundry colors, representing at times the cloudy and biignt, lighted by a Hying | Pig on, which wiil take its start 150 feet j from the tiece, set it on fire, and will re- turn again to its post A RUNNING HOliRVLONTAL, Forming beiow and upper Bason, crowned with Chinese Fire, Sheaves, &c t.-c. called The Ladies' Fancy, oa account of the variety A LARGERVNNINGVERT1CALWHEEL Of I te dazling ground. A RUNNING VERTICAL, Bearing in its centre three colored Ribbons, sky blue white an. vellow THIi BATTLd. OF DON QU1X0TM, Against tin.' Wind Mill, and li.e old gentle- man in character A HORIZONTAL RUNNING PIECE, Representing a Water Pall, ornamented with .'heaves, Chinl s-e Fire -u.d Roman Bat- teries, and Atmospherical Beauties. A LARGF WHH1-.L, Eighteen feet in circumference, in the centre of which will appear three Butterflies, running at each other, with some Metamor- phoses. The FIRE WORK, will be terminated by 7Vie Bombardment of Tripoli, By the AMERICAN FLEET. The public are respectfully informed, that the Bombardment will be represented in a manner that cannot fail to astonish the spec- tators They may depend on every exertion being made to render this entertainment mora complete than any thi ,g of the kind ever mituessed in Baltimore The whole will be conducted in a regular manner ; the fire, and the report of the cannons and m usque try, the gun-boats browing shells into the town, and the enemy's Forts and Batteries throwing red hot halls. N B. A commodious Amplntheare has been erected for the reception of genteel company, and die Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. lfupfelilt. The Town and Forts of Tripoli are exe- cuted by a Grand Artist in that line. Admittance, Amphitheatre, One Dollar— Pitt, 50 Cents, Children 25 Cents. Tickets to be had of Mr. Poncut, Market- strtet, and at the Garden The Fire Work to be announced by the ascension of three SKY ROCKETS, halt au hour before the performance takes place. June 27 d For Sale for a Term of Years, A stout healthy Negro MAN, about 27 years old. Also, a Negro GIRL, abouc 13 years old, who has fourteen years to serve. For terms apply to the printer. June 26. d CORDAGE, A fow tons Cordage, of the best quality and most valuable sizes, nor' landing from the sloop Polly and Nancy, at Smith's Wharf, for saie by H. BURROUGHS. June 6. d This Day is Published, BT CONRAD, LUCAS isf CO. (late m and j. conr.vd and co.) Part II, Vol. IF, of Dr. Ree^s New Cyclopedia. June 26. . " d6t LOST, On Sunday evening, in the street, a sealed ' LETTER, directed to "Mrs. Sarah Huffing', ton, Barn Creek, Somerset county." The per- son who has found the same, shall lie rea- sonably rewarded, on leaving it at the Office of tha Federal Gazette. June 29. d4>t. Almonds, Beef tk Soap. ! Now laitdicg from brig Federal George, and ] schooners William, and Susan and William, i from .Boston, | 60 laics so/i shelled Almonds, 7 Entitled to i 60 hoses shelUU ditto, 5 debenture. ; 100 bbls- No. 1 and '2, Beef, 7\) boxes Brown Soap ; for sale by NATHANIEL F. WILLIAMS, ' No. 15. Bowly's wharf: J ".iii- 29. H4 Wm. & Jerm. Hoffman, No. 3, South Charles-street, Have imported iu the Shepherdess, from London, 62 packages Fancy Goods, Comisting of Prints, Muslins, Cainbrick and common Dimities, C irnbrick and common Ginghams, Cam brick Sarsnets, Cham'iray Muslins, Shirting Cottons, Madras and Pulh'eat Hankerchiefs, AVhite and Printed Qiiiltings, Knitting and Adelphi Cotton, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Super Cloths tnd Cassimers, with trim* ' mirigs to match, i Elegant Shawls, newest fashion, J Ribbons, Dr«s3 Buttons, Cords, Tassels, Girdles, &c. &c. And have remaining from a former impor- tation n-kw cases IRISH LINN ENS AND SHEETINGS. J me "5._________cU5t eo!5t Twenty Dollars Reward. R AN away from Doughoragen Manor, Elk. ridge, (the snmnv'r residence of Charles Car" roll, of Carrollton Esq.) on the i9th instant, a N-gro Man, named WILLIAM; about 30 years of ag<, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high ; of a phasing countenance ; wears his wool platted on the locks and behind, aad turned tip with a comb. His clothing that cafi be recollected is, a long blue cloth coat, London brown panta- loons, b! irk ditto, new shoes with one row of hob nails round the soles an ' heels. He wa» lately purchased of judge Chase, of the city of Baltimore. Whoever will deliver the above Negro to the subscriber, at the mr.r.oron Elk- ri Ige, shad receive Tw.-nty Dollars ; or, if secured in L'dtimore jail, fifteen Dollars, in- cluding what the law allows. ABIJAH FENN. way 26_____________________A Three Dollars Reward. STRAYED from Fort M'Henry, a small red COW, with 3 slits m her left ear. The abovf reward will be given for returning her to the Foit, near Baltimore. JOHN HUGHES; June 26.___________________dAt Coleman and Taylor, CA SINE TMAKERS, RETURN thanks to their customers for ths liberal patronage tl(ey have received while carrying on business in South and Water- stre.es, inform them and the public in general that tliey have removed to their New shop and Ware-Room, No. 32, North Gay-street, Where they have ready made elegant and plain furniture, new patrons of Sideboard, Chairs, Sophas, Beadsteads, Tables, &c. Being in a situation to carry on business wit. dispatch they invite their customers and other* *i call with or send their orders, which will be attended to with punctuality. They hrvi also for Sole, Bay St Domirgo MAHOGANY, Ssdtu and Fancy WOOD, suitable for ertnwueaUng; fur* niture. June la. dl2eo6t Just Received And fr sale !>•/ the Subscriber, 300 bbls I ar, Pitch and Turpentine, 20 do Vwnish, 18,000 White Oak Staves. ALSO, An invoice of DRUGS, consisting-of Balsam Copivi, Gum Copal, and Semi—Bark. June -Z9. A. ALLISON, 28, Calvert-street. eo4t Green Coffee. Just arrived and will be landed to-morrow from on board the brig Meteor, captain Davis, at the head if Frederick street dock, 13UP bag's COFFEE, of very superior qua- lity, calculated for either retailing, or expor- tation. Also in Store, Muscovado Sugar, in hhds. tierces & bbls. Clayed do. do. do. do. Cogniac Brandy, 4th proof, Holland Gin, do. 30 seroons real Flotant Indigo. Cocoa, in bags, uj 1 bale Spanish Wool, London Particular TenerifTe Wine, in qrv casks, Claret in hhds and cases of 1 and 2 doz. each, and A few bbls. and bags, old yellow Coffee, for atnily use. For terms apply to HU : THOMPSON. June 99^__________ eoStj Cod-Fish, 226 boxes and 9 hhds. of excellent quality, and in nice shipping order, and just receiv- ed per schooner Susan and William, captain Luce, from Boston, and offered for sale at a . reduced price by ISAIAH MANK.IN, 69, Smith's whar June 29._______;_________________e^tt Ten Dollars Reward. Ranaway from the subscriber on tlie S^th instant, a Negro Girl, a native of Africa^ named ADF.LE, about 16 or 38 years of aj-e, 5 feet I or 2 inches high. Had on when sh# went away a check gown, about half wot.., with a Madras Handkerchief about her bead, but it is probable she will change her dress. Speak* very g-ond French and English. Whoever apprehends said Negro, and de- livers her to me, shall receive the above re* ward and all reasonable charges. BONARD, No. 84, Cambden-street* J one 29- _________eo4t||. ^ Dividend. The President and Directors of the Uniont Bank of Maryland, have this day declaied a dividend vffoui and a half per cent on tli£ capi- tal Stock thereof, for the half year, ending the 30th instant, and ihe si.ine will be to the. stockholders, or their representative^ on or after Monday tlie S;h July, ensuing. £v order of tlie Borrd, • R, HiGINBOIHOJii, Cashior. June 29. Stfitft