Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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y~ tidem Seven D !; trs per Annum.] SATURDAY, AUGUST l, 1807. [Vol. XXVII-No. 4122. Sale by Auction. The suhscri ¦!¦:¦ fpr sa'eon theprewi'scs, ui W , 6 ¦' ike l.'fA of August next, at 10.' 'oik A H U ¦ OT, on the Frederick town Turnpike-Road, ;.'.. u' five miles from Dal. timore. The house is a frame, two-stories high, ) til Ri :h¦-. Mid Gard.n, and would suit I'm a 'av. ¦.-. The Lot contains about 5 acres ; is enclosed with a good fence (part stone and part post and rails)—It has a num- ber nf good Springs, and would answer well ior iho establishment of a tan yard. The terms of -r.de, one half cash, the other half to be paid in six months. ABRAHAM KNGF.L. / July 24. ________________2»w4tj SsJe by Auptian. On MONDAV, The 3d of Augnst next, at 3 o'clock, near the corner of Bridge and High-streets, Old-Town, will be sold, the re -jaining S VO CK OF A GROCEK, consisting of 3 bbls. Herrings, Stone-ware, Eathert do. Queen's do. T!:i do. Scale Beams, Weights, Oats, and Cut Straw, Stand Casks, &c. Stc'&c. July 29.__________________________dtldAu _ ~ The Charterers Of the snow John and Joseph, having fail- ed to comply with the charter party,' wc are directed to o.fl'er for sale for their account, at our vendue store on TUESDAY NEXT, the ¦4th da ¦ of August, at 12 o'clock. 41 whole tierces? RICE 44 half do S 6000 BARREL STAVES, At 60 days credit, for approved endorsed "vAN WYCK & DORSEY, Auol'rs. July 2_9._________________________________ Sheriff's Sale. &Y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias from Bal- timore county court, to ma 8i&».eted, will be exposed to public sale, on Wednesday, the 5i.h August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on the premises, for cash, the following property to wit : ALL the right, title, estate and in. terest of Thomas Dobbin, in and to a House and Lot, situate on Harrison-street, (No. 48) the Lot fronts on said street 25 feet, and runs back to the Fall's, with the improvements of a two storv frame dwelling; House, and ad- ditional back buildings, late the properly of said Dobbin, taken at suit of Tierce M. De _.entz. JOHN HUNTER, Sheriff. __ July 29.________________________dt5Au .India Sales. 1~o he sold by public action, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th of Aiigus< next, and the following days, at 'the stores on Ross's wharf, The CARGO of the ship Coromandel, just arrived from Calcutta, Consisting of A General Assortment of Bengal Piece Goods, Gunny Bigs Indigo, Sugar, Goffee, Pep- per, Ginger, Ivory, Rattans, &c. Sue. Catalogues of which will he published and delivered at the auction store, No. 15, South Front-street, in a few days, with terms an- nexed, by ANDREW BAYARD, Juct'r. Philadelphia, July 31. d6t Sale by Auction. On WEDNESDAY, The 5th August, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold at the premises, agreeably to terms which will then be made known, A neat and well finished two-story Brick Dwelling House, situated on Mulberry street nfeat Howard-street, now occupied by Mr. 11 enbridge, who will give possession the first of September next THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. JnlyJO.___________________,__ best Russia clean Hemp. Russia Sheetings > errt;tied to drawback Sherry Wine i AND 3000 bushels yellow Corn. For sale by SCHULTZE & VOGELER. May 13. d Jamaica Rum, &c. 102 puncheons 4th proof Jamaica Rum, 4 hhds. Molasses, Will he landed to-morrow on Spear's-whsrf from on hoard the schooner Mary, captain Evans, from Falmouth, Jam. For sale by FOULK.E & K.ARRICK. Who have just received, 14 caies Fashionable London Hats, entit- led to debenture. July 28.______________________________d6t Hager's-Town Bank, July 23d, 1807-. 100 Dollars Reward. - On the 7th inst. (the day on which they were printed) there was st ilenfromtheprintingroom of the Hag-er's-Town Bank, four half sheets, ui- impressions of printed notes, each half sheet containing four notes, viz. one of IglOO, one of j_10, one of §5, and one post note, all blank ; and as none struck from the same [date have been issued by the bank, except eight jglOQ notes, from No. I to No. 8, inclusive, or will be issued until the stolen notes are reco- vered, the counterfeits rnayreadilybedetected. The 010 and g5 notes are No. p ; all of the pame denomination which have been issued, are No. A. and B. of course no jg 10 or g>5 notes No. Care in circulation, but counterfeits, or sny 0100, except eight. The stolen notes are badly executed, being printed by a person who did not understand the business; they have a smutty appearance, and two of the £10 notes, which I have seen and which W detected in Baltimore, are very badly filled up and signed. The above reward will he given for, bending and prosecuting to conviction, tl son who has or may forge the filling signatures of any of tho said stolen no who has or may pass any of them with a know- ledge of the forgery. N. ROCHESTER, President. rJ&? X Marshal's Sale. United States, Maryland District. By virtue and in pursuance of an order to me directed from the honorable James Hous- ton, esq. Judgs of the District Court of the United States, in and for Maryland District, will be exposed, to public sale, at the lower end of M'Elderry's wharf, on S ATURDAY, the first day of August next, at 11 o'clock, for cash, The Brig POTOMAlK, Her tackle, and appare_ and Furniture. THOMAS RUTTER, Marshal. June 25_____________________ d"t For Sale, The fine fast sailing French built Ship ROSE, burthen a- bout 300 tons, built of the best materials, well found in sails, rigging, &c. andean be sent to sea at a small expense. Apply to CORNTHWAlT & YARNALL, No. 83, Bowly's wharf, Who have for sale on hoard said ship, 131 tons of good building Sand. rth ino. 13th. ___________________ For Sale, The good substantial Ship GENERAL GREEN, 239 i 9-9 ¦> tons per register, *fe£p^SS_!)«- and of such dimensions as to stow a large cargo, for a ship of her tonnage, well found, having an extensile inventory of materials. This ship will be sold on the most moderate terms, in order to close a concern. For terms apply to CHARLES B. YOUNG, Broker, Commerce-street. _June_-r._________________________________ For New-Orleans. JF*__\ The Brig «.S_S_S__" AD HERBAL, ~~'t¦_!_£_? Captain Daniel M'flfeal, V\.*.;;..&§g#^ Is now undergoing a thorough repair, and will be ready to receive a cargo In about 14 days. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on ooard, at Cole's wharf, Fell's. Point, or HENRY THOMPSON. July 41. ______ d!4t___ Peter Hoffman Ik Son Have remainirv of their Spring importations, (Entitled tn'drawback on exportation) Superfine Clotns, Cassemiers, Flannels, Fancy Muslins, Plain Cambric do. Ghambray Muslins, Prints, Cotton a"d Silk Hosiery, Shirting Cottons, Nuns and Colored Thread, Knitting Cotton, Fine Hals, &c. And daily expect a further supply. June 2 d ~A. and R. Boughan Wish to dispose of two Bills of Exchange on Liverpool, at 60 days for £ 575 Sterling. They h.ive on hand and for sale, 161 hhds Virginia and Maryland Tobacco, 24 do. Tobacco Stems, 4 do. Lampblack, hi pound papsrs, 110 bbls Herrings, 100 do Turpentine, 1^00 bushels Richmond Coal. July 23.__________________________d Soap and Oil. ^Vrw,B!'own,lsoAP. 100 do. White, ) 89 cases fresh Florence Oil, Just received per schooners Gorham Lovel, and Francis, and for sale by BUFF UM & GOODHUE, No. 84, Bowly's wharf July 14. ___________________d Notice. JOHN SPINDLEB. tenders his services to a respectable public, and those particular- ly of the Military Companies. He carries on the Painting on Silk of Standards, or Milita- ry Colors, in whatever manner may be wish- ed, either with gold or silver insignia. Hav- ing executed a great many in Jiuropc, he flatters himself to render satisfaction to those who would be generous to encourage him. He, resides at Grny's Garden, at Mr Ro- sainville's. __________July 25. _______drt_ A Teacher Wanted. A gentleman, capable of teaching the En- hgsh language, Orography, and Arithmetic, and can bring good recommendations, will hear of an advantageous situation, by apply- ing at this Office. July 30.________________ d4t____ For Sale, , 32 hhds. 1st quality- Molasses, 15 do. Jamaica Rum, well flavored and high 4th proof, 40 pipes Bordeaux Brandy, 50 hhds. Green Copperas, 100 bbls. Southern Pork. By AARON R. LEVERING. No. 79, Bowly's wharf. July 28. _________d5t For Sale, The Cargo of the brig Ann and Mary, from Lisbon. 2000 bushels Salt, 100 boxes Lemmons, 16 pipes ~) 18 hhds. C Lisbon WINE, 170 qr. casksj 7 pipes Brandy, 30 bales Corks, 150 lbs. best Spanish Saffron. ROBERT T1ARRY. July 2-________________- dtit dmore & Frederick Turn- pike Road ('ompany. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,' That the President and Managers require thi. payment of '.he second instalment of Five l-j lira's or. ¦ the Augmented : y of Aug st .next, at the „. irder, J. LEWIS W AMPLER, Sec'ry, • Ju.y 9, dU-A- PROPOSALS, By EZRA SAltGEANT, No. 39, Wall-street, New-Yo 'k, For publishing by subscription, A NEW CYCLOPEDIA, OR, Dictionary of Arts &? Sciences. BY G. GREGORY, D. D. Author of Essays Historical and Moral, the Economy of Nature, £_"c. ijfe. To be completed in twelve months from the time it is put to press. In Twelve Parts Price two dollars and seventy-five cents each. The literary Qtiacieiy which prompts the publisher of every new work to endjavor to magnify the merits of h's own intended pub- lication by depreciating the merit of all other simiiar productions, is, at once, both useless and despicable ; because nothing human ran ris? inio esteem and honor, merely, upon the r.iins of another's reputation, without some intrinsic excellence of its own. The Publish- er of Gregory's Cyclopedia, therefore, will leave it to others to discover and declare, tint the generality of Books called Encyclopedias ire, in their very constitution and form, too expens'ue and two cuuib rsorne, to be either extensively circulated, or generally useful ; and will content himself with briefly stating the claims and pretensions of the Boot which lie hereby proposes to offer to the public First. It comprises the most valuable informa- tion in all the important departments of Know- ledge, collected and n-'i-in .ed by som • of I he best selii ars, an.l the most comprehensively scientific men, this day existing in Britain Secondly. This Information is comprised in a small compass, soul conve e;! in language at once perspicuous and etegant ; so that the reader may, in ft short space of time, with use and pleasure to himself, obtain that real acquaintance with the moral, literary, politi- cal, and philosophical world, which other wise could not he acquired from the. larger works in which the sources of these streams of knowledge are contained, but by a whole loe leveled to s -verc and unremitted labour. In order to render the work worthy of the patronage of the American public, the Pub. lisher has engaged all the best American Artists to engrave the Copper Plates, of which 138 will be given in the course of the work ; and has also secured the assistant* of Edi- tors of acknowledged talents and information. It is with the blended emotions of confi- dence and delight, that toe Publisher an- nounces his intention of ottering to his nu- merous patrons and supporters, a work which combines eloquence witneconomj, and practicable utility with spl; ndor. That the Patrons and Subscribers of this intended Publication, may be. thoroughly as- sured of not having their patronage and pro- tection abused by am detect in the execution of the work itself, or any want of punctuality in its appearance, at the stated and appointed times, the page given as a specimen of the style in which the publisher solemnly pledges himself the whole shall be executed, may be seen at the office of the Federal Gazette On account of the great abundance of mat- ter and the number of Engravings which the work will contain, and in consequence ol the vast expence necessarily attending the prose oution of such a plan, the publisher is com. peUe.ral and extensive circulation : wherefore it only remains to the Publisher to ensure to his subscribers that the whole of I he exe- cution, as to the accuracy and elegance of the engravings, paper, and type, shall be such, as in every respect to correspond with the high value of the work. As to the engrav- ings, as yet no specimen can be given ; but the Publisher pledges himself that they shall b ! at least equal, and many superior to those liy the London edition. That there may be no possibility of dis- appointment to the patrons of literature as to tins work, the subscriptions are proposed to be received on the following CONDITIONS : 1st. The whole shall be eomprisedin Twelve parts, one of which shall be published month- ly. Each part shall contain about 150 quarto pages, neatly done up in eolured paper, at the price of Tina Bolla) s and Seventy Jive Cents, which is to be paid for on the delivery of each part—the whole twelve parts when completed win make two volumes in quarto, containing 238 Copper-Plate Engravings, which alone are worth the price of the whole work. It will contain more than double the matter of any similar work that has ever been published in this country. 2d!y, One Dollar shall be paid at the time of subscribing, and to be deducted on the delivery of the twelfth part. 3dry. If the work he not executed in every respect equal to the engagement hereby made the subscribers shall, on returning the vs- lumes, receive back the amount of their sub- scription money which has been advanced. If required, the publisher will give a e?era- Jicate, pledging himself to that effect, to each subscriber, at the time of subscribing. 4thly. The price ot each part will e rais- ed to Three Dollars, the moment that the work is put to press ; and even then, the •whole expense of a work w .icli contains the substance of all that is known on every sub- ject, literary and scientific, will be only 36 Dollars. New-York, May, 18Q7. June I. d British Canvas, HAVENS DUCK b_. 60 pieces British Canvas, No. 1, to No.fi, 100 do. Ravens Duck, 40 kegs London Refined Salt Petie, A few boxes large fine Lemons, in excel- lent order, 20 casks Green Copperas, 100 hoxes Spermaceti Candles, Hyson, Young Hyson and Souchong Teas, of this year's importation, and of excellent quality, 15 casks Summer strained Spermaceti Oil, 15 crates Earthenware, assorted, 20 bbfs. No. 2 and 3, Beef. For sale by CORNTH'WAIT & YARNALL. No. S3, Bowly's wharf. 7tli mo. loth:, d Bolting Cloths. Millers and others, who deal in this arti< le can be suoplied on the best terms, by the ill, voice or single piece, with Bolting Cloths, from No. 0 a 7, of a superb- quality, from the nvi nufactory of the " Three Kings," by applying to the subscriber JOHN SPE'vRY, 55, Smith's wharf. Mav 6. d The Subscribers Offer at private sale. 44 Cases of SIIEATHIN'G COPPER, 20 to 28 ux. Also just landed from, the Polly cir Nancy, form. Charleston, 144 tierces \ of fresh UICE. in excel- 22 half tierces^ lent shipping rder. R. LEMMON & CO July 15.________________________ d!5t Notice. MR ROSAINVILLE respectfully informs the. Ladies and Gentlemen of Baltimore, and its vicinity, that he has taken possession of Grav's Garden, latelv occupied by L D. Gunderman, for the rem doing Lease of three years, where he intends to accommodate the public with every land of refreshments, o a superior quality. Party Dinners find Relish- es provided during the suiiimer and wi iter seasons, with p'-ivate rooms for genteel com panies He will exert his utmost endeavor:, to render satisfaction to a generous public, whose patronage he solicits N. B. Mr. R. H iving a spacious Terrain to dispose of adjacent to his arden, takes the liberty-to offer the same to those of die Military Companies, with mt any charge, who would wish to amuse themselves privaleb witbjthe Tactic Exercise, being convenient and near the toum. Jriiv 25 d7t Notice. JOHN KENNEDY isf COX Have cemoved their Books of Accounts, also, those of the late firm of ^ntho' v & John Kennedy an I Co. to the Counting House of .Messrs. \. Kennedy and Colhoon, No. lo, Light-street,; where all persons indebted to either ol the above firms are requested to make payment, and those who have claims agaiost the same will please hand in their ac- counts for settlement. July i0. d Havanna Sugir. Coffee, feic 325 hoses prime while and brown Havanna SUGARS, 13 half boxes refined White do 85 bags Green Coffee, and 3 barrels Flotant Indigo, just received per schooner Mel chant, Job'. Bighy, master, from Havanna, and for sale on ft liberal credit for approved endors ed paper, if immediate application be made before landing to ROBT : HAMILTON, Corner ofCalvert-street and Lovery-lane may 5_._________________________d_ Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN away from Doughoragen Manor, Elk- ridge, (the summer residence of Charles Car roll, of Carrollioji, Esq.) on the i9th instant, a Negro Man, named WILLIAM; about 3b years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches iiitfh : of a pleasing countenance ; wears his wool platted on the locks and behind, and tinned up with a comb. His clothing that car, he recollected is, a long blue cloth coat, London brown panta- loons, black ditto, new shoes with one row of hob nails round the soles an • heels. He was lately purchased ot'jedge CLise, of the city of liahiniore. Whoever will deliver the above Negro to the subscriber, at the manor on Elk- ri ige, shall receive Fiftv Dollars. ABIJAH FENN. may 26, U Just Received, 200 bbls. Southern Pork, No 2 & 3 which is now inspected, and in complete shipping order, and will be sold on very accoiaanodat- ing terms bv BALDERSTON & CORNTHWA1T, No. 51, County wharf. On hand, 200 bbls Fresh Frederick county Flour, 25 kegs first quality lard, for family use, 10 hhds. New-Orleans Sugar. July 14.___________________eo8t George W. Field. No. 157, Baltimore-street, KusJ'or sale, by the Piece or Package, A Variety of Goods, Amongst which Ribbons, Modes, Sattins, Persians, Imperial Lustres, Florentines. Black and Fancy co- lored Silk Velvets, Silk & Cotton Hosie- ry, Silk Gloves, Fancy Ginghams, Cbambray Muslins, Callicoes, Tapes and Dobbins, Laces and Edgings, India Calicoes, Bengalis, India Book Muslins, Madras Handkerchf . French Cambrics, Drogheda Linens, June 4. . are, White & Fancy Hand- kerchiefs, White SccolowsdCam. brie Muslins, Boinbazenes & Bom- ba^ettes. Black, white & Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, India & English Sew- ing Silks, Scarf Twist, London printed Mar- teil I eg, Jeans, Irish Diaper, Checks, Sitk and Cotton Um- brellas, A fei packages Irish Linens, &c. &c. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN-away from the subscriber in Septem- ber last, a Negro Man named LUKE, about twenty-two years old, five feet nine or ten inches high, wide mouth, thick lips, a little in- kneed, walks much on the inside of his feet, and turns his toes considerably out when walk- ing, ready at an answer, and talks much. Also another, called ANTHONY, a likely fellow, who went off on or about the I3th of J one last, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inf.lies high, well set, stammers mw.h wben alfcing, and has a slight eruption in the het.om ot his belly. Both of those tellows I purchas- ed lately of the family of the Bowling;, in and near Pi scat a way, vt Iv re th. y have relations, St among.t whom they are probably secreted. I will give the above reward for securing them in jail, so that I j;et them again, or 20 dollars for either, and' pay all reasonable ex penees if brought home to Prince George's county, near Pitcatawav. RICHARD DENT. July 8. *» ¦ SOAP, To Let. A good stand for the Wholesale and Re- tail Dry Good Business. Immediate! poses. sion can be given. Apply at No. 49, Balti- more-st eet. _July 10.___________________________ eo Dr. Rees's ISfezv Cyclopedia. Part I, Vol. V, of PEES'S CYCLOPEDIA, Is received and now ready for delivery to sub« scribe's BY CONRAD, LUC IS is" CO. (late m and j conrad and co) Where also tuav be had, The Novice of St. D >minh k, a Novel in 2 eo s written bv Miss Owenson, autUor of ihe Wdd Jrlsfi Girl, he. Oddy's European Commerce, _ vols. _J.ly29________________________4t____ BuiTum and Goodhueij No. 84, Bowly's wharf; Htv for s -le, 30 pipes 1st proof ".Hand Gint 10 do Corsica Wine, ?5 qr. do M: laga do. 10 half do. C italonia do. 8 pipes L- P. Madeira dq, 400 boxes Mould Candles, 50 do Spermaceti do. 50 do Dipt do 300 do. Brown _, 150 do. White) ' 15.) do white Codfish, 25 tierces Fresh Rice, 15 puncheons 4th proof country Rum. 10 bbls Fat Maekeral, 1 2 casks Whale Q,\, 250 hags Bengal Sugar, 300 do Alluni, 10 bbls Frankincense, 30 tons clean Russia Hemp, 75 eases fresh Salad Oil, 30 flasks each, 50 kegj Fresh Raisins, 15 chests Souchong Tea, 120 bbls Pu-k, in excellent order, 25 bags Pimento, 20 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards. A'so, 40 bales and cases Madras and Calcutta Goods, consisting of Charcames, Popper Camb.ys, Manilla Ginghams, Karakall ditto. St Thomas ditto, Nicanees. Ventipulay, Cud* dalore "lues, Sootv Romall, and real Ma- dras H'dk'fs, Beerbooin Gurrahs, &e &c &c. .July 30_________. ____________dnt-_o6t This Day is Published, Price 37 1-2 cents, The New Hungarian Broad Sword Exercise. With the Drill, Mo'ions, Words of Com. mind, &c. dedicated to the Volunteer Ca- valry of the United States. To be had at the stores of Messrs. Conrad, Lucas „ Co Messrs. -Cole and I. Bonsai, Messrs. Dobbin &. Mui- ohy, Market-street, Messrs Calender and Wells, No. 11, South-street, and at the Print- ing Office of S. Barnes, FeilVPoint. J"lv "0__________________ cUij W anted a smart, active Barr Keeper. With goo-i ''erommendations, to whom li- beral wages w 11 be given. Inquire at this Office. July 27.__________dlOt BEEF. TT 100 bbls. Boston, No. 1, BEEF, just re- ceived and far sale bv -ITCH HALL, Jiin. 81, Bowly's-wharfi Joly i-_________________________d_ Fpaulets, 8ale, A smart and actVe Negro BOY, 14 year* old. Inquire of the printer, N. B He will not be sold out of the state. July 31.______________ cl4t Baltimore College. THE Trustees of Baltimore College ara respectfully informed, that agreeably to ad. journment, their next Quarterly Meeting is to be he'd at the Cellege Apartments, on Monday next, the 3d of August, precisely at 4o'clock, P. M. for the purpose specified in the charter. The examination of the Mathematical Stu-, dents will commencj at that hour; and the students of the Classical and other Depart- ments, will be examined during the usual hours of attendance, until the evening of the follow, ing day j after whicli a vacation will take place for the remainder of the month. Attendance will be given at the college during the vacation, for one hour each forenoon and afternoon, on the usual days of tuition, ot which it is hoped the youth, who are not re- moved from the city, will avail themselves. College, July 31. dStjj Fifty Dollars Rewrard. RAN4WAY on the 16th instant, from the subscriber, a MulaUo man slave named ISAAC, sometimes calls himself ISAAC CLERK. H« is accustomed to horses, and is an excellent waggoner, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, aged about 45, a very thin face, chews much, tobacco, fond of ardent spirit, at. if he cat* procure it will certainly get drunk, very cun- ning-, artful and insinuating, and is apt to smilo when spoken to, .nd then shews his teeth. He has driven my waggon several times to Baltic more, and is very well acquainted in Alexan- dria. When he went off he had on a shirt and trousers of ticklenherg; but as lie lias a varie- ty of cloathes, will change them, as well as his name, to aid him h. making his e , i,c ; perhaps he will endeavor to pass as one i i my father's free negroes, and has procured a lurk- ed free pass for that purpose ; he both swears and gan hies ; he is an excellent cradle), mow- er and ploughman, and understands every kii cl of work that is done on a farm As it ll not- the first olrer.ee of this kind that he has com- mitted, on examining his hack it will he foiu 3 scan ed with a whip. I will give ten djllurs ; taken in the county in whirl) I live ; 0 doll: il taken out of it, sM&fifty dolhtt n if nut of I state of Virginia, and secured in any fail f can gel him agaji ; all reasonable cha paid if. he is brougTit to n,e at this place GEOUGE CAR'-.' Oatlands, near Leesburg CVa-f / ?~« July, IM, l