Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Seven Dollars per Annum.] Sale by Auction. on -Tuesday, The 1st September, at 4 o'c/oc" in the afternoon, iii'll p-i'itively he sold, on the premises on terms that will be made ii own, at time of sale, A three story .Brick Dwelling' HOUSE, on Market space, No. °5, near the Fish Mar- ket, with a two story Brick Kitchen. The above property is well catenated tor a Tavern, boarding House, or Retail Stove. VAN WYCK & DORSET, Auct'rs. August 17. Sale by Auction, The subscriber will offer for sole on the premises till Wednesday 9th September if fair if not the next f:ir day, at 10 o*e/ock, A HOUSE k LOT on the Frederick-town ?turnpike .rord, about five miles fr ntli6. ABRAHAM ENGEL. August 30. d.tf Sale by Auction. Cole & I Bonsai, Aucfrs, On TfJU, SDAT, the Sd Svpt.will be offered for sale at our Warehouse back of the Union Bank of Maryland, (entrance from S'. Charles street, J t n elegant variety of Household 8* Kitchen Furni- ture, Consisting of Sideboards, Bureaus, Fancv Chairs, I Settee, Bedsteads, (mahogany and others) Coffee and Tea Urns, (elegant) Sett China, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Cabinets, B .Is, k. he- Sate to commence at. 10 o'clock. N B In the. course of the sale, Share in tha Baltimore Library August 31. ______ John & James "Roberts, 230, Market stree¦, H ve just received a1' ' off< r for sale, on reasona- ble terms, S boxes 4-4 Irish L no 2 bales superfine 1 bale double mi seymerea,__________________________ Also, II bales Flannels, 14 hhds 8c 7 _/> _.. _ 7 barrels 5 S°*"i Tlalit>' Sugars, ___August 31. .¦ • _________ d!5t For any Port in the U. States, ; Brown Havanna Sugar, Ike. '¦^R? m ole terms, sh L nens "} •e Cloths, t niiled Ker \ Entitled to Draw bad. A new News- Paper, £r titled, THE TIMES, AND Republican Monitor, Will be publised in this city is soon the iiessary arrangements can tie completed. ;i Prospectus of the work shall be distribut- ed, declaring the principles of the Editor, and tha conditions of the publication. ' In our brief abstract of the times, " Some things we may extenuate, . " But nothing s_t down in malice." August 31. '________________d.t§ A Trunk Containing a few Books and some Women's Apparel, was lost list night on the Philadel- phia road, within three miles from Baltimore. Grateful thanks, or a suitable reward will be given for returning said Trunk at Mr. Faget's South Gay-street, No. 4. <\i""i.st 30. d4-'J aheriif's bale. Br virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias from Bal- timore county court, to me directed, will be exposed to Puh'ic Sale, on Saturday the 5th dav of September next, at 10 o'clock, at my office for cash, the following proper, ty to wit : Two small Tracts, or Pieces of LAND, containing 18 aires, lying in North Hundred, m the upper part of Ba'timore county, about 28 miles from he city, and adjoins the Lands of Jesse Hoshal ,nd j-hn Coon, late the pro- perly of Basil Hurst, seized said taken at the suit of Jacob Taylor, surviving partner of R. Taylor. JOHN HUNTER, Sheriff. August 27.____________d8t Tennessee Cotton and Country Bar Iron, FOR SALE BY A. KENNEDY St COLHOON. August 28. eo2w (To the Eastward would he preferred,J -^¦JE-V. The Sloop FvCTRESS, JjAii^jY Captain Allen ; ^XviM.2ia^ Burthen five hundred barrels ; *K*"HHfii&' freight will be taken low if im- mediate application is made to the captain on board at Smith's dock, or to CORNTUWAIT & YARNALL, 83, Bowly's wharf. 8th mo. 28th.____________________ d For Sale, < The fast sailing pilot boat •_,>--_--tr*- built Schooner '..•i;!»—2-'}"J5ii"? yohn H ill, master: Burthen 100 tons, just arrived off her first voyage ; she is a very complete vessel and may be sent to sea immediately, For terms, which will be liberal, apply to THOMAS TENANT, Who has received per the laid, vein I and offers for sale, 327 bags Coffee, f 5 tierces ;:itto. y Entitled to drawback. 5 tons Fustic, j 50 whole, and ~) of a superior qua- 33 half boxes Segars, 5 lity. Aug;st25__ ______ eo8t For New-Orleans, ^_L___ ROBOREUS, Capt. Hall, <%5_s=fc3W&«* Most of her cargo being en- gaged, she. will sail in a few days. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, or WM. TAYLOR. August 22.__________________eo4'|| For the River Weser or Jade, Or, (if the Blockade continues, J FOR TONNINGEN, . JEtEX The Bremen Brig _SS«S_ MVKIA, V'„" ;)'. %Jf Captain G Monsees j •---r-.-•:'&., Sals under a special British licence, g-anting her to proceed unmolested to any neutral port in Europe. She has a part of her cargo engaged, for the remainder apply to G TOPKEN & CO. Or, D L. THOMAS. Ship Broker? For Sale. Creas a la Morlaix, Checks and Stripes, homemade Linen, Osnaburgs, licklcnburgs, White Rods, Russia Duck, 2 an 1 3 h ishel Bigs, and fine Green West-India Coffee, in bags—Apoiy to G. TOPKEN & CO. August 18. ______ eo Imp or ted In the ships Othello and Canawa, from Liver- pool, and fur sale by JOHi\ WOO.) -J Co No 18, Calvcrt-street. 155 packages of COT J'ON .. WOOLEN GOODS suiuute for the p es. m and ap- proaphing season. August .9. d liuftum and Good ate, No 84, Bowly's wharf, 'Havfor s i'e, men- lanainj frur.i s/onp Hro, cap- tail Sa ap-on, fom New York, 121 casus superior quality Claret Wine, 90 baskets fine Olive Oil—beth entitled to drawback. Ann"from schooner Gorham Lovell,from Boston, 424 reams Wrapping Paper. August ,.'9. d.ten.t Hazlehurst, Brothers v,-n Sugar, suitable for refiners, 18 boxes white do. SO pipes cargo Te leriffe Wine, 21 or. cask3 Sherry Wh e, 3400 lbs. Martinique Coffee, 2 pipes Brandy, 600 pit-c.es Purr Stones, 1300 lbs. Porto Rico Tobacco. For srle by JOHN RANDALL, 95, Bowiy's wbwf August 26.______________ d4^ A. and R. Bough an Wish to d'spose of two Bills of Exchange on Liverpool, at 60 days for £ 575 Sterling- They h ive on hand and for sale, 151 hhds. Virginia and Maryland Tobacco, 24 do. Tobacco Stems, 4 do. Lampblack, in pound pap?rs, 110 bbls Herrings, 100 do Turpentine, !'„.)) bushels Richmond Coal. July 23.______________'_______________d_ i'or Sale, 50 pipes Lisbon Wine, 4 ditto, ) _ .... a ¦ > Port ditto, b qr casks,^ ' 4 pipes L P Madeira ditto, 20 bales bottle Corks, 2000 bushels coarse Salt, 6 tlozcn real Morocco Skins, Which will he sold low for good paper, or in barter for flour, by ROBERT BARRY. Also, Bills of Exchange on London direct, at 60 da\s sight August Q5._____________________________ Sugars. Landing this day at Bowly's wharf from schoo- ne* Gdina, captain Garland, 75 hhds prime St. Martin's Sugars. For sale I y A. Si R.jBOLGHAN. August 22. , d Notice is hereby given, That the subscriber haLh assigned all his Book Debts and Accounts, prior to the 15th of last month, to Francis I. Mitchell, who alone is authorised to receive, and inforce pay- ment thereof. JAMES W. MITCHELL. August 13. All persons indebted to said James W. Mitchell, prior k> the above men- tioned time, are requested to make immedi- ate payment to the subscriber. FRANCIS I. MITCHELL. Aug.ist_13.__j_______dim ' Notiee7~ JOHN KEhNliDT iSf COX Have removed their Books of Accounts, also, those of the late firm of Anthony & John Kennedy and Co. to the Counting House of Messrs. -V. Kennedy and Colhoon, No. 1o, Light-street ; where all person* indebted to either of the above firms are requested to make payment, and those who have clajms agai.ist the same will please harid in their ac- counts for settlement. July 10. d BEEF." 100 bbls. Boston, No. I, BEEF, just re ceived and fiw sale bv FITCH HALL, Jon. 81, Bowly's-wharf July 1 _______________________________d_ , Just Received From Philadelphia, and for sab by GEORGE HILL, The most valuable work that has been pre- sented to the public these ten years. AN- INQ.-JRY INTO THE NATURE AND EF- FECTS OF Hie taper Credit OF GRF.AT-HRITAIN. By H. Thornton, Esquire, Member if Parliament, The subjects discussed in the above work are of a nature s > extremely interesting to every person at all concerned in Commercial Transactions or Bank J stiiutions, and correct information respecting them so difficult to be obtained, that it cannot fail being read with profit and pleasure. The following short prospectus of its import- ant subjects will give some idea of the nalure of it, viz. Commercial credit; paper credit, as arising out of it; commercial capital; trade by barter ; money; bills of exchange and notes ; bibs ai d notes considered as discountable articles; fic- titious bills or bills of acconinKidat.on ; circu luting paper ; bank notes j the nature of the bank ot England; the reason for never greatly diminishing its notes ; the balance oft: ade ; tpe course of exchange j error of imagining that gold can be provided at the time oi actual c.is- tress ; country banks, their advantages and dis- advantages ; the tendency of a too great issue of hank paper to produce an excess of the mar- ket price above the mint price of golu; the means by which it creates this excess ; the cir- cumstances which render it necessaiy that the bank should impese its own limit on the quan- tity of its paper ; effect of tlie law against usu- ry ; proof i f the necessity 01 restricting bank loans, drawn horn the case of the transier of capital to foreign countries ; of the influence of pap. r credit on the price of commodities. Thefillowing extractJrvm the Ji mtmrg keview respecting the above work wiilshciv the estima- tion in which it is heUt in hut ope Speaking of the suspension of cash pay- ments at the bank of England, it proceeds to observe, " Uf all the publications which that momentous event has occasioned, the mo.-t valuable, unquestionably, is this of Mr. Thorn- ton With no ostentatious professions, and with no admixture of stipe) fluous matter, it contains the largest portion of new information, thai has for along time been offered to those who either for the pleasure of speculation, or with a view of public life, are engaged in the researches of political economy." A iigost 19^_______________________________ Plaister of Paris and Sheath- ing Botrds. The subscribers have j'-ist received and of- fer for saie, a cargo of Plaister Paris, of an excellent quality. Also, . A cargo of long N K Sheathing Boards Which lliey offer far sale at their Lumber Yard, on Commerce-street wharf M FA DON U WALSH- _ August 28. eo4t _ Bordeaux Wine. LAFITTE, DUO HE' AND BART HE, No. 17-, Baltimore street, Have for sale, 1 box Satin Ribands, 1 case embroidj-red l.eno & Cambric H'kfs 2 boxes Plain Taffetas, 1 do Plaid Silks, .trunks men's and ladies' Stocki'igs, bale ^ India Handkerchiefs, fine 1 pat- Tennessee Company. A meeting of the Shareholders is required on the first day of November next, at Me- chants Hall, in the city of New-York. A punctual attendance is requested ot every Shareholder, either in person or by attorney, on business of tite first importance to tne company E. JACKSON, Surviving Trustee. Middletown, (Con.) .August 24. l»8t . 1 trunk £ ternaj 1 bx Thr_*d Laces, 1200 pieces Short Nankeens, 200 casks, Bordeaux Claret. The whole well calculated for the French and Spanish Market, and cmitlei to deben- ture. Also on hand, By the piece or do_en, an assortment of plain and figured Ribbons, plain and p ai I Silk, s Ik and cotton Sto: kfngs, Crapes, Ban- danoes ; Linen Cambrick ; Cotton and Thread L ices, Sensliaws, Sewing Silk, S'arsnet, Silk and Kid Gloves, Laces," Veils, &c. Sec. &c. ' _A"gust 24. ^ eo8t | A Coachman Wanted Any person disposed to sell » good Coach man, who understands jjthe management of Horses, and can be well recommended, will hear of a liberal purchaser by applying at this Office August 29._______________________d!8t Mrs. Decourt and Bacouais, Respectfully inform P rents and Guu-dians, that their Academy * ill be opened for the reception of Scholars, on Tu sday the 1st of September^__________August -'9 dlt WaiitctX ~~~ 1 One or two Apprentices, to the Wholesale Hardware Business. Inquire at this Office. Avgust 26._________ d Notice. i The Co partnership of NI 'Hi lLAS DU- BOI.S & CO is by mutual consent this day dissolved, those indebted to the firm are re- quested to in,.ke payment to Fred rick Lin- denberger n. Co. an I those to whom toe said firm is indebted are requested to exhibt their accounts for pavment. FREDERICK LINDENBERGER & CO. NICHOL _ DUBOIS. August 6. ____ d i o i ;Ct. A good stand for the Wholesale and Re- tail Dry Good Business. Immediate pos< s- sion can he given. Apply at No 49, Balti- more-street. Jul) 10. eo Advertisement. On the 20th day of this month the subscilb. ertook up as a Stray in Bush-Town, Harford county, a sorrel MARE, of six years old, about fourteen and an hull' hands high, in very good order, a star on her forehead, two hind feet, some white, her off eye partly a glass eye, shod all round, and has been work- ed in gears Tin- owner is requested to prove properly, pay charges and lake her awav. JOHN V. L.LI VMS. Harford connlv, Angus1 V6. d4t$ EDUCATION;.'- Mrs. Cro mbridge Most respectfully announces to her friends and the public, that her academy for the re- ception of Young Ladies as Boarders or Day Scholars, will recommence on Monday, August 31st. where both the useful and or- namental branches oi Education are particu- larly attended to. Mrs. Groomhridgc not only dedicates her whole tima to the advantage of her pupils, but is happy in having engaged matters 10 as- sist her, who excel in their respective pro- fessions. Columbia Academy, corner of East and Cal- \ vert-streets. A.' gist .'8. '____ hix L ems Reward! RAN away from the S_bscri ier on the ?7'h inst. an apprentice boy, named WILLIAM MILLS, about 5 feet 5 iurlies Irg-li, dart hair walks very erect, ai d has an impeding nt in his Spoac.h, Whoever w.ll brii g tl e sad boy home »h_e! be intithdto the above reward and no charges paid. ROBERT BENSON August 28. d4t The Curious Are in'ormed that there i3 now to be seen at Mis. Bickham's, No. 2, North Charles street, a Young L VDY born without hands, and with only three toes, on one foot; who is not so much a subject of wonder and admiration for her great ingenuity and elegance i> em- broidering artificial flowers fit tor framing, a-id in cutting with rich varleti and taste, gen- tlemen's watch papers, as for the peculiar ti"ii- city of her disposition and her entertaining style conversa'ion, diffusing gaiety all around her ; indeed, her cheerful aud sportively enagg mg aspect at once dispels those painful sensa- tions which the deprivation of her lit hs ex- cites in the sympathising breasts of her visitors, which give place to the most felicitous im- pressions, resulting in an admiration of the un- paralleled good sense and cheerful resignation of this young Lady to her puculiar lot, which she has rendered by her persevering industry, spirit and wisdom, a happiness to herself and a very instructive and consolatory example to the world generally, and to her own sex parti cularlj. Large flowers, &c. for sale by the you.ig Lady, at the above plaw-. Admittance, 25 Cents—Children, half price. August 19._____________________________ Notice. The partnership of Whitmore and Besore, late merchants at Chamhersbui-g, is dissolved. Michael Whitmore carries on the business of retailing as was heretofore done bj the said firm. MICHAEv WHITMORE. August 17. dSt-lawSt PROPOSALS, By EZRA SARGEANT, No.39, Wallstreet, New-Yn-k, For publishing b, subsetiptihn, A NEW CYCLOPEDIA, OR, Dictionary of Arts ",ff Sciences t BY G GREGORY, P. D Author if lissays Historical and Moral, tht Economy of Nature, _rc _jV To he completed in twelve months from the time it is put to press. In 'I'wrlve Parts. Price two dollars and seventy-nv« cents! each The literary ghiaeiery which prompts the publisher of every new work to end-avor to magnify the merits of his own intended pub- lication by depreciating the merit of all other similar productions, is, at once, both uselesg and despicable ; because nothing human can ris? into esteem and honor, merely, upon the ruins of another's reputation, without some intrinsic 'xcellence of its own. The Publish- er of Gregory's Cyclopedia-, therefore, will leave it to others to discover and declare, that the generality of Books called Encrdopce 'ias are, in their very constitution and form, too expens'ne and two rumb rsome. to be either extensively circulated, or generally useful ; and will content himself with briefly stating the claims ami pretensions of the Boo- which he hereby proposes to offer to the public. First, It comprises the most vnlu ble informa- tion in all the important departments of Know- ledge, collected and arrowed bv some of the best scholars, and the most comprehensively scientific men, this day existing in Britain Secondly. This information is comprised in . small compass, and convey Oil in language at once perspicuous and elegant ; so that tho reader may, in a short space of time, with ease a id pleasure to himself, obtain that real acquaintance with the moral, literal***, politl- cal, and philosophical world, which oth:.r« wise could not be acquired from tbe larger works in which the sources of these, streams of knowledge are contained,vJ)nt by a vvliolo l'ne devoted to severe and unrCiiou A labour. In order to render the work worthy of the patronage of the American public, the Pub. Usher lias engaged all the best At..ericau Artists to engrave the 'topper Plates, of which 138 will he given in the course of the work j and has also secured the assistant e of Edi- tors of acknowledg-.1 talents and in orinatlon. It is .villi the olended emotions of .confi- dence ami delight, that tne Publisher an- nounces his intention of offering to h:s nu- merous patrons aud suppi rti is, a work which combines (to j le'.ee withecotunnty, and practicable utility with spl odor That the Patrons and Subscribers of thii intended Publication, may be thoroughly as- sured of '.ot having their patronage and pro- tection aluiSi il by any delect in the execution of the work itself, or any want of punctuality in its appe.ua ce, at the stated and .ponlm-d tuns the page given as a specimen of the style in which the publisher solemnly pledges himself the whole shall he executed, may be seen at the Office of tl.e Federal Gazette. ' On account of the great abundance of mat- ter and the number oi' Engravings which tho work will contain, and in consequence of tins vast expence necessarily attending the prose. outipn of such a plan, the publisher is com- pelle I to solicit the aid of a sufficient number of subscribers, to enable him to carry his pur- pose into full effect, before he puts any part o' tl.e intended Pub icaiion into the hands of the Engraver or the Printer The acknowledged and intrinsic merits of the work are such as to ensure it a very ge- n. ral and extensive circulation: wherefore it. only remains to the Publisher to ehsuta j to his subscribers tifcit the whole of the exe- ¦ cution, as to the accuracy and elegance _f tho I en-ravings, paper, and type, sh.dl be such, as in every respect to correspond with the ' high value of tl ' work. As to the engrav- ings, as yet no spscimen can be given ; but the Publisher pledges himself that they sht.ll be at least equal, and many superior to liiose in the London edition. j That there may "be no possibility of dis. I appointment to the patrons of literature as to ' tins w"i-k, the subscriptions are propound to be received 011 the following CONDITIONS : 1st. The whole shall be comprised!!) Twelve parts, one of which shall be published ii 01.1 il- ly. Each part shall contain '.bout 15/ quarto, pages, Hi-ally done up in colored papi -. at tha price of Two Dollars an.I Seventy fhc .'. its, winch is to be paid for on the delivery of" each part—the whole twelve parts vvle ix completed will make two volume:, in quarto, containing 233 Copper-Plate Engravings, winch alone are worth the price of the ubole Work, it will comam more thali doulvle Ike matter of any similar work that has ever been published in this country. 2diy One Dollar shall be paid at the tima of subscribing, and to be deducted on the delivery 01 the twelfth part- f 3d y. II the work be not executed in every respect equal to the engagement her by mad_ the subscriber! shall, on refurmng the vo. luines, receive back tiie amount of their sub. scription money which has been advanced^ If required, the publisher will giv« a Certi- ficate, pledging himself to that effect, to each subscriber, at the time of subscribing. .tllly, 'the price ot each pat wilt e rais- ed to Three Dollars, the moment that the work is put to press ; and even then, the viliole xpense of a work w ich contains I he substance of all that is known on every sub. feet, literary and scientific, will be only 36 Oollai s Subscription received by GEORGE DILI., No. 104, Baltimore street. New-York, May, 18')?". _ June L__A Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN away from Doughoragen Manor, Elk- ridge, (the summer residence of Charles Car roll, ot Carrol lion, Esq.) on (he i9th instant, a N'gro Man, named WILLIAM; about 30 years ol'nge, S feet 8 or 9 \ ches nigh ; of a pleasing countenance ; wears his wool plutte 1 on the links and behind, aad tinned up vi'lVa comb. His clothing that can be recollected is, along Mile cloth coat, London brownpamaj loons, black ditto, new shoes w'uh one rowof hob nails rotind the soles an heels He waa lately purchased of judge Clmse, of the city of Baltimore. Whoever will deliver the ahi ve Negro to the subscriber, at the tnanoron Elk- riJgo, shall receive Fifty Dollars, AlilJAH FENN. may 26. |__H