Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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;Sc ,-en Dollars per Annum.] 1RURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1807. / i ¦iA t Geo; ¦ge ) , Lightner, At hit Ktta/ilisheil TIN AND PEWTER MANUFACTORY, North street, Qickawt, near the liny sales, Informs his friends n'ld the public gene- rally, that he keeps on hand a large, as- sortment of tore nest Manufactured TIN and PEWTER, warranted of the first workman- ; ship Country Men hunts and others will find it greatly lo their advantage to call at the Ma- nufar.tsr v, as' he prices will be made an object to merchants taking a quantity. _ | Old Copper and Pewter win be taken in payment for new, and the highest price given. ; TO KENT, A targe and airy HOU S_, with a good Sta- I ble Yard, Spring-House, Pump, and a number of improvements, so as to make it an agreeable Situation !or any gentleman wishing to enjoy the hens-lit of free air and good water The terms of Rent will be made very reasonable to ;i good tenant; Sept. 2. ______________ Plaister Paris. Just received per the schooner Naney, captain Almy, 90 tons best Piaister Paris, which is offered for sale on moderate terms, if immediate ap- plication is made to COiiNTHWAIT & YARNALL, 83, Bo why's wharf. -JLCjD-v Said Sch'r will take Freight _S_5Sk-Vi c to any Eastern port in the states : will carry about 750 s bbls. Apply as above. 9th mo. 30th, __ For Madeira, . J^EK The Brig DOVE, __?_$_S_" Capt Childs, rTrT^mjp Will sail with all possible dis- ^_s__j_Ibf patch For freight qt passage, apply to JACOB ADAMS. Sept 30. d4t d3m N otice. The Co partnership of Hancock and Norris was dissolved, the 1st instant, by mutual con sent ; all persons having claims against the said firm will please present them for settle- ment ; and those indebted are particularly requested to make immediate payment, to ei- ther of the subscribers. THOMAS H».NCOCK. RICHARD NORRIS. Sept 14. _.....________________________d __ Red Wine, Cassia, &tc TuSt received per schooner Friendship, from New-York, and for sale by the subscrioers, 38 casks Cette Wine, entitled to deben- ture, 500 wt. Cassia. On hand, 50 boxes Spermaceti Candles, 30 hhdfi Copperr.s, 40 chests Fresh Teas, 50 casks London Reined Salt Petre, 5 _•_«' White Wine Vnegar, 1 trunk ladies' M .rocco Shoes, ] cask Plated Candlesticks, 4 cases Gilt and Plated Buttons Also on Board ihS ship Grand Scgnior, 2000 bushel- of large English coal, which will b*- s
being already engaged, for freight of the remainder, apply to ' FALLS & BROWN. Sept 29._________________ d4t For Freight or Charter, ( To the West ladies, or any port in the United States J The fine fast-sailing Sloop JULIA-ANN, Freight Wanted, To any port in the United States, or the West- Indies, JCZES For the Schooner BELLONA, Capt. White, A we'l found southern built vessel, burthen 560 bbls. For terms anplv to A. _" R- BOUGHAN, W'-.n have on hand and for sale, 50 hhds and 30 bbls St. Martins Sugar 100 do. Maryland and Virginia Tobacco. S-ptl5____________________________d tf__:. ,_•'.__ 9___a Joseph Foot, master ; Will carry about 600 barrels. She is in complete order, and ready to re- ceive a cargo. For terms, apply to PAYSON & SMITH. Sept 29L________________________d3t For Freight or Charter, r «X7I_V The now Schooner ^3fS; WILLIAM & DAVID, titJJJSdP Captain Davis ; • .*-«*-• Burthen86tons, willbeready to receive a cargo in 8 or 10 days. She is supnos d to sai. very fust For terms apply to the captain on hoard, at County wharf, or to WILLIAM HUSBAND. Sept 28.____________________________d4t lor Charleston, (S. C.) ,£.IE\ The fast sailing Packet Sch'r. _3_3_h_ PLOUGHBOY, ^U&W^ Captain Mall, -•r_*:*___r«»? Having elegant accommoda- tions, and will sail on Tuesday the fith Oc- tober. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, in Smith's dock, or FOULKE St KARRICK. Who havtjor sale, 200 bags Coffee, 15 bales Upland Cotton, 20 tierces Pice, Muscovado Sugar, Windward Island Rum, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas, A few tons Nicaragua and Logwood. Sept '8 d6t ? or Liverpool To sail with all convenient speed, Marr and Gibson, No. 7, Calvert street, Have imported in the Fair American, from Londo', Herrutcs, from Liverpool, & Six Sisters from Bristol, Sup. fine Cloths and Cnssimeres, Worsted Cotton and Silk Hosiery, Fashionable Twist Buttons, Cords, Velvets, Dimities, &.c. Sheat trot Sept 24. A I.SO, and other Hardware. Russia Duck. One hundred bolts RUSSIA DUCK, just received per schooner Friendship, fiom New. Yo"k, nndfbrsale.. Apptyto the Suu criber at the Custom-Hottse. JAMES HAMILTON. Sept. 19 d This is to give notice, That the subscriber of the city of Balti- more, filth obtained from the Orphan's court of Baltimore county in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estats of Alex- ander Furnival, lute of Baltimore comity, de- ceased ; all persons having claims against the S'lid deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub- scriber at or before the 28th day of March next ; they may otherwise by law be exclud- ed from .ill benefit of said estate. Given un- der my hand this twenty-eighth day of Sep- tember, isor WM L. SCHMIDT, AdmV. September 29. 2aw6w The regular Trading Ship ABEONA, Hobsou, .Master i#i>*S___w For freight or passage, ap- ply to the cap ain on board, at Jackson's whaf, Fell's Poini, or to LORMAN _ FULFORD. September 26. d Will be sold at Auction, at the Merchant's Coffee-Ho.ise, in the City of New-York on Tuesday, the 6th day of October, at 1 o*' look, P. M _.vt "- The remarkable fine Ship ,_V^_>_V OTHO, > Burthen 367 tons, built in -^_fi»»_E " the city of Mew York, of live oak, locust and cedar, raised in frames and all her frames bolted together, from stem to stern, fastened with wrought copper, rigged with cordage made from first quality hemp Has elegan! accommodations, sails uncom- monly fast, and carries a very large cargo— Having performed but one voyage, may be sent to sea, witliout expence, and is now ready to receive a cargo. ALSO, ¦¦'Yx The Ship ""V^ CONSTELLATION, ' With her armament, a well SB_ built, fast-sailing and burthen- some ship, 340 tons per register, copper fast- ened, and coppered to the beims, with heavy copper laid on blankets. She has performed but two voyages, one of which was since she was coppered. Her rigging has just been thoroughly overhauled ; she has a very exten- sive inventory, and may be sent to sea with- out espence. The above Ships will be sold on a credit of 4, 6, 8, 10 & i2 months. Any person dis- posed to purchase at private sale, wiil apply lo 11).tins and M'Blair. Sept if._______________________ dt4thO For bale, Freight or Chaner, - i'i ¦- The new a'.d fast-sailing Sh;p ¦_g^S__ GRAND ,-EIGNIOR, SSIJyOEjP ;'/ain.cs Snow, master, **e_MK __- Burthen 305 tons per register, carries about 3500 barrels, is a remarkable strong, faithful built ship, just off her first voy- age, and is by competent judges esteemed a very superior vessel. Ap: iy to the captain on board, at Kerr's wharf, Fell's Point, or to the subscribers. ALSO, The Schooner PHOENIX, E. Grely master, r_Sii__S!» A go..d strong vessel, 2 years old, and carries 650 barrels. Apply to the master on board, at Smith'': dock, or to CORNTHWAIT-fc YARNALL, 83, liowly's wharf. Sept. 15._______________________rl____ For Amsterdam, J^ -v The fine fast sailing- Ship SHEPHERDESS, Capt John Nelms ; ®f_j___j_5 In complete order to receive a cargo, part of which is already engaged,— For height apply to LEVERING & NELMS, or D. L. THOMAS, Ship Brokor. Sept 10. eo For Amsterdam. The Ship R*l I'SON, Captain Brown ; Having half her cargo now on board, may be dispatched in a few days. Tor freight, apply to JAMES BIAYS, Fell's-Point, or, CHARLES B. YOUNG Brok.r, 20, Commerce-street. Septl5:_____________________________d ; For the River Weser or Jade, Or, (if the Rloctade continues,J FOR TONNINGEN, "£% The Bremen Brig M\KIA, Captain G Monsees ; _•? Sails under a special British licence, g'-anting her to proceed unmolested to any neutral port in Europe. She has a part of her cargo engaged, for the remainder apply to G TOPKEN & CO. Or, D. L. THOMAS. ___________________________Ship Broker For New-Orleans, _CJ1 TheSchoonerREPUBLIC AN, _ N?__"^rV Captain Samuel Newhall ; |^____1P Wiil carry 900 bb's is a very ^. „-t_!___s good vssel, just sheathed, & completely repaired, her accommodations for passengers are vcrv convenient, and exten- sive, having been built for a packet. She is (low ready to tuke in. For freight or passage, apply to HENRY THOMPSON. Sept 24 ______________________eo6t For Liverpool, The Ship HERCULES, Capt. .".s.i Hewett, A remarkably good vessel, burthen 346 tons. Only 1 years old, and invariably delivers her cargoes free from damage. For freight or passage, hav- ing the very best acconnnodatio s, aunlv to HENRY THOMPSON. Sept 24. eo6t For Sale or Charte'¦-% The Brig FEDERAL, A good vessel, and well found ; , burthen 85o barrels. Forterms "?»3Sa__l_« apply to capt J.B. Sargeant, on board, in Smith's do- Is, or to WALES & CL( PPER, h\.7, Bmfy't Wharf. <>*f 29. eo4t+ For Bristol, The Ship SIX SISTERS. For fruight or passage apply to CHARLES WIRGMAN- has just reccivsd by said ship, and offers for sale, Who ter Cheese, Bottled Ale and Por- ter, Earthenware, assort- ed, PorterBottles.inham- pers, Seme Twine, V bale Bunting, and Fashionable London Jewelry & Watch- Sheathing Copper, Patent & Cast Nails, Copper Bolts, assort ed, Tin Plates, B..r ano Uolljlron, as- sorted, Nails, long flat points from to'od to JOd, Hoop Iron, assorted, Sheet d >. do. Best Double Glotices- The above articles are entitled to drawback, and having been purchased with cash, they will be sold very low. Also, By the Barque Amelia, and Brothers Re- turn, from the City of St. Domingo, A quantity of prime Maliogany, Logwood, Fustic and Hides. Likewise, via Philadelphia, 100 boxes Hyson Chilian 1'e.a, which will be sold very low, to close a concern. And on hand, 3000 II13. 1st qualities Havanna Coffee, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Bar Lead, Litharge, and Mustard Bottles. September 26. eo8t M. Tier nan and Co. Have removed to No. 228, Market-street- in the house formerly occupied by Bickham, Ceuig „ Co. And have received b> the dif- ferent arrivals from England their supply of FALL GOODS; Which will be sold on their usual low terms On Hand, 20 bales Tennessee Cotton, in good ship- ping order, A quantity of Bear, Deer, Otter Skins, & Beaver. Sept 29._____________________eo6tt To Let, That large and convenient WAREHOUSE, at the corner of Howard & Mulberry.streets, formerly occupied by Kraber and Son, and now by Mr. Maxwell. Possession may be bad the 10th October. For particulars apply to llernard Coskery, No. 105, North Howard- street. Sept 29. 2aw4tf Flugh be Jon. Balclerston, At the Sign of the Fun and Screen, 1, Hanover- street, (nearly opposite Evans's Tavern) Manufacture and have on hand, an extensive assortment of Wire Sieves and Riddles, all sizes, Wheat Fans, Cutting Boxes, Rolling and Standing Screens, Woven Wire, Wire Safes, &c. Which they will sell on moderate terms, 9lh mo. 29lh. eol2t Just Received for sale, 8C0 lb Rich Double Gloucester Cheese, 8 hlids. retailing Molasses, 4 pipes choice old Cognise Brandy, in long pipes, 7 hh.ds. Jamaica Rum, 4th proof, 9 hhds. New-England Rum, do. 9 qr. casks Malaga Wine, 16 small kegs do. 16 g'dlona each, 8 pipes fine ol 1 Madeira Wine, 6 casks winter strained spermaceti Oil, T2 boxes fresh Mould Candles, 4, 5, and 6 to the pound, 49 do. best quality Dipt do. 6, 8, and 10 to the pound, 25 pots Preserved Ginger, put up with Lo:if Sugar, 150 boxes Bloom Raisins. WM. NORRIS, Jun. Tea Dealer find Grocer, No. 64, Market-street, WHO HAS IN STORE, 5 hhds. 6 year* old Antigua Run ; Im- perial, Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Skin, Pekoe, Souchong, P;idre Souchong, and Bo- hea Teas, of ^ood quality; London Mustard, in boxes ; old white and brown Soap, in hox- es ; Cabiness Tobacco, in kegs and half kegs ; small Twist T-bacco in kegs, of a superior quality ; window Glass 8 by 10 ; battle Pow- der, in pound papers, »f a superior quality ; spii< P as in kegs and bv retail ; Pipes in boxes of 3 gross each ; Lisbon Wine .n kegs, containing 16 gallons each j old Port an 1 ila- dei.'a Wine in Pottles, and by retail ; fresh Citron ; Essence of Spruce, &c N. B. Having on Hand a larger Stock of Goods than I wish to keep, I will sell at re- duced prices for Cash September ?5. ___________2aw3w Balti aorc County, ss. ON application to me in toe recess of the court, as an associ.te judge of the sistl .ju- dicial district of t.ie state of Ma-vland.'by petition in writing of Charles Langfonl, of the city of B.dlimore. an insolvent debtor, praying the benefit of the acts ot assembly lor relief of insolvent debtors, on tie terms pre- scribed by the said acts : a Schedule of Lis property and a list ol his -reditorS, on oath, as fir SI he can ascerta n (hem, as di ,-ctod bv | the said acts, bi ihg annexed to hi& said petiti- on, h ivi g pjfurlljced to me t'e assent in writiig of so many oif his creditors as have due to them the amount of two-thids of the dents due b\ him at t.ie tim o his ,i plii ati on j and being sa isfied. bv eotnp ti nt • alimo- ny, tbat'df said-Charles Lang oi-d sres d-d within the state of Maryland, the wo r< ceding years, prior to his application, it is thereupon ordered b; me, thai the said Charles Langfoid (by causing a copy of this to be inserted in some ooe of the newspapc-rs in the city of Balti- - more, every other day for thr e ni.mths suc- cessively, befor the twenty sixthday of March next,) give notbre to his creditors to appear be- fore the. county court at the court-housi-, in the said county, at ten o'clock in the for noon of the twenty-sixth day of March next, for the purp se of recommending a trustee for their bene lit, o i the aiidCh ries Lar.g old, tin riand tilery taking the oath li> the aci prescribed tor delivcilng ii|) his prop» rty. Given under my hand this twen; v-pi x th iky of September, eigh- teen hundred and seven THOMAS JONES J __!__.)_____________________ eo3m French W Spanish J_anguages Mr. F. TERREBLANC Respectfully informs the ii habitants of Bal- timore, that he intends opening an Evening School, on the first of October next-, fmtn 6 till 8 o'clock, in which he will teach the above languages. He flatters him»el that t' e ex- perience of several years in that instruction will enable him to saiitfy ;o the utmost the expectations of those, who may entrust scho- lars to bis care. Mr. T. will appropriate a portion of the day, to give lessons at the' homes of those wlio may be desirous of being privately in- stituted. Apply to Mr. T. in North I rede- rick-strect, within three doors ol the resi- dence of Robert Gorsuch, esq N B. He will aiso ti anslate ever,' des- cription of papers, either J ranch or Spanish, into English. September 29. co4t Carr's Tour through Holland. JUST PUBLISHED, By CONRAD, LUCAS _' CO. 138 'Larket street, A new and valuable W»ik, entitled, // Tour turough Hoiliuid, Along the Right and Left Banks of the Rhine, TJ THE SOUTH ;.>F GEitMANY, In the summer ik autumn of 1806 By Sir JO i the Middle Tem- ple, Author of The • tranger in Ire- land, A Northern Summer, &c. _ Sept. 29.________________________eolt DANCING. Mr. B. Brunelot, Professorof Dancing in St. Mart's Coliege and of Mrs. Lacombe's Young Ladies •¦•cacL'iiiy, has tiie honor of informing Ins firmer Pupils and the public in gencr.-u, that his Dancing Acad»my will commence on Thursday, the 1st day of October. A thirteen years' residence in this city as a Professor ot Dancing, and the late stay Mr. B B has made in Paris, enable him to of- fer to a discerning public, botii experience & novelty in the agreeable Art of Dancing As Mr. B. B. has been in the necessity of refusing Scholars last winier, those who in- tend joning his School, are desired to make immediate application Mr. B. B also informs the ladies and gen- tlemen of Baltimore, that he will give private lessons either at their own houses, or at his Bait-Room, in Water street, opposite Mr. Elken Solomon's, Broker. Sept J3.___________________________eo4t For Sale. Two valuable three-story BRICK WARE HOUSES, situate at tne head of Rllrcott's dock; al.i. anewtwo story BRICK DV'.EL- ING HOUSE and LOT, situate about a mile from the city of Baltimore, on the Frederick Town f urnpike road There is an handsome Garden and a small piece of excellent i.eadow belonging thereto. The latter property is well situate for either a small private family or ta- vern. Forterms apply to- FREDERICK PRICE, No, 8, North Calvert-street, A. 2 Saw Wants Employment, a persoii who for a long course of years has I-e'en Sni gaged on hisown account \\~ "ivihil under- take the porting ot b >oks, collectiosr of 'c.ugj settling account;, ?¦:•. fbrmerchantj ind others* Unexceptjonabl* recommendation c»in be prdJ duced. Inquire of the printer. _Sept ">S.______________________!_ Cordial Distillery, No 17, Second-Striet, Bai.timokb. JOSEPH FRELET Respectf d'y informs his friends and th_ public in general that lis keeps constantly 6r» band a general assortment of CORDIALS^ of all kinds, which he will dispose df, whole- sale or retail, on the most moderate^ Hms, Country merchants and others who may f vor him with their cumstom, will have evefy reasim to be satisfied witn hie prompt attenti- on, and with the qualities and prices of hill Liquors. ON HAND, A quantity of BOR_»K A__ WINE, irt cas'cs, from five to ten dollars a cask. HE HAS AT.SO FOR SALE, 30 cases first quality Medoe, of the year 18 1. 1.0 ditto Red Wine, n Suitable for lOOditto wihte Wine de Grave, Che West- 100ditto Cordials, wellassoi't- f 'udia rhar- ed J kefc Cordial in barrels, suitable for i\ t .ilers, 3 pir.es L. P. Maileii-.i Wine, received by the Wolf from Charleston September 10. Saw This is to give Notice, That the subscriber hath obtained from the) Orphan's Court of Baltimore county, hi Man- land, letters of adminis ration on tiie personal estate of Casper S fftih, late of Baltimore countv, deceased : all persons having cliima against the said deceased, are herein wan.* e" to xliibit the saute with the voiieherr.tnt-ri - of ti i.h subscriber, at or lv for. the 14tii day oi March ".e\t, t' et w\.-: of lerwise bv law ba rvc.Hile.1 from ati beaefit of the saifj '>t„tej Given under my hand, this 14m day of Sep- temb r, 180?. MARY SMITH, Adm'x. Sept 14,_18>,7_________________ji.wdw l''or Salf, THAT well known, and long established _ nd, as a Tav.-rn, Stage Hoitse, ami Post* Office, when- ail the Pttolie Stages stop, si- fcuate in Harfo.-d town in Harford county, (conuo' nly known by the n me of '-'u.-,! ) on the Post iioad, .5 idles from Hait'tnore and 12 from llinr. de <5i ace. Th.-,e eaii'ni t . e a more eligiabe it atioti, n aUing a regi ar stage North and S mth It possesses peculi- ar advantages of most other c.u.try standSj having a merchant mill, a mercjtntile st r of large capital, and vieekly water oene', sure, ti ami from B.iiiimore, all within 00 of the c!«or ; also a-very desirable neighbor* ing custom avd society. There is an excel- lent Kilclun Garden, and three valua'le Lots, in Ifgli order for Grass, or other produce ; separate large stables for travellers and stag.a Horses, Carriage and Cow Houses, with eve* ry other necessary building for the accommo- dation of travellers, and the family equal, if not superior, to any stand hetwi'-n B'lt'.mora and N'ewVoik This property will be sold low for c' sh, or good paper I will sell with it, if wished, about four hundred dolla. s worth of Furniture, Beds, Tables, Chairs, &c. Also, a set of Horses and Stage, in the Pilot Line, which runs from the above pii.ee, to Havre de Grace. The whole, will be-sold togvtlu r, or separate, as may suit purchasers. The Tavern House, and its apportiinances, 1st now under rent at i'o ir hundred and filly dol- lars per year ; and the whole property in good repair. A great bargin will be given, on application to ihe s bscrtber, near the premises. PEREGRIN LOWLAND. Sweet Air. September 7. 2aw4w Battle Powder, Patent Shot, Tobacco, ike. 2100 pounds double Seated Rattle Powder, ef.superior quality, in lb papers. i tons Patent Shot, assorted, 35 kegs large Twist tobacco, Of the liest quality, some of which has been manu- factured 18 months, 40 kegs small Twist do 6 twists to the pound, 30 boxes fresh Lisbon Lemreons, in good ord er, 8j bsttlss real Martinique Cordial, 50 boxes Mould Candies, 4, 5, and 6 „ the pound, 40 do. best qualilj dipped do 6, 8, & 10 to the pound, Willi a large and well chosen assortment of Groccrits, for the purpose of sr. plying private families. For sale by WILLIA .1 NORHIS, Junr. (Forir.erly J. and w. norris ) Tea Sealer and Grocer, 64., Mark, t-stteet. Who returns his sincere thanks to the cus- stomers of the late concern, for the contiim- ' ap.ee of their favors, and again assures them and the public, that nothing- shall be warning to give every satisfaction in the Grocery line. Sept 15. 2nw3w For Sale, A few casks of Spirits of Turpentine, of the first quality, and in ttie b"st order, being all cased, and well suited for exportation. Apply to JOHN FilZE, 16, Philpot-street, M\'i Point Sept 14. 2aw4t The Office of Master, Of Alleghany county School, will soon be- come vacant, and the visitors of that institu- tion, wish to receive proposals from any g< ri- fleman willing to undertake tint trust. None need apply but such as can produce satisfactory test uionials of their ability to teach the lan- guages, and other branches of learning, as well as of their moral character, and g< od conduct. A clergyman would be preferred, fur whom, in that capacity, h considerable sub. scription would be made, if approved of.— There is an annual donation of two hundred dollars from the state, so that the whole to- gether, might form an object, worthi of the attention of a man of learning and character. Letters may be ad.iressed to Win M'Ma- lion, esq. Cumberland, Maryland, Sept 11, '"^vSt '>