Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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¦ &zcik&2 Seve Doiiar per A iiiin. U^SdAY, DECEMBER 1, 1807 vol. XXVII—No. 4221 Richard NorriS Has received per shihs tdkmoa, ami Diana from Live-prml, and now npe'iing at No \97'-s, Mabki't-stbeet, A general assortment of Hardware, C littery & Saddlery, Winch will be sold to country merchants and others, wholesale and retail low for cash w notes in town. A 'so, per ship Six Sistersfrom Bristol, Seine and Sail Twine, Tin Plates, Iron Wire, assorted No. 7, to 21- Broad Virginia Hoes, Sheet Iron, single double andtrebl, Black and bright Vises, Long Handle Frying; Pans, Spades and Shovels, &c. November 2.______________ , . " . To Rent, A WHARF, on Light-street, adjoining the property of Mr Samuel U. Smith ; now In the possession of Mr. Hiram Cochran. Ap- alv to Mr Hugh Neilson, or the subscriber. W \SUINGTON VAN BIBBER. Wanted to Purchase or Hire, A GOOD COOK. D'.tober 3 George Lightner, At his Established TIN AND PEWTER MANUFACTORY, North-street, Oldtmun, near the Haysc les. Informs his friends and the public gene- rally, tkat he keeps on hand a large as 8ortt*ent of the best Manufactured TIN and PEWTER, warranted of the first workman Strip Country Men hants and others will find it greatly to their advantage to call it the Ma nufactory, as he prices will be rm.de an object to merchants taking a quantity 'Id Copper and Pewter will betaken m payment for new, and the highesi price given. Also for Sale or Rent, K small F \RM, containing about 40acres, tyiejr in Gnvane's town, opposite the tavern formerly kept bv Mr J >hn vVooden. There ere an this Farm, two convenient Owelhng- Houses, Bam Smoke House, Spring House, •in.l allot ict necessary '.uildings; 12 acres of Woodland, and about the same quantity ill Kuol Mesdiw; about: i50 Apple-Trees, and a miantity of other Fruit. The whole is under r,. mclosure. and would make a handsome re i- -at for any gentleman hiring the summer season. It will be sold on liberal terms, or reeled io a good tenant Terms made known byapplpingto GEORGE LIGHTNER. Oct. 31. I dt22D Henry and Geo. Gassaway, No. 39, MAUIEt STMET, Have just nceived, Flander's Sheeting, Dowlas, Burlaps, Rus- sia fc German Diapers, & Green Baize, suit- able for Carpets Which they offer cheap, by wholesale or retail- Novemberjfc____________________?J8t .. ~G.F. and J. Lindenberger. No. 200, Baltimore-street, opposite the Indian §>ucen Tavern, Have received by the Six Sisters, from Bris- tol, and now landing, Tin in boxes, Anvils and Vises, Frying Pans, Spades and Shovels, Single, double and treble Sheet Iron, Nails of every size, Ci'rd and Iron Wire, Broad Virginia Weeding Hoes, &e. &c. Which", with a varieiy of other goods in Uie fVrctware Line, will be disposed of on accommodating terms.______Sept 20. d To Let, The Store and Dwelling, orcupied hy John Logan, No 66 12, Market.rtreet Possess!- on may be had in a fe w days. Inquire on the premises. Ntvember26 dl Mr. WeSstei Respectfully informs the inhabitants of Bal- timore and its vicinity, by desire of several Friends, he will give A : oncf t, on F iday, the Atli Becember, at the FOUNTAIN IFfN, FAKT I. Overture—'aydn. Song—Emuinch Ecnuic, or Ned of the Hill, translated by Miss Owen*wi; Music, ancient Irish—Mr. Webst* r. Song—Thou art falsa as the Zephyrs that Fly— Mrs. >¦ iiniot—Hewitt. Sinfoni—Pleyel. Song, (by ersue)—The Williow-Mr. Web. ster—Bra ham Song—Noiody coming to marry me—Mrs. Wilmot—Cook Si.ng -The Glasses Sparkle—Mr. Webster —Geary. Full Piece—Gyrovctr. PART II. Song- f_without accompaniments,]" -Ellen O'Moore—Mr. Webster Song—The Blind Boy—Mrs. Wilmot. Concerto, on the Violin - Mr. Upfeldt, jun Song—Softly waft ye southern breezes— Mr. Webster—Hook. Allepro—Plcyel. Song-- Let not rage—Mrs Wilmot—Dr Arne. Song, by desire -The Rose—Mr. Webster —15 ray. F'ina'e—Full Orchestra Doors to open a quarter past_>ix, Concert to commence precisely at seven o'e.lock. Tickets to be lud of Mr. Webster, at the Fountain Inn, Carr's Music Store, P. Byrne's Market-street, George Hill's, and on the ni,;h\. ef performance at the bar of theFountsin In.i. The words of the Songs to be delivered at the door,gratis. November 27. dtlt Sale by Auction. On WF.DNKSDAX the 2d December, immedi atcly after ''.the sale of the Schooner Alexan- der, will be sold on Bond-street Wharf, THE SCHOONER JOHN, Burthen 110 tons, in complete order to receive a cargo——her inventory may be seen at our Auction room, and terms mr.de known at the time of sale. VAN WYCK & DORSEY, Auct'rs. Nov. 3o.__________________________^___ Sale by Auction. On WEDNESDAY, The 2d December, at 11 o'clock, will be sold at Bowly's wharf, opposite to Messrs Buf- fum and Goodhue's Warehouse, The beantifull and fast-sailing Bi'ig tfXCH^NGE, Burthen 185 tons, or, 1500 153£L' barrels ; with all her tackle and apparel, agreeable to inventory, which may be seen on board. THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. November ?8 bale by Auction. On WEDNESDAY Next, The 2d Dee. at 11 o'clock, at Jackson's wharf, Fell's Point, will be sold, -JTOgK The Ship ABKONA, ^Kcl&Sk^ Burthen per register 346 tons, f^SQO&JK * staullcn' f-'ith'ul built vessel, ^za.*SBSS» carries a large cargo, is of easy draft of water, sails fast, and is now in com;>le'e order to rereive a cargo. Her inventory mav be seen at our auction room, and the terms made known at the ti ne of sale. And, immediately after t'>e sale of the above ves. eel, viill be sold at JVarers's wharf. The Schooner ALEX A NDl'.R, Burthen about 900 barrels, is an excellent vessel, sails last, , and may be sent to sea at a trifling expenee- VAN WYCK 8c DORSEY, Auct'r?. Nov. 25._____________________________ For Freight, fTa Boston, of any Part Coastvsays,} . . - The Schooner sM^ SALLY & BETSEY, £"S»SpJ*jf Isaac Harden, master ; \?? ?*r*ePl^ A good vesse', burthen about 700 bbls. Apply to the master on board, at Bowly's wharf, or to JAMES BRUNDIGE. 95, Bowly's wharf. November 27^ __^_______.____ d4t ""For Londonderry, The fine, fast sailing Brig DIAMOND, William Mans n, master; Nearly a new v«' sel, great part i of her cargoengaged, and will be dispatched j with all convenient speed For freight or I passage apply to CORNTHWAIT & YAHNALL, No. 83, Bowly's wharf. 11th mo. Sfth^__________ -d For Boston The Schooner, GORHAM LOVELL, Jesse Lewis Master, A regular Packet, has a part of her cargo engaged, and will sail in a few days. For freight or passage, having yery good accommodations, apply to the master on board, at Bowley's- • harf, or to, CHAR1 ESCOFFIH, No. 13 said wharf. Nov. 27- ''"tt For Charleston, (To s>ueen Tavern, Have imported in the Othello, Canawa, and Fame, from Liverpool, a complete assort, ment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SADLERY, BRASS, and JAPANNED WARE, &c &c. Among which are, Anvils and Vices, Spades and Shovels, Flat Point fine drawn Nails, Patent Shot, assorted, White Lead, in Oil, in kegs of 28 and 14 Is Seine Tiwne, in c-sks of 250 lb. each, Hilling Hoes, Iron Wire, Guns, in cases. Which are offered for sale, on accommo- dating terms. September 7. ______________ d Fish, Pork, etc. THOMAS MA RE AN has just received and offers for sale at No. 9, £ itcly's wharf, 100 bbls. Boston tt.y Mackerel, 54 do. Nova Scotia do 12 do Salmon, 16 hhds ? White Cod.Fish of superior 118 boxes J quality, 50 bbls. N w York Prime Pork, 5W boxes fresh No 3 Chocolate. 0-. hind, 9,000 lb Martinique Green Coffee, Bordeaux Brandy, Mess, No 1 and 2 Bos- ton Beef, G ound Ginger, i*c November ^A.___________ d4t-eo4tf; etff- Drugs and Chemicals Surgeon'slnstruments Patent Medicines Furniture Glass and Vials Fine Painters' Colours Gold and Silver Leaf Copal and Spt. Var- nishes October 17. Glaziers' Diamonds Dye Stuffs & fine Fig Blue Genuine Windsor Soap Wash Balls, Teeth Brushes, and A variety of Perfume- ^ d ni Boston Pork, etc. 40 bbls. N avy Mess, and No. 1 Pork, 4 hhds. Haras,, 20 boxes Chocolate, 6 bales Fresh Hops, Will be landed this day ar.d for sale bv WILLIAM CHILD. Also for sale, 4th proof Cogniac and Bordeaux Brandy Claret Wine, Young Hyson Ten, Zant Currants, Boston No. 1, Bsef, Iron Hoops and Shovels, Apply at No. 88, Buwly,s Wharf. Number 35. d8t|} For Sale, freight or Charter* Thenew and fast sailing Ship CR^ND SEIGNIOR, James Snow Master. Burthen 305 tons per register carries about 3500 barrels, is a remarkably strong faithful built Ship just oft'her first voy- age and by competent judges esteemed a very superior vessel, now Ling at Kerr's wharf Fell's-Point. Also f, £>N The very fine Ship. g>A, GENERAL KN 'X, 7S^Jj' Samuel H Ginnodo master "*«P,i^si:«; A strong iailhful built and ve- ry fast sailing Ship, about 3u0ton? burthen. Lying at Kerr's wharf, lell's-Pomi, and may be dispatched immediately. A pply to, CORNTHWAIT {3" YARN ALL. No. 83 Bowly's-wharf. 11 mo. 24th________________ d______ For New-York, r-iv The "aeket Sthoener jKgjjL; FRIENDSHIP, Luther iivans, master j A remarkable fine vessel, with good accommodations for passengers, now loading and expected to eai! in a few days. For freight or passage, apply to the msster on board, at Smith's wharf or to rSAIAH MANKIN, Who has received by said vessel, to'O fcegs Ground Ginger, fresh and nice, And 50 barrels Pippin Apples. Also, just received, 2 trunks Pullicat Handkerchiefs, 1 do. Cambric Muslins, assorted, 1 case containiugCalicocs.DiiTiities, Checks Suspenders, kc. A few pieces Coarss Hut Cloths, adapted to Slop Work, 8;c. November IS d Claret Wine, Teas, Stc 150 casks Claret Wine, 60 chests Hyson,-* ^ ^ 20 Souchong, 20 Bohea, 20 halt chests do 30 qr do. do 50 pieces Russia Duck, 50 do Ravens do. 40 coils Crrdage, 30 half bbls Beef, 40 casks Red Wine, calculated for the Spanith Market, and entitled to debenture, 30 casks Copperas, 3o boxes Spermacetis Candles, 100 bols Shad lately i -spected. 20 kegs London Refined Salt Petre, 60is lbs. Cassia, 4 casks Spermaceti Oil. For sale by CORNTHWAIT k YARN ALL, No. 83, Bowly's wharf. 11th mo. 16._____________d Imported By the ship George and Albert, captain Joel Vic- kers, from Tonningen, White & brown Platillas, ) of superior qua- Dowlas and Casserillos, > lity, 1000 oval Demijohns, (The above entitled to drawback.) And by the late arrivals in Philadelphia from Tonningen, A General Assortment of German Woolen Hosiery. On hand, Bohemia Window Glass, 10 by 12, Ticklenburgs, Rouans, white Rolls, and Checks No. 2, 5000 Gunney Bags, For sale by FREDERICK C GRAF, Head of Smith's dock. Sept. 22. d Btes Wax & F.artnen-Ware. 30 bbls. of AMERICAN BEES WAX in prime order for shipping.-and a few crates of EARHEN W ARE assorted, for sale by CORNTHWAIT Si YARNALL, No. 83, Bowly's Wharf. 11th mo. 27- ________(________d Notice. May be had at the Fountain Inn, by giv- ing one day's notice, either for public or pri- vate parties, Calf Foot Jelly, Currant Ditto, Leuion Creams, and Whips. November 13. d N otiee. The Co partnership of Hancock and Norris , was dissolved tha 1st instantn by mutual con : sent ; all persons baring- claims against the ' said firm will please present them for settle- ment ; and thosu indebted are particularly requested to make immediate pnyment, to ei- ther of the subscribers. THOMAS HANCOCK. RICHARD NORRIS. Sept 14. tonl ELJLIOI c* l.o. No. 7, A" Chirtes street, HAVE received by the late arrivals from France, an elegant assortment of Paper-hanging Borders and Designs. From the first Manufactory in Paris — They wish likewise to infwrmil.eir customers, that the season is not yet too far advanced, for Papering—and R.Elliot will be responsible that the workmanship done by him, shall be to the employer's satisfaction. November 23._____________ d SHOT. 8 tons Patent Shot assorted, from A to No 4, 60 boxes White Cod Fish, 10 pipes Corsica Wine—and '25 boxes Chocolate, Now landing from brig Tyger, Farley, from Boston, and for sale by FITCH HALL, Jim. 81, Bowl/s Wharf, November 23. _______d6t eo4t LObT, A gold headed CANE. It was left in a Hackney-stage, in which the subscriber rode from Centremarket, to his residence in Wolfe- street, Fell's Point The Driver is requested to return it to the owner, or leave it at his office. J FR MORANVILLE, Pastor of St. Patrick's Church. Nov. 27.________d4t§ Bank of '. ahimore, November , 1807. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders that an Section for fifteen directiors whl be held at the Fountain Inn, on Monda; the 7th day of December next, at nine (..'clock in the morning and continue until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. fly order af the beard. JAMES COX, Cashier. N B. By act of incorporation five of the preseet diraclors are not eligible for the next year. November 6 ___________dtfthD A CARD. TICKETS in St. Makv's College Lot tery, which since the 19 h of the present month, have been selling at Ten Dollars and Fifty Cents, will on Monday, the 7th of De cember, be farther advanced as follows : Whole Tickets, £11 Half ditto, 5 62 1-2 Quarter do. 2 87 1-2 Eighths do. 1 50 And should any remain for sale at the com- mencement of the drawing they will still be further advanced to 12 dollars and 50 cents In theinterim they mayhad at the tbrmei-prices from ether of the subscribers. COLE & I. BONSAL, 174, MarkeUstreet. SAMUEL VINCENT, 44, Gav street. G. DOBBIN U MUKPHY, 10, Market st-opposite the Centre-Market. All ot whom keep regular and correct check books. Tickets registered and examined on moderate terms. Nov. 28. d4t Superfine Broad-Cloths. By the Henrietta and Pochantas, APPLETON and Co. No. 16, Calvert-street, Haw R ceived, 2balesSuperfincBroad-cloths, From 15s a 2:.s st iiing, similar, to their cheapest cloths received this fall, 20 trunks Prints, Olhe and Drab Cords & Vi Ivetr, 4 .1-2 London Pins, &C. November 30. d Mala^aWinc^aisi^s.Teas, Just Received and for Sale by William N"oms, Junior, TEA DKALKR isT GROCER, NO 64, '•' A.I1KET S I nl'BT, SO qr casks first quality Malaga Wine, arid 20 small k gs dj. 6 gallons each, entitled to drawh k 100 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins, 20 boxes In.perial,Tea, 71bs. each, 2 chest*, and ten h ilfchesis Youne- Hvsori and 9 whole and ten half chests Souchong' do> just imported and of superior quahtv, 19 vhole and two half hampers Olive Oil quart bottles, " birds, fresh Filberts, 3 tierces Zant Cur- rants, 3 bbls. English Walnuts, 12 dozen Martinique Cordials, 500 lb Double Gloucester Cheese, by retaiit Who has in Store, 11 hhds. Jamaica and Antigua Spirits, five hhds. old Vntigua Rum, remarkably high fla- vored : 7 pires A msterixm Cin ; Accomack Peach randy, in Mils 3 years old: old Cog- niac ahd Bordeaux Brandy, in long and short pipes ; Madeira. Sherry, Lisbon,'and Port Wine, in quarter casks ; a f«w small kegs re- fined Madeira, fit for present use ; old Malm- sey Madeira an Port Wine, in buttles, and by/ retail ; 5 boxes elegant Spermaceti Candles $ 73 boxes Mould and Dipt Candles, difterirt Sizes ; Old Whi e and Brown Soap, in boxes ; Jamison's Crackers, in bbls. half bbls. kegs, and by retail; Ketchup and Sov, in bottles » warranted ,'an ' common Chocolate j D-uible Battle Powder, in pound papers, and in can, nisers; s;.lit Peas, in small ;--egs, and by re- tail j P land, Stai\h in pound papers > Writ- ing P .per, No. 1 ind 2 i Playing Cfcrds, 1&, 2d, and M quality ; double refined Sa't Pe- tre ; Holland and English Rag Powder ; Fl.uik Oil, in hoxes, 3o flasks each ; and Strait's Oil, in boxes of 12 bottles each; Windsor Shaving Soap i twilled Hair Sifters; Cinna. moil, in small bales ; Mace i-nd Cloves; Har- ris's large and small Twist Tobacco, in k< gs and hall kegs, and oy retail, equal if not »u. perior to any in t'ds i ity ; Goshen Cheese, in casks and in boxes, c ntaining one cheese each, suitable fqr family use « 14. boxes fresh Olives and Cipers, remarkably good N. B Fresh Imperial, Hyson. Young Hy- son and Black Teas, oy l itaii, seeded parti- cularly for supplying private families—and Winter Strained Spermaceti Oil, by r -tail. November 3o. -----« Von Kapff 8t Brune, H for a cash account. Government of the United States, execu- tive. Legislative and Judiciary. Departments of Government. General Establishments. Diitieson Goods imported. Correct List of the army and navy.. Several useful Tables >c Price 7 5 cents an., in Morocco 125 cents. dj" 15o reams imported sheathing Paper 6 stiperinr quality. 25 packets solid deep Gold Leaf. 1000 books deep Dutch Metal Gold. • 100 do do do Silver. Nov 24. __________________d5teo!2t A btray Cow. Came last spring to the subscriber's Farros adjoining that of Archibald S«»w.rt's, esO. near the Windsor Mills a in' dling sized red and white COW, about fiv years Id. Has an under keel in the let': . r. Th owner is requested to prove proper! , pa charges, and take her away. THOMAS WELLS. Novemb«r 2g, eu*t$