Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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r.und, from New-York ; and schr. Ri»u<$ J .taies, Wood, for do. in 7 days. Met go- t ii[', in .1 ship From Kt'w-Yor-k. " Schr. Uetsv, Scbott. of Boston, 69 from the island of SOohns, viaTorto- la, sugars, ©ctobt* -, spoke a schooner lO days from St. Thomas, for PlynvOoth. _Nov. 5, lat. 88, 30, long. 72, 20, spoke Vixen, Mcrntt. of Newbedfbrd, from 'i';>rd<'tiax tor New York, with passengers. ' h, Lit.. 36, 38, long 74 30, spoke s'ip L irk, o Briston, from tlavanna, for Rhode 1 Sand, Captain S requested this vessel to X v by Hub, as his ..»?! was very ie iky, and expected to go down, .)/"" but be would not! ! Tile leak, however was providen- tially discovered, by hich we were saved. Nov. '21, iat. 38, long. 74. spoke brigSu- : eanp-ah, Thurston, 20 days from Havana, for Phi adelphia—the captain very generos- I ly supplied us with bread and beef, Same ' ..'. 1 . • . , r _ .1- 1____„ .. 1 ~..i,_.- rtf i-omcp -Rut those no were 0" ~ ^____ ___¦¦ vy be directed to lay before this hous'e, a statement of the number o! officers and men which may be necessarv to man the whole and entire f rce of the IT. States, including gun-Kruts ; and an estimate of the,,expense necessary to keep them in actual service du- ring one year. 4. Resolved,that the Secretary of the na- vy be directed to lay before this house, a statement of the quantity, quality, and pre- sent state of the timber and other materials belongdh^ to the TJ. States, now on hand, and the purposes for which such materials may be suited. Sir. Smtlie ished the gent'enian to state the object of the resolutions ; and whether the building; of a fleet was to follow. A. re- ' port was on the table, which was a part of the SV hit: D/steva of defence now in contemplation. He thought it best to do one thins; at once: he therefore m >ved to postpone the further consideration of the resolutions until this day week. Mr. Cook was surprised to find any ob- jection to the resolutions. They merely went to request information necessary for the house to have. There * as nothing in them ab ut increasing or decreasing the navy. 1- - r_r„ PRICE CURRENT, Amsterdam, Oct. 5. C ffee, Java, I0t a 23^ ; Bourbon, 21 a 1t\ ; Surrinam and Demerara, 19 a at > West-India, 18 a 2ft. Sugar, brown, 10J a \T,\ \ Surrinam IO jij ; Danish Islands 10^ a 13^; Jamaica IO-J- a 14;Havanna clay< d, 14$; a 20 ; mus- covado n-^a 14.^; Bengal in sacks 10a 16. Cotton, Georgia round bales 36 a 38 ; square bales inspected 38 a 42 ; Sea Island 45 a 55 ;Porto Rico 48 a 54 ; St. Domingo and Guadaloupe 42 a 50 ; New-Orleans 38 a 45? Bourbon 52 a 60. Rice, Carolina 65 a 70. Ashes Pot and Pearl 160. Hides, Buenos Ayres "jl a 9*. Rum, West-India, 1 anker, 18 and 24 ; American 15 a 16. C>roa, Caiaccftsij a 16; others 12a 14. Exchange on L mdon, At 60 days 34 a 9,") banco Short 34 a II jperli.st Premiums of Insurance to or from the Uni ted States, Sea Risk 5 a 6 Ah Rikson Ameri an account, 15 Extract of a letter from 'obn R Livingston esq to his friend in Pittsfield dated. " Rhinebeck, Sept. 20th, 1807. " I have sold all the wool of ftiy Spanish sheep to Mr. Dando, a hatter in New York. for I dollar 50 cents per lb. washed. My brother (Chancellor Livingston) st-ld his, unwashed- to a Mr. Booth, a clothier near Poughkeepsie, for 1 dollar 25." These facts are dem mstration in point to establish the importance of the Merino Spa- nish sheep, and cannot fail to arouse the farmers to their true interest. The farmers of the country of Berkshire, in Massachusetts, are commencing this important cnterprize, T.'hich will doubtless pr we of more value to ¦the country at lar^e, than if they had sprung « mountain of gold. CONGRESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. From our Correspondent. Washington. November 30. Proceedings this dry. Mr. Cook observed, that the house had heen sometime in session, and had done no- ¦ thing on the great national question for which they had assembled. Some were in want of the information necessary, and some perhaps oi the disposition la act. For the purpose of gaining that information, he sub- mitted the lotlowing resolutions : I. Resolved, that the Secretary of the na- vy be directed to lay before this house, a statement of the number of frigates and o- ther ar»ied vessels composing the navy of the II, S. distinguishing those in actual ser- vice from those in ordinary and those in want ot repairs, the sums necessary to put them in actual service, and the time r.ctes- sajy for malting such repairs. 2. Reiolved, that the Secretary of the na- vy be dirce'ed to jay before this h.use, a 'statement, of the number ol officers and men 111 pcctivelv. belonging to the navy of the U. ¦ States and of u*e n.aviie'.cur^.. He thought e had slept long enough : He- feared we might sleep the sleep of death. Mr. Miln-r thought the motion of hia colleague (Mr. Sm he) vrry extraordinary. Notwithstanding the gentleman's great an- tipathy to a navy, he was surprised that lie should be unwilling to grant the house the information now required. Whether the na- vy was to be increased or annihilated, it was necessary for the house to pos e s the infor- mation requested in the resolutions. He believed there were not ten gentlemen on the floor who knew the present sitnati n of our naval affairs, how many vessels were in actual service, how many were in ordinary, or how many were rotting.—It had been said on the last day the iionse were in ses- sion, that we were on the eve of inr; he believed one gentleman had said, that v. c were actually at war : In this situation, a gentleman e mes forward and objects to the call for necessary information respecting the present state of our defence ; and particular- ly when the winter was approaching, at which time the difficulty of repairing our vessels will be so greaty increased. Mr. Mumi'ord said the . house had been a month in session, and had done nothing, although the nation was continually looking up to the house for somethiug to be done.. "He hoped the house would immediately pro- ceed to the defence of the nation. Look at the preparations in Canada and Nova Scotia, where troops have arrived, and others are expected. 26,000 men, too, were said to be destined for South America, when they might in fact be destined for the W. Indies; and fourteen sail of the line were said to be destined for the West Indies, w'hen in fact they might be to blockade our own ports. Mr. Dana said that the object of the re- solutions was merely to gain official inform- ation ; he thought them important, as our affairs were certainly in a v«ry ddicate situ- ation. Some gentlemen had said that we were on the eve of a war ; If so, we should surely know our means of defence. If it was improper in the house to know the rueans, it was improper in the president to commend the subject to their consideration. Mr. Smilie said, that if the gentleman from New York. (Mr. Mumford) supposed that he was opposed to putting the country in a state of defence, he was incorrect; he thought that in our present critical situation, we ought to proceed as if we were actually at war. But he did not think that fltets were the best mode of defence ; he believed that our ports and haibors ought to be tor tii.ed. Mr. Smilie's motion to postpone was lost. Mr. Cook said he consented to withdraw the first resolution, at it appeared the house bad received a letter from the secretary of the navy, giving the information required by it : but he hoped the house would adopt the others. The question was then taken on the three remaining resolutions and they were agreed to. Mr. Porter presented a petition from the coppersmiths of Philadelphia, prayiug that the petition of PauJ Riviere and others, of Boston (praying that a duty may be im- posed on imported copper) may not be granted, referred to the committee of commerce and manufactures. The house went into committee of the whole on the second report in part of the committee of aggressions (published in the Federal Gazette of Thursday last ) Mr. Blount (of N. C.) moved to fill the bland in the first resolution appropriating a sum of money for the repair and erection of TOKTiFJOvrtoNS, with " 7,TO,000" dollars. Mr. Masters (N. J.) moved to fill it with " 1,500,000." Mr. Gardinier (N. Y.) moted to fill it with " 4,000.000." These several motions occasioned a debate of some length. They were afterwards withdrawn, and the resolution was agreed to by the house, with- out rilling up the blank, in Order that the blank might be tilled in the bill to be bro't in for the purpose. The second resolution (appropriating--------- dollars for the building of Gunboats) was also agreed to in the same manner, ayes 92. The committee of the whole then rose, and reported their agree- ment to the resolutions, in which the house concurred, and the resolutions were referred to the committee who reported them, for the purpose of bringing in a bill. The house then adjourned (a little after three o'clock.) matter of course —But those ho were ac- quainted withhim, knew him to be" an Is- raelite indeed, in whom there was no gtnlc." The widow's and the orphan's friend, he al- ways contributed his mite to the relief of the distressed. These good qualities he possessed in an eminent degree. He labour, ed with hisowi hands daily, until the mid- dle of April last, when he was attacked with the palsey, .vhich disease put a period to the existence of this excellent man. No doubt remains with the writer of this, but he has received the comfortable s lutation of " well done thou :>od and faithful servant ; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will,make thee- rui»r over many things—en- ter thou into the joys of thy Lord." Fram the Merchants' Vrff-e-Houst Books. November 29. ARRIVED, Schr. Collina, Worriom, 9 days from Ha- vana, sugars, sundry persons. Left brig Pa- ragon, Eveleth, for Baltimore in 12 days ; schr. Messenger, White do. 8 days ; Hope, Davis, for New-York, in 8 days. The brig Betsy, Bo en, for Baltimore, sailed 6 days before. 2$th instant, in the Gulph stream* expeiienced a heavy gale from S. S. W. in whibh she carried a .ay her mainmast. November 30. Arrived, the brig Hippomenes, Johnson, 23 days from Trinidad (Cuba,) sugar and Fustic, C. F. Kalkmau. Phtfuvx Fire Office. R :!thnore, ttecembfr I, !PMvT. . The following policies exoii-e this m m;1i ; Nb. 275,055, Mr. W'iJ. Oib'ioi, U.e. .i\. di). 41 b 9th 27-v:5">, Mr John Ban o/' (.;", ^^H^HH «T3,0S», Mi-.VVm.\V..nVS'-conl A, 372,96!, Mr Valentine Havley," 272,052, Ml- Wm. Woods, No. 31, t Baltimore iti-eet, 572 0«t. Mr. K. Mickle. " ' llth T3th 22d Mechanics' Bctiik of Vxtitimor^ November 35 18('7. THK f'r -sklent and DuMqJprj hnviMir, do- claivd ;i dividendx>i' 5 per eent on the Capital ¦ Su,c!c tor the talk}ear ending' with tins month, the stockholders are notified thstt the same will be paid to them or their legal .represen- tatives, on or after the 7Ui day ot'Decemoet . negi. D. A SMITH, Cashier i Nov. 26. ' art 27'.of*', Mr David.Fulton, 22d. ,, "", ?75,0f-5 M-ssrs j. & A Levering-, 29th riager S- 1 CWil uailt, Sale by Auction. This Evening, at 6 c'lock. Cataiopnes i f J e Books for side at Aucti- on this evening, Tuesday, Dec 1st maybe had at their -tore. No. 174, Market street, or at the Auction roi m, back of the Union Bunk oi' Maryland, entrance from S. Charles street, It will be perc; etltbat this Catalogue con- tains a number o scarse and valuable Books, the whole to be sold without, reserve In the course of the sale a m-ester variety thin usiuil of Watches ot dill'civntkinds, mid a qHantjl v of EngWlvings framed. COilii &.I. BONSAI., Auct'rs. Dec. 1. . For Sale, Freight or Charter, ^.^ The Ship HENRIETTA, COMMUNICATION. " Elesscd are the dead-who die in the I ord." Departed this life on Tuesday evening the 24th insafit,at his late residence in Har- ford county, Mr. GeorgeGakkettson. aged 65 years, an eminent wember of the Metho- dist Society for nearly thirty years. He has left an antient wido* and many relations and friends to deplore his loss. Newspaper panegyrick hath become so common, that those readers who had not the pleasure of Mr. Garrettson's acquaintance, and have not witnessed his yi markably kind hospitality, may suppose k'uut what is here John Nickles, master, r -r a* «J0 ons Burthen, an escel- P^^fa-knt vessel, and well found, in all respects. For terms apply to AMOS A. WILLIAMS. Who tiff, r3 for sale, 100.tons Liverpool Course SALT, And a quantity oi Coals, received by said ship. ,„,,. December 1. _________2S^____ larriJiouE theatre. "the' Last Night But Two. THIS 'tVhNWG, December 1, Will be presented, a j.h.bratecl Comedy, in 5 acts, called The School for Friends. Ta which Villi bii'dJd- " P*»«' Opera, i» 2 acts, called Lock and Key. December 1.__________________________ Cut Glass, Tea China, and Matthew Smith, No 3, North Liberty street, Has on hand, English Cut Glass Decanters, Wine Glass- es, Cordial Glasses, lumblet-s,Desert Dishes, Bowls, Pitchers, &c. f-c A 'ew sets very handsome Tea China, »nu a mostexoellent assortment of Qiieen's-ware. Which he offers hy wholesale or r.tail, on reasonable terms, for cash. Dece«nber_l._______ __ eo4t___ To Rent, A tbree-story Brick WAREHOUSE, No. 1, South Liberty-street, and near Market-st. la'telv occupied by Mr. P. A. Karthause. ' A SO. The adjoiningtwo story Brick Warehouse, latch in the occupation of Messrs. A. and J. Fulton. Also may he had, A two-storv Brick Dwelling HOUSE, ad- ioHiingtlie above. Possession of either will he Given immediately; For terms apply to b CONRAD RFINICKER, No. 241, Market street. December 1. ......._eo_ _ I hereby give Notice, That ah persons found cutting, or carrying off wood from my- land, or otherwise tres- passing* any where .within its boundaries, may expect to be dealt with according to hw, either by myselt or my agent, Mr Griffith Henderson. . _ NICHOLAS ROGERS. Deeejnberl. ._______________?**_______ Cheese, Butter, etc JUST RECEIVED, A parcel of NiceCHEESli, in casks:; and BUTTER, in Tubs and. Kegs. ALSO, Some first quality Madeira Bill Wine, to- eether with other things in the Grocery Lme h W. WOODS. 31, Baltimore-street December^- _____________cI4t DOCTOR WEEMS, r At the com* of Calvert (Hid Bank-streets. J Offers his Professional Services, to the in- habitants of Baltimore. De-ember 1. ________,________ e0«d 400" bbb^ Fresh Sup, Flour, FOR SALE BY ROBERT BARRY. AT.SO, 5000 bushels heavy COARSE S ALT- 10 pipes ~i 27,0^6, Mr Heni-T Crowl, ,f prime Martinique Green Coffee, AKD 51 cases of ShcathinpClPPER, 20 te 28 oz. R. LEMMON & CO. December 1. ji£t s Notice. THE subscriber having taken out letters of administration from the orphan's court o' lial- timore county, on the estate of his deceased father, DanielBoviley, requests ajl persons in- debted t0 3aid esUte.to make payment to Mr. Henry Thompson, No. 53, Smith's Wharf, who is duly authorised to receive the same ; and all persons having cliims are desired to pre- sent them properly authenticated to him ibr settlement. WILLIAM L. BOWLEY. December 1. ' ____ flSm Fortuna Favet Fortibus. Such a charm is wealth to man, Many are his ways to seek it; Happy is he, if he can, find away to get ami keep it. . What a silly Fool was I, All mi wits were bent on pleasure, Now, I own it with a sigh, pleasures leoglhen'd, shorten treasure. When my little all seem'd gone, Still 1 thought to keep it up ; Beauty shun'd me as a drone, And cold oauti.n held the cup. As my wants iicreas'd my rase, So iucreas'd my fortitude, Never should a man despair, Hope is all onr earthly good. Tim' of nearly all bereft, Something whispered, trust to Chance I And with little, little hit, Found enough for future wants. Chance has prov'd my greatest friend, All the Parasites are fled, Should they come for certain ends. They Ma flatter I'll upbraid. But \( reprimand won't do, They may come to m' to greet, Sirs ! says I; I've do.e with you, Try y tu- Chance in Market street. ,- Sep iemuer 33th, 18,7 IN pursuance of an order of the Board of Directors notice is hereby g'ven that two dull.rs on each share of stock held in the bank mast be paid up at the hank on or bafofe the 1st Monday in December next; &. that all per- sons lading to pay will not he entitled to -ny dividend on-what thev ba.e paid, Irom tho sf.id first Monday in Deci mber until this in- stalment is paid. ELIE BEAT'l Y, Cashier. _[Qct 3.]______________________;¦'"¦ ;..-- To be ivlitieu; The thrce-story Brick. WAREHOUSE, at the corner of Howard and Fayette-sueets. For terms apply to November '36. HEZ'H CLAGETT. dlOt Rise of TICKETS. On Monday next, the Tickets in St. Mary's College Lottery, which positively commences drawing on the Slst day ot December next, will advance to tdeven dollars. At present they may be had at Ten and a Half Dollars each, at WAIFE'S TRUL1 FORTUNATE LOl'TEKrOFFICE Lorneii or MARKET & CHARLES s 1 s. 50hhds. i PORT WINE. 130 qr- casks ) 10 pipes Lisbon Wine. 4 do _¦ P- Madeira do. 00 bales Bottle Corks. neeemberl. __________________*------ ' Wants a Situ itioa, A t \D of between 16 and 17 years of age, unacquainted in Baltimore, write* a tolerable mjod han_i and can prOduBe good recoromen (Ut'ions would bind himself as an apprentice to 1 Wholesale Grocery, or Dry Good Store. A line addresse.l to W H. and left at this of- fice wiil.be attended ' ' December ; ^-t BANK NOTES of every description and Prizes in the New York and Baltimore Lot terie9 taken in payment at Waite's Office for Tickets. Once in two weeks, during the drawing, will be publishd aim dvlivered^/ufis to their customers, Waite's Prize List, con- taining all the prizes drawn during the two weeks._________December 1. ______tlSt just received, for .sale fty SAMUEL JEFFERIS Bootsellertf Statioaer, 212, Baltimore-street, The billowing Works on Religion, vi_. A 1'ami iar Survey, OP THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, _f of BISTOR?, As connected wi.h tin- introduction of Christianity, and with ts pro- gress to the present ti»ne ; intended Primarily for the use ol Young Persons of either sex, during tVe course .4 public, or private educa- tion. By Thomas Gisl-orne, n. M. Price ig MEMOIRS i.P i HI Life and. i"ravels, IS THE SERVICE OF THE GOSPEL, or Sarah Stephenson. Pi'i^e 7j cep.ts. AN ACC9U&T OF THE Life and Religious Labors op SAMUEL ME ALE. Price 50 Cts. No Cross, No Crown : A Discourse shew ing the Nature and Discipline of the oly Cross of Chnst ; and that the Denial of Sell, and Daily Bearing of Christs Cross, is the only Way to Rest and the Kingdom of God. To which is added, the Living-and Dying Tes- tamontetof. many Persons -1 ¦ arae and Learn- ing, both of Ancient and Modern tim.-s, in favor of this lreatise 1 in two Parts, by Wil- liam Penn Late Edition, 140 cents, A PORTRAITURE Oh %U:JCERISM. Taken from a view of the- Education and Discipline, Sociu Manners, Civil and Po.iti- cal Economy, Religious principles and Cha- racter of the Society of Friends, by Thomas Clarkson, M. A. 3 vols, price 5 dollars 53" Subscribers to the above work are re- quested to call for their copies. llth mo 30.________________________ d4t 3,000 bushels of Liverpool Stored SALT, Of an excellent quality, afloat, will he sold low if taken from on board. Apply to MICH. S. & D. JONES, BovvW's wharf. November 29. dfilf Genuine Crab Cider. FOR SALE, Oh board the schr. Willi rn, lying at Cheap- side wharf, a quantity if ' Virgina Crab Cider, Of superior quality, just arrived from Smith- field. Apply to captain John Burkj on board, or to JOHN TRIM3LE. llth mo. 09. ________ d4t A Bakery wanted. Wanted a liaicry and .Front Shop, in an eli- gible situation in (hi- city. Apply at No. 30, North Howard street November .9 d4t Wilhaan Cooke, Jun. Hits received per the shid Erin, from, Hordeaux3 6 cases Lutestaings, 4 Grenoble Kid Gloves, 3 Silk Stockings, 1 Extra Long Silk Clovft}, 1 Mtn'« Bu kskin Gl >ve_, 1 Twilled Silk Shawls, 1 Cambrick. Which he oilers lor sale on reasonable terms, Sept 25. d G. F. and J. Lmdenberger, No. 200, Baltimore strk-t. Opposite the Indian _3iw tavern, Have received by the Diana, irom Liverpool,, An a tditional supply of Cut'ery, Saddlery, etc. etc. Now opening tor sale 011 their usual terms. October 2 d KEMOVaL. " Stiffum and Goodhue llave removed to the new stole, lately built by James Carey, three doors below their for- mer sand, corner or Bowly's wharf & SoutK-stre _t, No. 16 H'herc they offer for sale, loZlltipes]Catalo"iaRedWINE' 2 pipes London Market and Madeira do. 60 nfaos. 1st proof N E. Rum, 14 do 4th proof do. do. 10 pipes Holland Gin, 1000 bags heav Black Pepper, 300 do ist and 2d quality Calcutta Sugar, 350 do. Alium, 100 boxes Mould Candles, 20 do. Dipt do. 50 do. Spermaceti do. 20 do. Cotton and Wool CariiS, 250 do. Brown Soap, 100 do. White do. 400 shies Seal Leather, 500 pieces 1st and _d quality Russia Duck, 200 do. Ravens Duck, 150 do. Sheeting. 20 chests Hyson Skin Tea, 20 small boses do 13 1-2 lb. each, 15 chests Young Hvson Tea, 15 do. Souchong do, 50 boxes Spanish Segars, 90 kegs Patent Shot, aseorted, fron* BB, to No. 0 25 tons Clean Hemp, ALSO, Forty Bales and Cases Calcutta and Madras Goods \ Conststir* of * Beerboom Gurrahs, Jaunpore, Saiwiahs, Cusbatk, Bal'tas, Madri.s aii-o. Ver.tipulam Handkerchief*, Pepper Canibays, Manilla, tiingiiains, ...harcanii s, Niganees, Karakall, Ginghams, St Thomas do. Madras, tied and Cud-lore Blue H'dkt's. uc. November 25 dlOt-eoiOt Baltimore DancingAsseiubiy. THE Assemblies tor the season, will com- mence on Thursday next the 3d December Tickets of admission (and cards of invitaaoti in cases of omission) can be had of the follow- ing Managers; Hu Thompson, Henry Ntcvls, Walter D-ney, ,, J irph SttTrett, Li.,.nes Carroll. Jnn. Gcoi ge Grundy. Nov. 27, d6t$ Gentlemen are requested to order their car- riages up to the d ior, to face Gay street, and en return, to assemble in the square opposite the Theatre, until called up to ihej_jor._______ Now or Never. Ten Dollars Reward. Lost last evening- (between Eutaw street, and James Piper's Tavern) a Part of a Gold CHAIN, an elegant SEAL & KEY. Hie above reward will be given 10 any person who *iU leave it at this office, J-iovvin-er 29. d4t The ELEPHANT Will be exhibited at the City Hotel ip Gay- ttreet, one door from the corner ol Market- street, for one week only, ending on- Satnroav the 5th December. Those who wish to gra- tifi their curiosit) bv seeing this astomsd'itijr Amroai, will d« well by calin g previously that time as sue positively w-dl be removed the next me, Adm'.a tnce ' S cents. Ctol-Wa U 1-2- November _». «t,l#