Papenfuse: Research Notes and Documents for
Barron v Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243

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Papenfuse: Research Notes and Documents for
Barron v Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243

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McGEORGE SCHOOL OF LAW Library I UNIVERSITY OF THK °..A *'. "IFIC .JiiOO Fifth Avfmut-, W.'u-rrnrncmto. California 95817 12 March 1981 Mrs. Phoebe Jacobsen Assistant Archivist Hall of Records Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Dear Phoebe: Judge B. Abbott Goldberg, Scholar in Residence here at McGeorge, has asked that I do some research for him in the matter of Barron v. Baltimore. Since our library1s resources on Maryland are very meager, I wrote to Mike Miller at the Maryland State Law Library requesting his assistance. In response Mike telephoned me saying that the Hall of Records does have the opinion, but that there are thirty-three pages to be copied at one dollar per page. Mike1s request to borrow the opinion to copy it on the Law Library1s photocopier was refused by Pat Vanorney. I am enclosing a copy of Judge Goldberg1s request to me and also a copy of page 203 of "The American Jurist." I do not want to take advantage of our friendship or to impose any additional burden on your already heavy workload, but anything you may be able to do to help will be most gratefully appreciated. Judge Goldberg wants to know whether the opinion is that of the trial court or of the "court of appeals for the western shore." My question is this, is not the present Court of Appeals the former one for the one sitting on the western shore? Best regards, / Ruth D. Eaton Reference Librarian