Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS s'^ ^ ¦*» "etondcUs* matter Dei-ember U. I«IZ. at tin- postofflce si Haltimore. Maryland, under the Act of March 3, 1BT9. v°'- »l. No SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1914 Five Cents SOLDIERS OF WAR AND SOLDIERS OF PEACE DEDICATION To the poor women without homes, to the little toilers who should be in the schools and playgrounds, to the white slaves in their tragic bondage, and to the children who die, these pages are dedicated! May every woman who is not too idle to have a thought, or too vain to have a soul, or too rich in gold to have a heart, join in the great struggle lor women's freedom! I'urity, Liberty, Justice—these we must work for! TABLE OF CONTENTS Thf Si-mi i......ill rum-, nllixi.........SKI. SH Aih.rll-i-i... in- ......................23K. 239 s.n.l .'tiiimil l(.-|M.rt-........................ m l.rli.r r.-Iuini............................... 23n "I.Ihk'- IVnrtatw....................... :'tti. §g TL-|. n( Kui-rlfef...................... •£& KiwK ..r gha Wwfc....................... iff iMii.Tiai. ....................................2*1 THE SEMI-ANNCAI, CONVENTION County and City Members of the Just Government League Enjoy Hospitality of the Anne Arundel County League. A fine autumn day, :i genuine feeling of comrade-hip. and true Southern hospitality eoHtbtaed it> Make the semi-annual convention of the Just I lovcrninenl I.eigne ol Maryland, hettl on (Ictobcr ig in Annap- <¦!¦>. Mil., .'i memorable occasion. Seven local league' wee* represented :tt the convention by the following delegate-: Anne Arundel County—Mrs. Robert Most, Mr-. W. O. Steven*, Mrs. DuvaJI, Mrs. Swann. Mis* Hall. Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Kill),'. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. l'tuiiplm-v. Mrs. Richardson, Miss Drewry. Baltimore County—Mrs, Townscnd Scott, Miss Marjory Super, Mrs. C, I Ogte, Mrs. Howard Scliwarz. Mrs. Win. 1. Kwing. Baltimore City—Miss Minnie Jackson, Dr. Rose Sullivay, Mrs. W. I", Holmes. Mrs. S. V. Coulter, Mrs. S. R, Crantbtttt, Mi- j. It, Smith. Mr- N. J. larr Mrs. C. I). Warlicld. Mrs. C J. Keller. Mrs. II. C. Red grave. Miss Maria Martin. Mrs. Alinira Sweden. Mrs. !¦'. at, dooilwin. Dr. Kninic K. tit-topes, Mi-s Henrietta Dickson, Carroll County—Mrs, I.. Kerr, Mrs. (>. I), tiilberi. Mrs, F. II. Knapp, Mrs. Win. II. \ aiiilerfuril. Howard County - Mr-, li. |. Byrne, Mr-. Nora Mycr. Mi— Marjory Mathew-. Montgomery County—Misses Man M. Stabler. Ida Dove, I'.lizahcth Keyes. Mesilamc- I.. I. I laves. A. S. Wiirtliingttin, I. R. Thontsen, E. VY. Koch, AiroCarey, J. W. Stone, R, T. Worthington, Mrs. M. I.. Brooke and Mrs. Parsons, Talbot Count) Mrs. I'.. |. Kirov. Fraternal Delegates. For the lirst lime in the history of the league fraternal delegates were present, Mrs. S. Johnson I'oe represented the Kipial Suffrage League of Baltimore, and Mr-. Webb l'cploc represented the W. C. T. V. Roth of the* visitors addressed the eimvenliiiii ami were warmly applauded. The Morning and Afternoon Sessions. Reports i>i the officer*, of the standing einnniittees and of lite county leagues occupied the entire morning session. The delegates were niiieli gratified at the large amount of work reported. During the afternoon session Ihe |n,liey of the league in State and national suffrage work was considered, and the convention went on record as endorsing only the Bristnw-Monilell amendment. The previous policy of the State League