Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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328 MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS [January 9. «9«S] MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS Published W«Uy By th« Jul! Government Ul|M of Maryland!. Editor*. PIC. AND Silts. DONALD R. HOOKER, t'tlffburtit, Mt. WaHblngton, Mil. Contributing Editorsi Mrh. John O. Wilson, Dr. TiiAin.ii h V. Thomas, Mrs. It J. Hvrse, Dr. O. Edward Jannbt, 1 »h. Fi-orenck It. Sarin, MlRB MlLUKEU It AN KIN. [ini Editor: Miss M. 11. Dixon, S17 N. Cbarlei Street. Busineit Manager: MRS. CHA&UBft JOHKIM1 OOI.E. 2613 N. C liar lea St.. Baltimore. M.I. Subscription Ratost Dull hi* IK'. One Trap........................$1.0U Three Month* on Trlol............25 Six Months.......................00 Single Copy..................... .05 I ANAl'IAN. rOBEtUN. One Trap........................11.50 One Tear........................$1.00 HEf'RIPT of |MJRHIll must not be exueeted to nh«w M addresH InUrl under two weeks from date received, luntrui-tlona tor RWUVAI) BiSCVNtUWAttCa, or rilAXUK OF A1UHU>* Hliould be sent two weeka before Hi.- date they are to go into effvit. Ilotb ttltl and new Mokc at the Suffrage Shop, and in addition daily meetings held by the Women's Political Union, addressed by such distinguished speakers as Prof. Henry A. Overstrcet and Miss Anne Martin, Dr. Frederick A. Cleveland and Mrs. Nora Watch de Forest, Com- missioner Joseph Hartigan anil Miss Sadie American, Gutzon Borglum and Mrs. Marie Jcnncy Howe. Waller W'eyl and Mrs. Inez Milholland lioissevain, and Prof. George W. Kirchwey and Miss Pauline Goldmark. If even one of these speakers appeared weekly in Ilaltimore great interest would be aroused, and if but a few of them could be taken into the counties the whole State would soon be buzzing with suffrage. Fresh inspiration is constantly needed to spur the workers on to their tasks, and this is what truly able speakers bring. Let part of the suffrage program for the new year be a long list of dis- tinguished suffrage speakers who will speak not only in Baltimore city, but out in the counties as well. WOMEN AND CITIZENSHIP LAWS In every civilized country women have protested, though in vain, against the anomaly by which a woman's birth is ignored on her mar- riage to a man of foreign birth and she is handed over to the nationality of her husband. In Great Britain and Germany today there are thou- sands of women who, because they have married foreigners, are interned as "alien enemies" in the country in which they were born and have spent their whole lives. An anomaly which is merely irritating in normal times is heartbreaking during war. EQUALITY THE BASIS OF PARTNERSHIP "As women get the vote and learn to use it they will, I believe from what I have seen in the voting states, introduce a human element into politics which has heretofore been lacking. "There's still a stronger reason why women ought to vote. This world is run by partnerships. And the partnership between the man and the woman who live together in a home is the best partnership of all. Giv- ing women the ballot will add one more great sphere of common interest to this partnership and make it what it ought to be,—an alliance founded on equality."—Gilford Pinchot. A woman taxicab driver has appeared on Broadway! Surely if a woman has sufficient self-control and good sense to maneuver a taxi through the Metropolis she has the requisite characteristics for voting in Maryland. HELP THE CAUSE.—Mention the Moryl.nd Suffice New. Whon Patronising Our Advertiim.