Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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Maryland State Archives
Maryland Suffrage News Collection
MSA SC 3286


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MARYLAND SUFFRAGE NEWS Vol. Ill, No. 48 • I '. at the pontofflu* it Baltimore. Maryland, under to* Act of March 3, 1879. Five Cents DEDICATION. To the poor women without homes, to the little toilers who should be in the schools and playgrounds, to the white slaves in their tragic bondage, and to the children who die, these pages are dedicated! May every woman who is not too idle to have a thought, or too vain to have a soul, or too rich in gold to have a heart, join in the great struggle for women's freedom! Purity, Liberty, Justice— these we must work for! Miss Trax is Sti t ¦ Organizer for the Just Government League of Maryland, and it at present planning ITie "Prairie Schooner" campaign, which will take in the principal counties of the State. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1*11 «t' .J '. L ('..Itnt.l Citllll'illK...................(77 VVi.tiiiiii Stiilnti;.- I'miy Iilni,, ,.r tin- Wfft......................... 378 i:.|iml SiilTni-;.- I..mkii.' N.-w«............... :i7:t Wtiiiinti Hufl'inu'1 — lli-l'ir.t, Armiiii.Jil-. .....I Iti-iill-................................ BO l.xtntrt* twm I-r. I'i'vliit'*- I.....tun- mi lofonry ...................................asj IMtvr «gd lnt|tilr.v t'uliimn................ M K'„i,....................................nw J. G. L. COUNTY CAMPAIGN Caravaners Plan to Capture the State for Suffr.-.gc—To Emulate Miss Shaw's Method of Campaigning. PLANS for count) campaigning art developing rapidly, The prairie sclioniKT i- built "i»ii paper." For tttc past week Baltimore has been "combed" for illustrations of the picturesque conveyance, and the prohlems <>f con-inn lion, horses and all other details have been faced and discussed. Miss !.. C. Trax, chairman of the County Campaign Commit- tte, has called a meeting for Wednesday 1110111111),', 10.30 o'clock. March j, ai Ju.-t Government League Headquarters, At thai time it will he definite!) determined which sections of the Slate will he visited. Among the "caravaners" will he Miss Trax, Mrs. C. X. < iahricl. Mr. and Mrs. I-'. I'. Ramey. Mrs. C. 1). WarticM and Miss Marjory Matthews. Project Economical and Far-Reaching in Results. In speaking' of the work Miss Trax said : "The caravan trip seems to have gripped ihe imagination of our sulfragists. Or. Anna Shaw made her first lours in a prairie schooner, ami it is like a delightful reminiscence, now that we are so near victory, to travel once more in die budging, canvas- topped wagon. The emotion- of peoples are stronger than their logic. The schooner, the sleeping tent, the camp lire and the great outdoors make a charming picture. Add to ihis the zest of spreading suffrage propaganda in hitherto untouched communities, and Ihe sentimental appeal of this journey i- Irresistible. Suffragists are offering a portion of their vacation time. County resilient- urge Us m select their district; and best of all. our most vamvd friends send us money. This is undoubtedly one of the moat economical projects planned by the Just Government League, and promises to he mosi far-reaching in its results." Money! Money! Money! Ii i- money that will make ihe caravan "go." It is money that will -end it to even corner of the State. It is money that will put over suf- frage arguments ami suffrage literature to waiting womankind. Dimes,