Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Valuable Property, G'n Bowt.i-'s Wmart, Cbeapside, and in Old-Town. The subscriltcr is authorised tfl tell the following ¦very valuable PRQPKRTV—tfie. No. 1—A two-story Bi.cck Ware-House and Lot, or. Franklin the Basin, oc- cupied by Mr Samuel Williams, fronting on said lane 27 feet, and extending in ctejith 73 feet, to the. centre of a 15 feet yard, on the rear of Lot No.2, and common to both. No. 12-r-A two-stciryBuicx Wake House and.JLoT, on South-street, occupied by Mr. William Child, fronting' on said street 27 feet (more or less) and extending in depth 65 feat <5 inches, to the centre of a IS feet yard, on the rear of Lot No. 1, and common to both. No. 3—A two-story Wake-House (half Frame and bah' Brick) and Lot onCheapside, occupied by Messrs. ftlitctiell and Sheppard, fronting on Cheapsi'le 22 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth 62 feet, to Franklin-lane, together ,.wit.h.thc wharf and dock in front thereof. No. 4—-A two-slory Wu,".-Horsii (half Frame ana half Brick) and Lot on Chcapside, adjoining No. 3, occupied by Mr. Charles Crook, {renting on Cheapside, 22 feet 6 inch- es, and extending- in depth 62 feet, to Frank- lin-lane, together -with the wharf and-dock in front thereof. Jio. 5—A two.story Brick Bweliing.- ¦Hsrui and Loi-'curnerof Wapping & High, streets, fronting- on Wapping-street 40 feat, & on High -street 26 feet, 8 inches. No. 6-^-A t-.vo-story Brick Dwelling- Hobsi: and Lor, adjoining No. 5, fronting on Wapping-street 27 feet. No. 7—A Frame Dwelling-House and Lor, at the corner of Pitt and Green-streets, 26 10 inches front, and extending in depth 100 feet ; on the rear of this Lot, a small brick dwelling-, which may be sold separate- ly- All the above property is in fee-simple, ex- cept Lots No. 5 and 6," which are subject jointly to the yearly ground rent of £3 6s 8d. Such of the asine described property as may remain undisposed of by the 24th day of •February next, will be exposed at PUBLIC AUCTION, on that day, on the premises. Apply at-Mr. J. Harvey's, EuUw-st. three doors north of i'Vyeite-street, to JOHN P. PLEASANTS. December 27. gl0t-eo24F Stale of Mary land, Montgome- ry County, to wit : November Term, 1606. AMONG other things is the following to wit : ORD^REDXv the court, that all suits trans- mitted from the gener 1 court to this court, un- der the ., entitled, an act to provide tor the organiza£ion.and regulation of the -courts of cottmiQt) law in this state, and for the administration of justice, and continued -last court under the rule to employ new. coun- sel, shall not continue longer than the end of the next court, under the said rule ; and the suitors interested therein are hereby required to appear to the same, in person, or by coun- sel, on or before the second day of next term, or tht ... oic will he tried or discontinued as the case.may be, during the said.term. Copy, Test, UPTON BE ALL, .Clerk, Montgomery county court. January 1._________________ lawin Take Notice. THE Subscribers having obtained letters of administration on the estate of Peter Cassat, late of the city ol'Baltimore, deceased) All persons having claims against the said Peter CassaW, are warned to exhibit them to the subscribers, duly authenticated according to law, on or before the 10th day of July next, or they may be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons.indebted to said es- tatc are requested to make inimediat.- pay. ment to either of the subscribers'!)}- said day, as_ they are determined to ciose said estate without delay. 'SUSAN CASSAT, Exut'x. WILLIAM JessSCHP, &x'U> Of Peter Cassat, deceased January 6.________________Sawl2t '1 o Rent. A large new 2-story Brick WAREHOUSE and CELLAR, with aconvenient Back-build- ing, all in compleat order, sufficient to accom- modate a large family, with a pump of excel- lent water at l hedoor, and the use of a large va- cant lot adjoining. .H is an excellent stand for the floor and gio pry I the French seminary and con-venieni to the New maiket. Possession may be had on the 1st of Npveinber. For terms, apply at No. 195, '. ket street. . October 8 law iJoetor Thomas Hamilton, No 12, Haiiiusus stiieet, A /ira doors J> in Market street, Begs leave to it form his Itfeiuls and the citi- zens of Baltimore, and its vicinity, that he practices Mr.DlCISE, SuitGE.iY AS» MlDV.'lFERY. IX>CT< It HAMILTON flatters iiimself that he is en itted to the confidence of the pub- lic, from his having been in the practice of his profession for above twenty years, the greater part of which time his residence was in London, in the vicinity of St. Bartholomew's hospital, where an intimate connexion with the gentlemen . f the faculty, to whose care it was entrusted, afforded him very ample opportuni- ties of making himself acquainted with the progressive improvements which have taken place both in mi.dicixe and in the perform- ance Ot SUKCICAL orEUATIONS. Were he not anxious to avoid what might perhaps by some be considered as the boast o- an empiric, he could lay before the public suf ficicnt proofs cf his medical character, and o the surgical operations he has been in the ha- bit of performing, during his residence in this and the neighboring state (Virginia) for the las*, seven years. Thus much he has been induced to say of himself from a conviction, that a medical man, offering himself to the notice of the puolic, shoald accompany a claim upon their confi- dence with the grounds upon which he founds his pretensions. ^January 7.____________ with a complete set of machinery, such as leevators for wheat and Hour, conveyors, hop- per-bags and kreeos, a.-reeably to the latest improvements of Evans's system. The Bolt- hs are new, and the whole in excellent repair. Also, aJrrai Mill and two Dwelt /.'cures, commanding a beautifi't andromantio view of the Hudson and West-Point; a Con- bers'Shop and Duelling, together with other OUt-hcntses and conveniences necessary ti ren- derthe establishmentcon>P.h?te. Likewise, a fall of about thirty unoccupied, im- mediately above tl. mills, extremely well calculated for :< Paper-Mil!, or any other •factory, without in the i...-1 interfering with the other mills. The advantages attending this property are numerous, and of a nature which rarely characterize singular establish- ments, Sltn. ti d in the vicinity »f so intpoi-t- ant a market as New-York, and 01) so respect- able a navigation as Hudson river, the only route for the proctuce of the Ni rtherh and > Western World, a facility of pui-ehssiiig- the wheat atthemiil, and of seudie ore to market, is here experienced to an extent which no other situation o.ui boast of. From 40 to 5(>,()'0U bushels of wheat has been manu- ired arumalh March and January, and from tlO to ?'..!,(100 could with equal ein.o be ground were the winter season excluded, late years has been so mild that the imcr be navigation has seldom been, of long continuance, Tile security and convenience of a sloop of any burthen lving so contiguous to tV: mill that the eleviitorsdisi cargo where- ver the Miller --¦ tte it, and the facili Bo.ur on board immedi- ately,troni the Mill doer, so ljj'at.crialjy dimi. nishes labor and expedites business that one vessel will' entto serve me fac- tory, and perform more than two ordinarily ich employ. . Also, a Tract of 1000 acres of La edabo'i'u 60 chains from the above Mills, well covered with timber, on which ' ;nt iron mine and throngh who ilk- i'all stream passes, aiibrdimrseverai aituations or erecting of iron works. The estate will be sold on reasons! !e terms, and property in or near the city of Baltimore will be taken at a fair valuation for one half of the amount if required. Forterms apply to Charles Garls, in the city ' of Baltimore ; or to David t.tdig, merchant New-York, try whom an indisputable title will he given i iber 24-. eo3m Tor Sale, A »tout healthy young NEGRO MAN: he is a very good cook and waiter, and un- derstands driving and managing horses. Ap- ply at this (il'ice. 'December 27-_________________dit-law For Sale or Rem, THE PROPERTY belonging to the sub- scriber, beautifully situated on the Reister's- tiiivn road, adjoining Mr. John Henry Hop- itiiis's, and but a small distance, above the Slminary. The Property was lately rented. and occupied by Mr. Jacob Otlesson, at three hundred dollars per annum. No further des- cription of the property is thought needssary, as it is expected persons desirous of purchas- ing or renting, would wish to view the place previous to engagement. For further parti- culars, enquire of the subscriber, at the new Assembly Room*. ^ JAMES W1NTKLE. N B. A Lad of decent connection would be taken as an Apprentice to the painting ""bu- siness. Enquire as above. |anuafy 8. Th&M Any Laciv, or Gentleman, Desirous of Boarding in a s-ehteel privets: family, may be accommodated with a good Room. &C. by applying at tins on January 24. eo3'|| Divide The creditors of ELIZABETH VERNES, * late of Baltimore ccunty, deceased, a:c lu re- by notified, that a distribution of die assets- in hand will take plao si the Coimtihg house of the subscriber, in iialtimore-street, on Monday the 16th February next, and that to the exclusion of those who neglect to ob- serve this notice. WALTER JENKINS, Administrator of Elizabeth Vernes. January 24. 2aw6t Wants a Place. A young Man, who writes three different Lan|-u;.g< s (English, French and German) un- derstands Book Keeping, Calculates Foreign Exchanges, and is well versed in Mercan- tile occurrences, wishes to engage in a Count- ing- Room or Store. Having resided for three years past, and being engaged during this ^ time in the mercantile line, in this city, he at well acquainted with the necessary local know- ledge required of a clerk, and can produce in respect of his deportment and moral charac- ter every satisfactory recommendation. A line addressed to G. K. and left at this office, will be attended to. January 23. ______ B¥ JOHN HEWI.-', Opposite tltt Post K A L T i U O R E,