Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Madeira and Malmsey Wines.' Sscepaed per Schooner He n>, C pt Jacobs, from ''V, Madeira. 12 pipes } n,.st pld London ParticuJ 11 llMs. V .^-Madeira Wine. 7 qr casks } 7 hiida. beat old Malmsey Wine, repre- sented as of a superior quality. The whole of which are off-ted for sale at low price and long credit, Oct. 2a HENRY THOMPSON. co lot ANDERSON and JEFFERIS, 6,6, MARKET- TRLET Have received per the Alexander, from Live pool, tliefd'ovj- injr goods, (which completes their assortment) viz : CoSNJ For hale, A valuable TRACT of LAND, formerly the property of Mrs Aim peniberton, called \Vestuury, contorting 1464 acres, » luatcd in AnuoArundel count), state of Maryland, at tir head of West River, 12 miles Horn Anna. polis, and 42 from Baltimore. This land is Vlell'c^lcu.ated to produce . heat- tnbacCp and com ; has a largo quantilyof timber, sii for ship building, ami most excellent meadow. T'lic timber lies, near the river, winch is navi- Eahle for large vessels jatotlie^Cliesapeafce, 6 Allies Irom the landing. U is divided into two handsome t'anvis the one containing 746 acres, and uie other 7is acres, each having a good landing on said river, and will be sold together or separately. r or terms apply to Wdleim Coo :e, esquire, Baltimore! John Galloway, est) lire, West River ; or to Henry Waddell, Philadelphia ISt.il II' not sold' at private sale before the 2d November next, it will (ben e s'-ld a aue- turn, on the premises; either separately or to- g titer, to suit purcn&sers. Aug"st ,4.__________________ Kuayoii tiarris, No 188, Market street, Has on hand and otl'ers tor sale, 700 large rimmed VV'hite HATS, made light and trimmed in tiie neatest stile, cal- culated for the hast and West Indi:'. markets, which will be sold on accorttmoda.ing terms i Also on hand, a quantity of Men's &. Youth's - TBlick Hats, with which shippers and country merchants may be supplied, by the ca-e or dozen, put up in the best manner, and at the shortest notice, to ship or to send in the coun- try. Alto on hand, a ge-crtti assortment of Hatter*' FVRS. viz t ' German Hair, first and second quality ; Co- nev Wool, rarited i.ih'i raw ; fait and second quality Camel's Hair ; Spanish Wool, oIm coat Parchment and and felt Beaver, Muskret, northern and western Racoon, Grey Fox, Ua it, Morocco Skins, Red, Yellow G'eon, and Black ) Glue, Copperas, Venligrise, ami Logwood, with a general assortment of Hat Tri'innr.ngs. _______Sept 14._______e» Imported in the. ship Bash .ra captain PeterUn, from the liiver La Plata, and for tale vy the luitcribert, 35 ... White Welting, Shai.meys, &. Bmk Skins, Red, Green, Yellow, and Black Morocco Skins, Skirting, Hoe; Skins, and Sheep Skins, Calf Skms, Upper Leather, and Boot Legs, S'ooe Thread, Shark Skins, it Scotch Stones, Carrying Knives, and Graining Boards. Tanners Flesher's, and Workers, Bun F ices, and Leather for Halters, Tanners' Brushes, and r,en Soais, With a general assortment ol Leathers. Also jfttt received and for talc as above, 35.i bigs first quality Green Codec, entit- led to debenture. JAMES BOSLEY. October 10. eoHvv BestKn- r*gush Paper Super Royal Koyal Medium Deny Thick and thin folio post, plain Ditto do. do wove F mlscap Extra la'rge quarter post plain Ditto do. do. gilt Common size do. plain ai _ gill J Single and double ruled Ledgers in plain and patent binding Journals and Waste-Books Livoice, Letter, and account Current Books. Cash and receipt books Common Place and Memorandum books QjiUs, from 3s yd. to 26.* 3d per 100. Best red ana coloured Irish Wafers Common red ditto Superfine red and black Sealing- \V us Common red and black ditto. Pewter ink-stands of ail size! Fountain Ink stands Lignum Vita; an»l j. panned Sand-Boxes Ivory and > one Folders Slatesand Slate Pencils Black lead Pencils, warranted Best bLckand red ink Powder Rou.,el and flat Rulers, of all sizes Message anil visiting Cards Foolscap and demy marble Paper India Kiibber Boobs ot Pennmanship and Slip Copies Ladi¦¦_.* aiid_eutleiriens' Pocket Books Gentlemeii's and Ladies japanned dressing Cases Snuff and Cigar Boxes, assorted Superfine Playing Cards 2 and 1 feet Guntcr's Scahs An elegant assuriniei it oi Penknives, with 1, 2, 3, Ik 4 blades, from ls6d to lHs 9d each Counting-House Penkniveawith ivory handles and lolders A. _ J have for sale, a large stock of American W riling, Printing and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Boards, Bibles, Testaments, Spelling B<>oks, Primers, Cyphering and Cepy Books, Ink-Powder Playing Cards, Wafers, &c. Kc suitable for Country Merchants, which tuey will sell on the lowest terms for cash or approved paper. Bank Accoui t Books of every description made «t the shortest notice. Merchants, Public Offices', &c. in town or at a distance, furnished with every article in the Stationary line of the b«st quality, and Orders to any part of tiie country execute, with punctuality and care. NEW GLASSES PUT IN OLD SPECTACLE FRAMES. . Oetocer 24.---------eo6t Sportsman's Knives, from 15s toSUs each Fine Scissors. Best warranted R; zors Gardener's Pruning knives Cases oi'plotting instruments Ebony and brass parallel rule* Pocket Compasses 6 and 12 in. li i\ ory pocket rule s. Packet 1 hermometet-. ie. shagreen cases Barometers and Thermometers together Ivory Si ales a .d Sectors. Brass Protractors Opera bia^seb Brass Linen Prevers Camera Obscuras Sjiirit Levels Lamp Glasses, Wicks, &c. he. Suwarow Spurs—Tooth Brushes Powder fl..sks, Irom 1 to 3 doll__Counting House hies Shot Belts, from 1 to 2 1-2 dolls. Tooth Picks, i'oiti iseshell and silver &.C. &C. Also on Hand. SPECTACLES AND CASES. Silver "J Convex and gr.-eu glasses Plated K, Also, Tortoishshell f Concave glasses for near Steel J sigl>t-d persons Goggles with green and vvTiite Glasses for Weak eyes Reading Glasses in horn, tortoise-sli&U and pc- art WHIPS. • Crop Whips Switch d.o. Gig do. from 1 to S doll. Curricle do. Tandem do. C ANES. Sword Canes, from 3 to 5 dells. Dirk do. from 2 1 ° to 3 do. And a variety of others from 25 cents to 10 dolls. I'tT Sale, Belt Leather, Drumheads, vliite Welting, prime Buckskins, red, y* 11 iw greet) . tf n Morocco Utters' and Saddleis' V\ col, Deer's Hair, Hair suitable for plaisterers, and a ge- iji'ial assoi'tii'-'iit oi Leather of Uic best qua- lity and upon the cheapest terms. R. i.. HEATH, No. 1, Cheapside. August 24._________ eo I. iiuixiii..l &L, and lying south of a line I- ghmivg at the inter.ecti.rt oi North and tht north side oi Pleasant-streets ,ind ihf.:¦..-, Ninniltg e.a>t, I oinded bv tf e ;ie.rt; pi sSant'Stt'Oet, to Hol'idn sired, feme d e east until it strikes Ihe line ot (do citj : or so much th. reef as shall be Llioughl expedient U< to1 er 7. eo I- 0 Dollar!. i< ward. Ran away-IVnni the subscril er on the even- ing of the 30tb ultimo, a Mulatto Man nam- ed TOM, He is about tio or _ti years ol'agc, about. 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, pleasant., countenance speaks mild aid pi.,usable, his hair is thick and glows flower down his forehead than romn on, thick beard, and full ol small p'Tiij Us., prrticulai'fj below his thin about 1)18 neel , small eyes, ruther dull and hi a- vy, and is naturally left handed, when lie we> t away his feet were sore on the insteps I purchased him last tail, of Mr. Robert O- liver, of Baltimore, in wdiose service be was a cons (leiabk time in the capacity of a coach- man, and is well known in Baltimore, win re I suspect he is'harbored : since 1-have had hVm he has been generally employed in driving one of my null vcaggons. I will give the above reward if apprehended, and lodged in Baltimore county Jail, so th t I get him again. WILLIAM OWlNGS. September 23. eo Rolling and Sliting Mill. The subscribers are now ready to execute orders for Rolled and Slit Iron, a large and ;.;. Hi .1 assort:-out of which they constantly keep for sale, viz.3&, 4d, 6d, Si, lod, 12ii, anil ^Ud, Hoop and Nail, Deck and Spike Rod*, ANDREW & THOMAS ELLiCOTT. October & eo v oach-Mi l-uig. The subscribers still continue their I isi- ness of COACH MAKING, Ms. in Plough- man-street, iie»r-Christ Qliurch, Old-Town, Baltimore, where all kinds of Fashionable and Plain CAliiUAGES, GIGS, GUU/IICLES AND H-th'NL.SS, Are made and repdred, at. the shone-' no- tice and on reasonable terms They hope, by punctual aUeiuion to business, to merit a share of public patronage. IV hi have fur Sale, A Jersey CARRIAGE, which in form and size, is more 1 sinonable, handsomeand con- venient, than those commonly bud ; til is eon- strnet'id eo (ravel, with one or two Horses ; ami furnished with an elegant set of plated Harness. ALSO, FOR SALR, A Handsome New-Jersey Waggon. CQMEQYS k EAVEKSON. Sept \T.________._______eo f_\Ll goods. fly the Abemn and otlici vessels from Kngland, AiJlJLl.TON & tO Have received an exlemsive assortment of Wholen, Cotton i$ >Silk Goods, Which are now opening at No IS Calvert- street, and will be sold positively as lovi, by the package or piece, as at any store in Baltimore or Philadelphia. Forty trunks Calicoes antl Furnitures, bales of Brbadrtoths, Cassimeras. Coatings, Flush- ingi, Plains, Forest Cloths, Flannels, Baizes, Kerseys; Blankets, Peiice Cloths and Flannels, 6ec; eases oi Cords, Velvet*, Vesting* ot the best London C\>.siinercs, Toihliets Ai Woisted Quilt'mgs, Printed 'labbys, Ha's Ginghams, Shawls, Checks, Hatidkcichieis. Sattins, Per- sians, Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton and silk Sewings ; Birmingham Ware, &.c._-c. Sept 24____ eo _ Campbell and "Kinhie Move received-by the different artiv alsjrom Lon- don and iferjniul, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OI? FALL GOODS, ..mn g ivhieh are, Scotch Osnaburga, Madias llandkerchiefe, Calicoes, Dimitins i Supcfim Blu< Cloths, Sec. &c calculated for ihe West-India and Spanish markets, and entitled to drawback on exportation; Oct. j5. eotot Lottery Notice TICKETS in the Lottery for the benefit o St. Mar's Codege, Baltimore, authorised by lie general assembly of Man land, and which pi sitivelj comnnnces drawing in the city of Baltin ore, on the 30th day ct D»'c next, will be advanced to ten and a half dollars eath, on Monday, the 9th of November nexi ; and rum the rapid side, of the Tickets, they will :,i _ul ject to a further advance on the first day of D( .ember next. The tickets, halves, quarters and e'girths are fir sale at G Ik R. VV Al'i'E's truly for- tuiite Lottery Office, corner ot Market and a streets, Baltimore ; where an office is ki pt for ill* Exi hangc oi Hank Notes of any description, at a iiioucraie premium. CHU.eCH's Patent Medicines, warr..nted genuine, for sale as above, wholesale and re. tail. Oct. 2o; eo2w Doctor Cromwell, No 54, HANOVEA STXLl-yr, Oflers his [iroicssional services lo the citi- _ens of Baltimore. ;>i*tol er )3. eo8t^ Hollingsworth and Sttilivan Havtfir tale on accommoditth'.g credit, for up- proved paper, 102 boxes first quality wuite Havanna Su- gar, TO do. do. Brown do. do. 1 hbd. 5 bbls. and 14 bags best Green Ctjffee. WANMD, An active industrious lL.AD, of 16 or 17 years of age, who writes a good hand and has some knowledge of accounts. October 27. eo8t i Best Moivmain Malaga Wine*. LDH.Uiij i-'lTZGI-BALD HAS F. K a Mi At his Che.jp Wholesale and Retail 1 Grocay, Wine and Spirit Ware- lion ft. 221, MARKKT-STREET, BALTIMORE, \ _e) sinall casks oi s-pei'tor dalaga U me, S containing aboiii 15 galt&ns each, i 20 *i<> do. 3ei gallons, 10 pipes half pipes best L P. M. Wine, i the real juice of the Grape, 2 do. and 3 q>'. casks L. Market do. _ ito and 14, do best Lisbon do. 8 qr. casks Sherry do. 2 pipes an ! 4 en-, casks TenerifTe Wine, 5 pipes and 5 ip\ casks first chop Port Wine m wood anil bottles, being equal it not superior to any in this ctly, 2cici dozen Claret Wine, of u superior kind, in cases of 2 :o_cn each, lit pipes French and Cogniac Brandy, 4th proof, .; do. Spanish 1st proof, entitled to deben- ture, 10 do. Holland Gin, 1st do. 17 do. Jamaica Spirit-, 4ll) do. 1 no do. i5 years old 4ih do. 1 do. Irish Whiskey, 4th do, 0 bolj. Peach Branely 4th d.o. and 7 years old, Cherry Brandy, Cherry Bounce, Shrub, New-England* Rum, Rye Whiskey, Bottled Porter, Wine and Cider Vinegar, West-India Cordials and Bito r-, Sugar-House and West India Molasses, Acid., Limes and Lemnuxas, Salad Oil, in hexes of del ii.-.sks each, London Mustard, in boxes ot 3, 6, and 12 doz. bottles each, Basket *Salt, Spices of all kinds, First Chop I" penal and Hyson Tea, in chests, l-.alf-chesis, boxes, and in 2 lb. leads. Young Hyson,') Hi ,,n Skin, Vin chests and boxes, Souchong, j Double and single refilled Loaf Sugar, Lump piece and bastard Sugar, New Orleans and other raw Sugars, Double and Single Cloucester Cheese Pine and American Cheese, J niiiesou's Crackers, in bbls. half-bids. Had kegs, Soft-shelled and unshelled Almonds, Raisins, in boxes and kegs, Demijohns, Wire and Hair Sieves, Brushes, Starch, lrig and Indigo Blue, Spermaceti Oil, and Candles, M' uld and Dipt Cand.es, Castile wlnte and Brown Sonp, First Chop Spanish Cigars', in boxes half boxes and bundles of 100 each, 2d, 3d, and 4ll> quality do. of a superior kind, Best Richmond Sweet Twist Tobacco, in iegs, of one Twist to the pound, Do. of 6 twists t. the pound fit for retail- ers. Battle and other (Jun Powder and Shot, Pearl and American Barley, C,.|i'.i, Rice, and Cotton, Pickled Salmon, Tongues and Sounds in kegs, Anchovies, Capers, Olives, and Cucumbers in hexes, assorted, of 12 bottles each, Warranted & Con mon Chocolate in boxes, With many other articles, _hich he will sell at Irs usual reduced prices lot cash, counliy hunk notes, count)', produce, or for good noies, payable in i, 4, and 6 months. October 5._________________lh S T Guest, Atteibuiy and Co. Hate received by the lite a'rivals at th'S port, ana Fhiiodeiplaa, 7-8 and 9-8 Calicoes anil Chintzes, !¦ urnieiii e. do. Men anil Women's Silk and Cotton Hose, who plain, 1 ee and sandal, clocks, 9 8 and 6.4 Cumbrtck Muslin:;, Colored, and embewsed do. Lace, Leno, aid Fancy Worked do. Muslin Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Cambric Shinii g. . Pins, Madrasg a»d po.ticat Handkerchiefs, Vc-lreleens a. d Fancy Cords. Supcrfuu.- and coinoiun Cloibs, Hose, Duffit, and Point iiiaiikets, Flannels, Swanskin.,' Sw: nsdoxviis end Toihnetls, Kersey's and Half Thicks, Venetian and Kidderminster Carpeting. Anv. A, the Harmony, from Amsterdam, 13 cases Silk Velvets, Velvet Klbbons, Sic 'Lhsy have also fur sale, London Porter in puncheons and bottles. ¦-ept '26. eo Baltimore County, ss. ON application to me in the recess of the court, as an associ-ie jiulce oi the sixth ju- dicial district oft e state of Maryland, by Fugrr and Coffee. boxes white and brown Havana Sn^aiv 15.00 lb. Green Coffee. The whole entiil. d to drawback For sale by RGB : UAMIL'ION, Corner ot Lovely-Lane and Calve'-t-street. Anecist 31. eo petition in writing ol Chance Lanjt,... the city of B luniore, an insolvent debtor, playing the benefit of the nets ol aascml ly lor relief (>. insolvent debcers, on the terms pre- scribed by the said acts: a schedule of his property anel a bat ol his creditors, on oath, as far as he can ascertain ihtm, us directed hi the said acts, being annexed lo his said peliii- on, having produced to ine the assent it, writing ol so many ef his creditors as have due to them the amount ol two-thirds oi the debts due by liim at the time ol his appiicati on ; and being sa istied bj competent les.ino- ny, that the said Charles Lai g;ord 'ias resided within the state oi Maryland,the twoon ceding years, prior to bis application, it is tnereupoi ordered by n.e, that the said Charles Latigfer*! (by causing a copy ot this to he insert eo in some one of the newspapers in tl e city oi B; iti- niore, every ether day lor three months sue- ceysively, bcton the twenty sixthday cl March next,) give notke to his creditors u:.ppe. i be- fore the county com l at the court-lwiusi, in ihe said couiity, at ten o'clock in the tor. noon of the tv.ciity-sixtli day of March next, h,r the purpi se of recoil,mending a trustee for their benefit, on the said Charles Lang,old, thenaud there taking the oath by tiie aei prescribed tor i«.divcrmg up his property, Given uniiel niv hand this twenty -sixth ilay of September, eigh- teen hundred and seven THOMAS JuNES _ (Sept. 29.) __________ todm tor Sale, A pair of remarkably fast trotting PONIES Price g_80. inquire at this office. October 24. eo6t This Day Received F&QMNEW-IOXJC, AND FOR SALK BT Gr.O. HILL, The Hritish Treaty. Also the foltovriilg iN.i:- iJ.ays, Town and Country, by T. Morion, esq. Adrian & Orrilu, or n Mother's Vengeance, by Win. Diamond, esq. And Moore's Works, containing LiHle & Moore's Poem's, in 4 vols- October 13. «o.t To Lease, For ninety nine years, renewable for. 'ever, that v.-.luabh" and fxtensive LOi of GitOUND, situatsdin Old-Town, in Hie eity of Baltimore, with the exception o' one , Lot, adjoining the residence of Hairy D., I Goiti;!,, eti-j ; fronting on Front street 136 I feet, andrunning back to the water or Falls i 170 feet more orvless, and is inclosed t»ith a 1 hoard fcece. The advantages this property possesses is well known to every person ; its ; Contiguity i-> the water altoidsuc.pit ,1 Maud for a Distillery. Bake House or Sugar House- ' As this proper!\ will be dispos. d of immedi- ately, tiie earliest application will be necessa- j rj. " R. H. MOALE. At t'.ie office of S. Moale, East st reet* Oct. 24)._________ ___ 3taw4w< "LATENT MJ_.J_»ICINLb> WARUANTED CI-X1 INE, yutt received from Neve 'fork, am/ for sale at \\ Airi'.'s LOTTKbY OFFICE, Corner of Charles and Martoft-atreeUj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , Clnircii's celebrated (a ugh Drops, An eficcl al cure for Coughs Colds, Asflw mas and Consumptions, i rice : 5 cents '1 his medicine is too well known for its cflic ey in every part ot the United States, to need any further comment Dr Clare's Eieetnary, Recommended by pers< oj- of the first res. peotability in New .Yorkjfof effectually curing; the Fever and Ague, one box, price 1_:5 cents, is a certain cure Church's Scotch Ointment, Price 75 cents, cures the most inveterate Itch, by one application. The only medicine in the world that will perform n cure in four hours ; d may be applied with safety lo the roost delicate lad;, or tender infant. /:.....nee and Jixlract of Mustard, Fertile Rheumatism,Goc.t,Sprains,Bruises, &.c. 75 cents. Church's Vegetable Lotion, Universally approved of for the Face and Skin, 75 ceuls. Antispasmodic El. xir, A sovereign remedy for all kinds of F'its, price 2 dollars Vermifuge Lozenges, For the cure of U oi ms in children &. grown persons, 50 cents. Church's celebrated Eye Salve, A cure lor all diseases in the Eyes, 75 cents. Sfiecife Pills, F"or outward and inward Piles, 50 cents. .'.in: Billions Litis, Lee's Billions Pills, Hooper's Pills, Ander- son's Pills, Steer's Opedeldoc, Essence of Pep- pernvint. Laxative PiD*. Church's Co'dial Restorative Balsam, For Nervous disorders, Female complaints, Gout in the stomach, weakness, Indigestion, indiscretion and premature old age, and for every other symptom 6l extreme del ility--• This medicine is recon mei ded for the imme- diate r' it I s| fed) and permanent cure of the al*ve disorders, 150 cents eaih bottle. AlferatiVe Pills, An effectual cure lor a certain disorder, price 1 dollar. Aniiscoibutic Tincture, Fcr tiie Teeth and t>un s, and Church's Volatile ''ii.cture, Which cures the Tooth Ache. (•etcher 10.______________!"15t Goqding,TLiitchit>s and Co. Off it for ."ale on It se ieiii-.s, subject to urate buci Snperfui- Cloths, DO. CassiBVPres, 9 8 and b 4 Cambric M__li'nS| 7 8 Calicoes, Ginghams, Sliau I.raj Muslins, Fine Flannels, B-oad Snrsnet and Sattin Ribbons, 7 8 and 6-4- Dimi'ies, 6 4 Cot ion Shav Is, Cotion Umbrell f, Silk, Cotton aid Thread I.wes, Lae.e Sleeve H'dkfs. and Veils, Seine Tv inc. October 10. cr.yt -Notice. The subscriber is under the painful neces- slty »f giving notice to Ids creditors, oi his intention t. apply to Knit,more county court, at its next session, or in its Feces, to one of the judges thereof, for the benefit of the ia. solvent laws of this state. JOHN BAXLfil*. Sept 24. eo2m Notice is hvrcbv (:iven, That I Intend to a; ply to the judges Of Bal- timore ci unty court, o son.e one of then , fos the benetit of an ici of asa^r.duy, passed at I\i \ember seision, 1*^:5 and il;e sipplewicnt, tlnr. to, intitted, a the relief of ura- cil y inso vent debtors to relieve me fi-cm debts which I am unable to pay; after tvvo months notice, is duly given. JOHN B. SAYPE. Sept 9, 1807.V ": eo2m Notice is hereby given, That 1 intend to a.m>lv to Halttinore county court, or the benetit of the insolvent Laws of this! state. JAMES WEST. Sept 22. d^m -Notice is licvci.y given, to ail my creditors, that I am under the painful ne- cessity of uppb. ing to the judgi s ot Baltimore county coi.i t, or to son e one ol'tlu m, for tiie benefit of the act. of assembly passed at No- vem ei session 1805, c. titled ar, act for tiie relief of sundry insolvent debti rs, as also of of lb. supplomciit theielo, pasted at tin las. 3( ssion. ABRAHAM FOLLE'l Sept. 7. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED LY JOHN HEWES, Opposite the Post Office, St. Pcut's-Lane. UitTl-iORR. -___-¦