Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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-- ' T>> &ty2mt'/%s/> vIAMIm ''EM S :,ve i I) tars per Annum, j MONO AY, NOVEMBER 2, 1807. [Vol. XXVII—No. 4198. La TH<* T'f t!i il- ill rvr r.is ir >arc ...v f s fir Sa'e. e-s the the- following ».' Lan 1, lo miles iVom e, the vrbote being con- i a compact form, am! about two miles short of residence of Harry D. everv^^^^ large' Apple .£* .m th • r 1 P.Try II II. lij Sough, jr viz. ^H No 1 I'he :¦¦ (oic.'-iher's present Dwelling Pla tatioji JO odd acres, on which is .'. "C eil a large irtd commodious Dwelling House, Barn, Stables, Spring House, and other nece.s»an building, with two and one Peach Orchard in full bearing, a Garden nd plenty of fine meadow :. with, the parts in tillage, are under s-iperinr fctr . with remarkable springs of fine water, also wood ¦'<• timber in abundance. . No i. The.lat Dvyelf.ng Plantation of Mr Joint Skill »"". ¦ e ' i'd,nowtliepropeityoftlie gob ciher, containing from 33c to 34o acres ¦with the 'dwelling H iftse, Cam, Stables over- seer's ii..aw ! egro Quarters, Spring House, a beautiful Orchard and Garden, with a never failing Springoi as fine Water as in the >tatc almost A tile door ; and commands a most ct of the bay from Kent Is- lai d, almost as bight as Stisquehannah ; near- ile of this Tract is under prime fence ad has plenty of wood and timber No 3 Containing 221 acres on which is erected a small House, wilh a number of Apple and Peal) Trees, about 40 or 50 acres of this Tract is inclosed with good fence as a pasture ; it has also plenty of wood and tim- ber Those Lands will be sold together, or in parrels, as above very cheap, to a purchaser, or purchasets, who has the money to lay •down. VVho may also have with No 1, the whole of the'stock, with the tanning uten- sils. Apply '• the premises, to, HERCULES COURTBNAT. Oct bber 7.____________ d30t United States of America, M».'tjrl.AND DISTRICT, SS. Whereas an mfbrrriation bath been filed in the Histi'i it ' lonjft of tin.' United Slates, for Maryland District, by John Stephen, Er Kent: for a term of years, that long established House, known by the name.d" the Fl UN'TAIN INN The House is 3 stories hi h, 14U fi et front. running 140 fei't back, w ' 1 aU Room at tacbed \vb th cost 10, >6l -i lilar-i, Hair.Dn s ser's Room, Slabling for 30 hors- s, Wash House, Ki chen, Cellars, Goal-Pits, Girriagc. House, Ice House, Pump, ¦ pring House,and all other necessary aceoniiflodati ms complete to carry on a large establishment. AIs", a STOftE-ROOM on the i-ig-iit and left of the Fountain-Inn, which rerits for !00 jdollars per annum each. If i ptB>c,r"t5t^ oilers, fbr a major part of the money wi 1 be n credit of 1, 'J, ¦>, 4, 5 and 6 years, witii interest from date, the wuole infee sinqile, 6t good title friven, byap- plyingto JAMES BW.YDEN, i .igut-stret t, No. 3. N B. All persons making proposals by post will please to pay postage. ALSO, A handsome COU.. I'nY SEAT, situated about two and a half Miles from town, contain ingabout SO acres, with a fine nerer failing stream of water, suffi \ ntto erect a grist mill, w>ll set in mea-iow ground ; post and rail fence complete ; a large elegant two-story Frame House, K tchfen Chicken-House, Ice- House, Pump, large Garden, Garden-House, P liiing ent rely new, Stable, Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harr >ws, Worses, Ca;tie, and all other necessary articles for a Farm. For par. Kerr's wharf, Fe place have, pass. fhres d to shew cause, it uny tl.ey whv a find determination should not By order ol the Judge, PHILIP MOORE, Clerk, D. C. October 16._______________tU4t li's-Point. _________________ ALSO, The very fine ship ,,„,„v GENERAL KNOX, tJI-.M'Si^' Samuel H. Grenodo, master; ,:»_3 A strong faithful b.jilt. and very fast-sailing ship. . She is a very burthen. some vesssl, |and supposed will carry 400 hhds. only 10 months old, now at Kin's wharf. For terms apply to the captain on board, or to CORNTHWAIT f* YARNAI.L, 83, Bowly's wnarf. 10'h mo. 29!h_____________ _ ill.'l __ For Charleston (s. c.) , XJi^s The S1»'P OTHELLO, >#^. ci paPtain Welsh, ..¦ iJx>& °he Wl" positively ^ail on the •:; 5th November next. For freight or passage, which will be taken on low terms, apply to the master on board, at Kerr's whirl, Fell's-Point. or to BENJ. & GEO. WILLIAMS, No. 3, Bowl)'* wharf. October 17.____________;__________dl.t§ For Sale, .. rTj -% Thr. fine-l'ast-sail'ng-siaunth WM&+C BrigSr. MICHAELS, )& W¦ tth all her ap|iiiit. nances; rV bm-then per register 177 tons, built oi the very best n.ateriiiis, and m*y be- sent to sea at a small expence—For terms .ip- ply to Hazle.'iurst, Brothers and Co. October "7. d Ut ALSO, A SQUARE of GROUND in the City of Washington, :.o. 8d !, laidioTm 21 Lots, situ- ated near the Capi ol, distance. '225 poles on the Maryland Avenue; wherein is a comfort- able double House, ,iowocrupieb by Mr. Geo. Gregory, two Kitchens. Bam. St-.'bling-, out- l'.oitses, Garoen, meOrchaid,- the wnole in-' cl ,sed wit post and rail fencing. A plan .if the same may be seen, and a barjra n had, by app j'ing as above, Oct. 26. _______________________________d_ N olice. The Co partnership oi Hancock and Norrii was dissolved the ist i'lstantm by mutual con- sent ; all persons having' claims against the said fi'-m wiW please pre»e»t them fir settle ment ; and thosv indebted are particularly requested to make immediate payment, t« ei- ther of the subscriber!!. THOMAS H \NCOCK. RICHARD NORR1S. Sept 14. d George L\g itiier, At hia tittqpi ., hed TIN AND PliW.TER MANUFACTORY, Ktrtji jt'ert, Oidtoiun, near the ffci/sc /rj. Informs his friends »*d the public gene- rally, that he k'-eps on bund a largi as sortraent of tlie Best Maiuitat.lnred 'PIN and PEWTER, warranted of the first workman- s iip Country Mer< hams uid others will find it greatly to tlieir advantage to call ai the Ma nul'actorv, as he prices will be made au object to merchants taking a quantity. Old Copper and Pewter wid be taken in payment ior new, and the highest price given. Also for Sttte or A'eru, A small F A K M, containing about 4* acres, lying in Guvane's town, opposite the tavern fo.m.-rly kept by Mr. J.iim Wooden There Baltimore College The T, usies if the College are respectfully Iril irmed, that tin ir next quarterly meeti ,g, accord ig to idjourmenl, is to take place ill the College Vpartments,on M avlay no;',., at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. A full attendants* is :¦ qu sted. October 31.________________________d'2i^ CA ,.H Will be given for oOoO Dollars 6 per cent Stock of the United States, if immediate ap plication is made to BUFFUM ft GOODHUs No. 84, B6wi»S wnarf. October 31. d3i eo3t George (J. Mulier, 7\yy iknrs he mv the Custom "<>use. Has received by the late arrivs from Ton- ning'en and Amsterdam, 26 5 packages German Lin- ens, Consisting of Pfatillas Royales 13 t joics Estopluas Ui-iies C t cas Dowlas, whole and half pieces Listadoes G ecks no Sand Book Checks Checks and Stripes Arabias Hessians Brown Rolls O^uaburgs and Tickle.nburgs Burl -ps White Flaxen, &c. Also on Hand, Blu~ G ineas, butch Calicoes, Muslins, Harlem S-ripea, Dutch Miirtiug Linen, Ta- blerliUi, home in de Lin n, Met;,l Nail for sheathihg, in C:ise-, Liquor Gases, Hollow Glass, Dutch Harware, lc, Ont.28. dim William Cooke, Jun. Hns rcci ive/l per ths ship Erin, from BordeauXf 6 cases Lutestrings, 4 Greno.hie Kid .Gloves, 3 Silk Stockings, 1 Estra Long Silk Cloves, 1 Men's Buckskin Gloves, 1 Twilled Silk Shawls, 1 Canibrlck. Which he offers for sale on reasonable termau Sept 25.____________________^___________d Wanted as a Tutor in pri- vate family, a gentleman capable of Teaching G"eek and Latin, and the first branches of the Mathematics. To such a one, a liberal salary will be acceded. Apply at this eftice. Sep1_22.________________________ d John Wood h. Co. Have imported in ships Fame, Abeona, and Hercules, from I iv-.tp o(, 'juniata, and t?air Americvi, from London, 334 PACKAGES Cotton and Woollen Goods, Which are offered for sale at No. 18, Calvert street. Amongst vhicn are, Best Superfine Cloths and Casaimeres, most, fashionable colors, S wansdown, Bennet Cord, and elegant Tcilenette, Waistco iting, ne .ust patterns, Coatings, plains, Flannels, B ickings. Flushings, I laakets, Kerseys, Ken- dal Cottons, Lindsays ; a great variety of Stud's, Hosiery, Dimities, Tabby Vrelvet, President and Constitution f'.oids, Black and Olive Velveti i-ns, Fine nd Common Print*, ad Calicoes, Fancy and Book Muslins, Cot- ton Laces, ilraees, Umbrellas, ^c. &c. Sen* 85. _____________d_ Wa )!ed to Purchase, I A second ban Stan ing Top CHAISE. Apply at this QtfCe,- October 2 \ d ior iale, Freight or Charter, The Brig MERRIMACK, Captain Lak, man, A good, strong northern built . _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ .,,-:*..,- .vessel. burtlu-nV.hout 1^50 bar- ; are on this Farm,_ two co: vemeut Dwelling- Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of the following .<-nts of Fieri Fa- cias, from Baltimore county court, 'o me dircted, will be exposed to public sale, for cash, (at the times and places hereafter mention. 1) the following property to wit: At my office on Saturday, the Tth Of No- vetober, at 11 o'clock s AUtheri lit, title, in- terest arid estate o! Thomas Tinker, deceased, in and to a lot or tract of Land, containing 50 acres more or less, situa'e in Patapsco Neck, on the Main Road, let ding from Baltimore to North Point, about 5 mile!1 from the former. The improvements arc a framed Dwelling' lb use, a.id Kitchen adjoining ; an apple or chard ai doth i fruii treesc late the properly of said Tinker taken at suit of Alexander M'Donald and ';.cli()l.'is C. Kidge'y. Also, ..t'iic House of captain Thomas Sta cey, Alisana street, Fell's Punt, on Thurs day, the 5th of November at, 11 o'clock, a va. riety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, late the pro; erty o* s„id Stacy, t ken at suit of John Gross and Michael Brossias. Also, at ii y office, on Thursday, the 5th, (same day) at 3 o'clock, P. \t, fifteeti kegs of Nails, late the property of David M'Clel and, take* at suit of David Harris, and J.oS< ph Donal And also on Wednesday, the 11th of No Temoer, at 11 o'clock, oh the premises, all the tight, tide, estate and interest, of Peter Ling 'iileltcr, in and to alotot Ground, run. ta mil.1 4 >-4 acres more cr less, with a log ¦dwelling House thereon, situate on the Torn, pike Ro.ul, leading from Kahiu-ore to K< is. tei'stowu, and about one mil. from the lat- t< r, late the property of said Li ngenfel er, taken at suit of Charles Carnah JOHN HUNTER, Sheriff. ^October SO. _ _ __ Kfc&UT Captain Brown ; . i-^n—ftJsKer- Having hall her'ci.rgo now on board, may be disp tcbed in a few dajs. For freight, apply to JAMES BIAYS, Fell's-Point, or, CHARLES B. YOUNG, Broker, 20, Couinierce-sireet. Sept 15.______________________________d ireight Wanted, To any port in the United Slates, or the West- Indies, _£ i_ For the Schooner BELLON A, Capt White, '¦*> A well found southern built ., vessel, birthen 56' ibis. For terms .vpi\ to A. & 11. BUUGHAN, W:o have oh kttnd and for sale, 50 hlida and 30 bids St. Martins Sugar 1..0 do. Maryland and Virginia tobacco. Sr.pt lj.______________d For Liverpool, 7'j tail with all route w ( 'peed, The rcg' I o frading Ship -hft BEpN \, f Ilobson. ,rJMer - m For Irtight or passage, ap- ply to the captaiiton board, at Jackson's whaf, Fell's-Pomt, or to i ORMAN h FULFORD. September 20. _____d The THIEF" Who broke into m\ Counting Re.om lj|t night, and s ole one of mj desk a biaclt Mo- rocco Case, containing Bank Notes, Notes of hand. Debenture Certificates, 5-c. is en- lith-d to my thalHis for throwing the same into my yard, without disiuibing the two last mentioned securities, and as I can assure him that advice is '.'oi warded to stop the pay. ment ol the ill notes ol 20 d llara eaoh, on the NewJbern Bank, and one .0 dollar -.,ot.e on Cape Fear Bank, v\hii h cm be. of no use to him, but the rcroveiy of which will save me the trouble and expence of giving bonds of indemnity to those Banks, 1 hat e to request he will be good enough Ui reim'n then in tlie s-'.ine wry that he, did tie case or thro' the medium if toe I'ost- Office, as may b ¦ a ost convenient--lie may as well include in the same packet, a dirty 5 dollar Nod., on the Bank at Mkjdlebury, :im\ i recomm. ;. I the thief (who by .he way has frequently n reived the reward <£ Ws laborat myhandout ol the case I'bovc n entiom'd) to increase tin. | by adding the .; \ellow lookiiie-notes of .'0 dol an easll, mi the Offi-e ot -IJiscour.t and Houses, Barn, Smoke House, Spring House, and all other necessary buildings i 1^ acres of Woodland, and about the same quantity in good Meadow; aoout -j0 A.jple-Tives, and a quantity of other Fruit. The whole is under good inclosurc- and would make a handsome retreatfor any gentleman during the summer season. It will be sold on liberal terms, or rented t a good tenant .terms ma lc k own byapplpingto GiiORGK tldiiT ,Eil. ' Oct'. 3i '________________________dtj :D " L lot ft ¦< iiit'. 30 casks BORDEAUX (. L ARET will be 1 mded from the sc'ioonec Pi "evidence, captain Frant is, and s Id on very liberal terms if taken from the vessel. App y to WILLIAM CHILD, 88, B .way's wharf Who has oho for Sa:c, Heal Coghiac Brandy, 4th probl ; Bordeaux ditto; Y leg yson Tea, Boston No i Hoa's Lard, Iron Shovels, and a lew bales Hops, ol this year's growth Oct 31__________________________.a8'IL_ Prime Pork and Raisins. y st received per the schooner Pi evidence, captain 'trovers,from Acw Totk, 25 barrels Prime PoRK, 150 box:.-s Muscatel KAISINS. IN STORE, Pimento, Cassia, .ground Ginger, Zmt Cur- rants, soft shelled and shelled Almonds, Cog j m.ic Brandy, Holland Gin, Corsica Wine, ' S'.c.-.:i ; ;.l in flasks, Mess and No. 1 Beef, Mould and Spermaceti Candies brown boap, Campeachv Logwood &c. he., f r Sale ly NAi'HANIEL F WILLIAM'S, , No. 15, Bow.y's wharf. Oct. 31. d4tfj Fie.'Ii Teas. This year's Importation. Edwa> d Fitzgerald Begs leave to inform lus friends and the public, that he has this day received by the schooner Providence, captain Travers, from New-York, nine y chests, half clusts, and boxes I., si .chop imperial, hyson, young hi son, hyson sKui, aiidsouchong Tei^s ; all of which have been careful y selected ly one of the first in New York He has also received Powder and Shot, which completes his as- soi-tmeo — all of which articles he will sell wholesale and retail at ios usurl reduced pri- ces, at bis cheap grocery store, 221 Market- i.li c -1. J 't.t 3 L___________________________ d___ Baltimore ts, i* rederiok^tou n TURNl'lKF. HOAli COMPACT. \ Notice Is hereby gu en, that the payment of the 3d instaiment ot Five dollars on each share of tint aoguiented stock, is required to be paid to the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ , treasurer ol the company, at the bank of Ma. Deposit in this city—An attempt to pass them j ryUnd, on Tuesday the 1st daj of December ¦may be fatal tv l im ^^^^^^^^^^^^ CH.-vRLES WlBGMAN. Oetobe}r 9 d4t ^^^H By order, J.LEWIS W.-iiVii'LiiR, Sec'ry. octSO dtlstD i i ager's- I own »-altii, Sep i BMBEta 3 to, 8 7 IN pursuance ot an order of the Board oi Direct".^., notice is hereb; ;; ten th.. doll is on each share oi stock held In tli bank in si be paid up at the bajik on u- bufore the 1st Monday in Dee.iu iei m s. ; it 'ho all per- sons lai ing t i paj wid not be entitled to i¦ ny dividen on what the\ ha e paid, from the said first '">< nday in Dec mber until this in- stalment is paid. EL1E BEAT! Y" Cashier [yict.o]_________________d7thDec Liverpool Salt. Received per the ship General Knox. Sam H. Greuodo, masier.just arrived from Liver- pool, 70 ;0 bushels Liverpool Coarse Salt, winch will be sold low on accommodating terms, i> taken trom the ship. ALSO, 30 erites well assorted Earthenware. Ap- ply to CORN IH W AIT &. Y A K N ALL, 83, BowU's .ba-.f 10th BW, 59.___________________dl t Corntjiivait and la null, No 83, Bo-vh's wharf, havz received per the brig Jn,mn,f om NikIiu- rypoi t, and fr Sale t>n moderate te 7ns, 50 pieces Russia Duck, 50 di to R .vens cli to, 4'' coils Cordage assorted, 30 half fan els Beef. On hand, an! will he sold lovi to close sales, 40 cask8 Red '.Vine,calculated for the Span- ish market, and entitled to debenture, 60 chests Hyson Tea, -j t*J 20 Young Hyson do. j j* 20 Souchong'do. } S~*- £0 Bohea do. r* ? a" 20 half chests do. do. I j; 3 30 qr. chests do do. l^ 10 pieces British Canvass, J and birds. Oet 29. , Th-SMW4t'