Race and the Law Seminar:
The Maryland Experience

Professors Gibson and Papenfuse


The Ballot Box

Reading Assigment for the Voting Rights Cases,

journal due by 10 a.m. 2/5/06
seminar 3-5, 2/6/06

While the usual case to read for the Supreme Court's interpretation of voting rights under the 15h Amendment to the Constitution is Guinn v. United States, 228 F. 103 (5th Cir.-OLD 1915)Anderson v. Myers, 182 F. 223 (U.S. Court of Appeals 1910) at the Federal Circuit court level, and Myers v. Anderson, 238 U.S. 368 (U.S. 1915) decided by the Supreme Cour following Guinn,  deal specifically with Maryland.   Please read Anderson v. Myers  and Myers v. Anderson for the next seminar, as well as a cert paper on the topic by  Donald Bell. You may find it helpful to also review the Shepardization of Anderson and Myers.

Please outline in your journal the basic facts and arguments in the cases, as well as brief sketches of the principal lawyers, judges (Morris, Whyte),  and the plaintiffs (Anderson, Howard, Brown).   See if you can find biographical materials on each at http://mdsa.net.   Place hyperlinks to any biographies that you find on the site in your journals due 2/6/06.

Why were these three individuals (Anderson, Howard, and Brown)  carefully chosen to be parties to the case?  Review Mr. Bell's paper.  What are its strengths?  What are its weaknesses?

Compare the Lexis reports of Anderson v.  Myers and Myers v. Anderson with the reports in Westlaw.  Are their any significant differences?

All reading (except for Westlaw reports) is accessible from http://mdhistory.net/msaref05/gibson/2006-02-06-reading.html