Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser


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tderal tftm. » oeven Dollars per Annum.] till DAY, MAT I, 1307 404". Stated Auction Days. R. LEMMON & CO. MONDAY, I/tad of Gas street dock, Dp-/ Goons at 10 o'clock. Wet D&- 13 do- VAN WYCK & HORSEY, TUESDAY, Head of Frcderici-strettdoci, Dry Goods at 10 o'clock. Wet Do. 12 do. THOMAS CHASE, THURS.DAT, earner of Second and Frederick-street, Dry Goods at half past 10 o'clock, Wet Do. 12 do. COLE & I- BONSaTTs BOOK AUCTION •WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. 174 1-2 Market-street. Sale by Auction. On MONDAY, The *th May, at 12 o'clock, on the premises, viill he sold, That valuable *ree-rtory Brick HOUSE, * . \57 near the middle bridge, m Marlcet- y .eef, fronting: 25 feet on Market-street, and -rtn'mtf back 100 feet, on 3, 6 and 9 months <-redil ? and on receiving approved, endorsed necrocifcble notes, with the intertrt ad-led thereto, a bond to convey the proper';/ will be given, wid a title in fee-simple on the last note ***'$*# WYCK & DORSEY, Auct's. april 16._________________________.- ¦._- " Sale by Auction. On TUESDAY, The 5th May next, at 13 o'clock, at the auction room, at the head of Frederick-street dock, ¦mill he sold, A Valuable Lot of Ground, On Federal Hill, adjoining a lot on which •the foundry stands, and runs luO feet east toward* the glass house, binding on the water and tanning back 16 perches into the sand bank- 'flu- -above Property will be sold on a cre- dit of one year, with interest from ilie day of sale, or if more agreeable to the pundi—v, G, 12, til*! 18 months, and on receiving ap- proved indorsed netfrttiaUle notes, including the inl'-rcst, a bond to convoy the property -will be given, and on the last vote being-paid, a title win be executed in fee simple. The titles to this property are conceived unexcep- tionable, bat no genwM warrantee will be uriven. VAN WYCK & DORSEY, Auct'rs. April 14.____________________________________ Sale by Auction. On SATURDAY, The Id May, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Cellar (lately occupied by Mr. Cole J un- der Christ Church, ixill commence the sale, on A credit, ( the particulars if which vidl he Wtade inexun at the t me of sole J of 85 pipes of very choice Lisbon Wine, be- ing of the brig Ann and Gary's cargo, that ¦were allowed by many to be superior to any ever imported h» re. 15 pipes ~) 15 Mid*. > Of first quality Tort Wine, 4'J cjr. casks, J 4 pipes London particular Madeira ditto, 2'j casks choice old Sherry ditto. THOMAS CHASE, Auct'r. april 29. For Freight or Charter, To any port on the continent, or the Ife.it-Indies, cJT^x The lliig NEUTRALITY, - • l^^ftAnV»_ Captain Covei, ¦-V3C2p*yp Burthen 1000 barrels ; a g«od ,;**£f£isBt*a*5Strong vessel, and ready to re- ceive a cargo on Board immediately. For terms applv to BEN. & GEO. WILLIAMS, No 3, Bowly's wharf. Who hctve received by the above vessel, 50 hhds. N. E.Rntft. 10 hhds. Muscovado Sugar, 100 boxes Codfish, 83 pa. Russia Sheetings, entitled to draw- back. ____ april SO. _____dStf For Philadelphia, • JT"£x Tbr Schooner -iwJtiX: BRUTUS ; wtwLiEuK kyinjf >" Sn>itK'fl dork ; will ¦ w'A'-r- take freight on very low terms, if application is immediately made to JO. IN SHERRY, 55, Smith's wharf, april 39. ___ d4t The Subscriber .J~TX Offer! for sale on liberal terms _To5*5}VV' the Hull, Masts and Spars of f€Xu.,p * «ew BRIG, about 17o tons S^te^aO* burthen, carpenter's measure. H. PEIRCE. april 27. dlot 5 ,.-¦¦ '- '.,:¦.* Wanted to Charter., A V.RSSE'L of 600 or 700 bbls. for a port 121'M^ •" ¦''•- West-Indies. Inline -AgSg&x diate dispatch will be given, by ' BRISCOE & PARTRIDGE. " april 26. ____d4t For Petersburg &f "Richmond, . '"fv The schooner ENTER PRIZE, \J:j2.S.Jf> A substantial, good vessel ; '-- having a part oi uer cargo now on board, is expected to sail on Thursday the 23d instant for fieight, of the remain- der, apply to the master on board, at Smith's wharf,' or to ISAIAH M/WKIN, Who continues to transact business on com- mission -is usual, ''.nd offers for sale on ac- commodating terms, 150 boxes white Codfish, m nice shipping order, 160 casks fresli Raisins, 15 chests Young Hyson Tea, 8J bills. Glauber Salts, 30 do. Cider Vinegar, 10 or casks Sherry Wine, superior quality, 2 do. Malaga do. 5 pipes Aloque do. 3 do very superior old Coguiae Brandy, 3 do. Holland Gin, good flavor, 300 kegs Pickled Salmon, 200 do. Tongues and Sounds, 10 barrels Fat Mackerel, 25 do. New York Apples, 600 Sugar Moulds, Tretfton Manufacture, \ few barrels Boston No. 1 Beef, Cherry Bounce, &c. ALSO, 1 bale Cloths, assorted, 1 do. Kerseys do. 1 do. Rose Blankets, and 1 case Cotton Cambrics. cry GOODS received on Storage. April 18. d-it.la'-,8t 75 pipes Holland GLN, Imported in the ship North-America, from Amsterdam, for sale by LAKES & CO. april 3o. __________d8teo8t a siyAXTirr of GREEN COFFEE in bags, FOR SALE BY JOHN S. HORNE. april 30. d4t Wanted to Purchase, A negro Giil, abeut 14 or 15 years of age, ¦who can come well recommended as a cook, for whom a liberal price will be given. Apply stt this Office. april 30.________________________________d_ Lost this Morning, SUPPOSED between Peters's bridge and Smith':' dock, a gold Watch CHAIN, with two Gold Seals, without cyphers, and a Key, jet with Cornelian stone. The finder will re- ceive five dollars reward, by leaving them at \*iis office. April 30- ______________________d4t...... — * IRISH LINEN, Wc. &c. Alexander Brown and Son JHave iniiS/rted in the Adriana, a further supply rf 7-tand^LINEN, 3-4 }. 5-4 Sheeting, 3-4^ 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, Diaper; Dowlas, and •BrOttP Holland. april 30.____________________ tUteo6t Walter Jenkins, No. 1-99, Market-street, Has imported by the sundry late arrivals from London and Liverpool, A general assortment of SPRING GOODS, Which are offered for sale on the usual terras to punctual men. LIKEWISE, A handsome assortment of selected JOB GOODS, calculated for the Spring Trade, some of which are on consignment and will be sold very low. N. B. The whole of the above Goods are entitled to drawback. april so_________________ d20t-eol0t _ —For Sale on a long credit, 52 bhds. first quality Muscovado Sugars, 56 bbls. do. do. do. 12 seroons Flotant Indigo, 65 iihds. Bordeaux Ciaret, T'ns whole entitled to drawback and in nice shipping order. JACOB ADAMS. jipi-ii 20, dm For Sale, Freight or Charter, r't^^ The Brig ¦-^IfW WIi,HA.',T, .Y'JW' Jonathan Dow, master; ¦i&a?K5ia3<5.~ A good vessel, about ;300 bids, hurthen will be ready to rece.ve a car- go in a few clays. Apply to CORNfHWAFf & YARNALL. 4th mo. 27tli-_________________d Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of the following writs of Fieri Fa- cias from .Baltimore county court to me di- rected, will be cj:pesod to Public Sale, iiir eash the following property, at the times ajul places hereafter mentioned, to wit: At die Court-House on Wednesday the 6lh day of MLavne*!, at 10 o clock, two Horses, three sets of Horse Gears, and one Cart, late the property of lames Black, taken at suit of Peter Wy:mt, JVn. At the' warehouse of Gerhard TopVm, on the same day at 11 o'clock, one. hog.head of Tobacco, late the property of John Er lest, taken at suit of the aforesaid (Jerliard Topkin. And by virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex- ponas, from the court aforesaid tome direct- ed, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 9th May, at lo o'clock, for cash, , - - The Schooner >®3n> tkimme r, fms> Her tackle and apparel, now 5^=,. lying at Frederick-street dock, late the property of John Fitzhugil, taken at suit, of William M Mechin. JOHN H.UN1ER, Sheriff. - april 30, W-7.___________d Slater and Roy, 84, MlVRKE I'-StJHE 1', Bane imported in the Globe, from. London, A CONSIDERABLE PART OF THSIR SPRING GOODS, Amongst which are, London Pewter, in small casks assorted, Anvils and Vises, do. Seine and Sewing Twine, Plated Carriage Furniture, in setts and se- parate, Long and short handled Frying Pans, Sad Irons, in casks well asssorted. LOCKS k BRASS WARE, Of every description, which added to their importation of CUTLERY, per Fame from Liverpool, renders their assortment almost complete. By the next arrivals they expect the balance ot their Goods—the whole sold on the usual terms. FOR SALE, The Schoonsr ROBY, Burthen about "00 barrels, ___ just arrived from St. Jago, and will be sold low if immediate application is made—Apply as above. april 25. d6t-eolm For Boston, The Sloop MONTEZUMA, Captain Lewis ; Lying at Bowly's wharf; for passage, apply to the captain on For New-York, , «£TE\ The new Sloop ROVER. J. Warton, Master ; ¦Zrii¦*£&¦-?¦ Having a p;irt of her cargo engaged, is expected, to sail in it few days. For freight or passage apply to the master onboard, at Smith's wharf, or to ISAIAH MANKIN, Who has received and offers for sale, 5 hhds. t?ood Trinidad Sugar, 1100 wt. Madder, and 1 case half pint Decanters. april AK________;________________________d__ For Sale, Freight or Charter, r~T;-v The elegant fist-sal ling Ship ^T^lK ADRIA N A, *-''?"jf*^'iSi7 Peter S. Surtsherne, master; •:/33"lk-- Burthen fthoat .65 89 9-5 tons per register, or about 2900 barrels. The Adriana is" three years old, built in New- York, of Live Oak, Locust and Cedar, Cop- per fastened and coppered to die bends, with 28 30 and 22 ounce cipjn:!-. .-.he will he ready to receive a cargo In a lew days For term's apply to the master on bo: -d at Carr's wharf, Fel'!'s-P"int, or to CORNTHYVA1T fe YARNALL, 83, Kow'y's wharf- Who Aave received per said vessel a:ui offer for sale, 50 crates Earthenware assorted, Plates and Hollow Ware, 87 casks Copperas, 8- FEDERAL, 5wv Burthen 116 tons ; a good _ vessel, and well found. For terms, apply to captain Sargent on board, at Bowly's wharf, or to } WALES &. CLOPPER. April 29. eo4t* For Sale, At A/o, 8 >, Fr-«et, O'J-Toten. A few hhds. of Racked PerryTIall CIDER, at thirteen dollars per bhd. The casks to be returned when called for. april 25.________^_________ ciSt Cotton Bed-Ticks, Direct from the Manufactory. a i.so, y Split Straw, Leghorn, Willow and Chip Bonnets and Huts, with a general assortment o! DRY GOODS, just received and for sale at very reduced prices, wholesale and retail, hy CHRIST. ARM AT & CO. At. the sign of the Sun, No. Ill, Markct-st. N. B. Th^y have likewise 00 hand, a few trunks Chip Bonnets, neatly assorted, ¦ its hie for country merchants. april 'J3 d .John & James Roberts, 230, Mabkst-stkeet, Have 7nst received a supplv of INDIA SHORT "YELLOW NANKEENS, first chop. 7Vci) have, on hand, 4 boj:es 4-4 Irish Linens, 5 do. 7-8 CnVraindo. 2 bales 11-3 Cheeks, 5 do. India Muslins, 2 cases Gr:;en Sensbaws, 1 bale Cotton Stripes, 4 cases'Browi) Hollands, 1 .lo. Diaper Tabie*Clcths, 1 do. India Sewing Stlk, I do. Green Lutestrings. Also, An assortment of i. man Linens; Cambric Muslins; Calicoes; Lii.en Po-ket Handker- chiefs; Velvets; Cords ; American Prints and Shawls, &e. Sec. k'e.— AH of which will be disnosed of low on their usual terms. April 13.__________________d!5t To Let, The House and Store, No. 88 Market sl-e t. Impure on the premises. april 38 5r. Comthwait and Yarnall, 83, Bowly'i wHAar, Have received an additional supply of Fresh TFAS, COXSISTt :iC, OF Imperial, Hjson and Young Hyson, import- ed the prcsentjear, and of excellcut quality, which they pfter fot sale at low prices. Thry have also on hand. 200 pieces Ravens Duck, 10(j pieces Long Blue Nankeens, 10 boxes Spermaceti Candles, 20 boxes Orange Flower Water, And an invoice of Drugs, Medicine, Painters' Colors. 4 mo. 20th.______________________d__ For Sale on very good terms, At Mr. Mil. HAWS, No. 6, Market-street, Dry Bolognia Sausages, Hogs-Lard, Venison Hams, Pheasants, ~i prepare(l wlth H Fat ari(j Geese and > - ,J =' Sausages, 5!»KeS9- april 29. d.lt}: For sale, on a credit, 10,000 bushels St. Ubes SALT. _apri! 28_____d(5t________JACOB ADAMS. Henry & Lindenberger, No. 204, Bali imokk-stheet, Have received by the Fame, from Liverpool, A complete assortment of CUTLERY. And on hand an extensive assortment of HARDWARE, SADDLKKY, BRASS Ik Hancock and Norris, No. 203, Markist-street, Have received per ship Abeona, from Liver' pool, a part of their spring supply af - Hardware, Which completes their assortment. April 14.___________________________dlra_ Just received and for sale by HENRY Sc LINDENBERGER, No. 204, Baltimore-stret, 100 dozen single, and double prime Wal- dron SCYTHES, of the broad kind. April 14. d " AMOS BROWN & CO, No 109, Market-street, Have received their Spring Supplyof Shoes, among which are several thousand pairs as- sorted in packages, to suit country merchants, which will be sold at reduced prices for cash or acceptances in town. Also, 100 pairs Bal- timore manufactured BooTs.ona liberal credit. april 2o. ________________________d Havana Sugar. Eleven hundred and fifty boxes of white and brown Havana Sugars of the new crop and of excellent quality for sale by THOMAS TENANT. April 14_____________________ d!6t The Subscribers, Having commenced the COMMISSION & FLOUR"BUSINESS in this citv, under the firm of CLAGETT & SCHNEBLY, solicit the patronage of their friends and the public. BENJAMIN CLAGETT, JACOB SCHNEBLY. Who offer for sale on accommodating terms seveiUvrthrce barrels Baltimore Pork. April 8. ___________;______________d8UiM Armour and Jenkins, No. 52, South-street, Have received by the ship John Adams from Liverpool, Their Spring assortment of Saddlery, Consisting of almost all kinds of Plated, Polished and Tinned Articles in that line ; with Saddle. Trees, Girth Webs, &c. Ail of which they will sell at the most reaso prices. apiil 2". A12t-eol2t April9. JAPANNED WARE. Lewis Michael Sc Co. Have impurcd, per the different vessels from Liverpool, part of their Spring Goods, And expect the remainder by the next ves- sels from London and Liverpool. They have also on hand, India Muslins, Checks, Bandanno Handker- chiefs, German and Irish Linens, assorted— all which will be sold on reasonable terms. April 14. d60t Wanted immediately, IN A DRUG STORE, a Young Man of good morals and activity—to learn the business. One that has some knowledge of the names of fjrugs would be preferred. II. WILKINS. april 28______________________dipt A Young Man, From the country, who is acquainted with the Dry-good business, wants a situation, in a wholesale or retail dry good store. He can produce satisfactory recommendations. Apply at this office. april 28.___________________________d4tj For Sale, A secondhand hackney STAGE with Har- ness, in complete order, and t". o young well matched HORSES. To be seen at Meyer's Hotel, Market-street. april 28 d4t "GRAY's GARDENS?" THE Subscriber respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Baltimore and its vicinity, that he has again removed to the above place, and intends to keep the best sons of Liquors and Refreshments, and to use every exertion for the good entcr- tertainment of his friends and the public in general. C. L. D GUNDERMAN. N. B. Two active MEN, to workin the gar- dens and to take care of horses, are wanted. April 28. d4t§ :n Robinson, No. 216, Market-street, Has received by the ships Fame, Aoeona, and Diana from Lii'e.'po-d, HIS iSSOP. T M 5. NT OF SPRING GOODS. Hatters' and Upholsterers' Trimmings, f:c. &c, Men's Superfine Hats, and Children's Fan- cy Hats, neatly assorted in. small cases, Also on hnnd, Men's coarse Hats, and Women's Hats in small Pacl d6t-eo'3t Joh, Further Notice. I do hereby-forewarn all jv ;s..p.s from pay- ing any money to Stephen G. Gill, that i:i due to nieon account of sweeping chimnies Vi- lli the second district s as be has in . variety ot instances, endeavored to injure me in my office, while inmy einplo" ands'ince. JOHN CROXALL. April 27._____________l14tjl__ Notice. Having drfejined the Dry Good bnsii.ess, and intending to jjo tp'the country with my familv tlir first ifjuly. I earnestly request all • lebtf.d to me to settle their accoiniLS immediately. i shall attend daily at uiy old store tor that purpose. WM. BUCKLER, april 35. _____________ diit Imported In the ships Diana and Jinn A lains, from Li- verpool, and Fair American and Globe fi om London, andfpr sale by 'John iFoodandGo. Cambrick Muslins, Dimities, Printed Calicoes, Great Variety Fancy Muslims and Shawls, Fashionable Vesting-, Nank""ns, Gnnduvills and Cotton, CassiroBrs, Cotton Hosiery^ si'.i.- and Cottar, eh tmBray Mitsdiftnj Blue, Fink Mid Butt'Chocked Muslins, Gmi:.;!i.-itiis, Parasols, Silk and Cotton, Umbrellas, Laces, colored Thread, Black: Muslins, Suj irfine Broad Cloths and C-.issimers, &c. d 2$ a Ficderick Jord. ill, No. 16, North Howard-street, Ho* received hy the Diana and John Adams, from Liverpool, and Globe fronts London, A general assortment of Hardware,Cutlery & Saddlery, Amor.;; ivhieh are, Wftldron's Gr*ai« and Gras Sytfes, Spodes, and Shovels, Fry! d Irons, Smith's \nvi!s aand Vises, Steel Yards, Hand and Mill Saws, &c. &c. on hand, ¦ , Box Coffee Mills, Dutch Scythes, and Straw Knives. Which will he,sold on reasonable terms by wholesale and retail. apr'O 2". dim Francis I. Mitchell Has just received and now nftening a handsome and well selected assortment of Fancy and Seasonable Goods, Which he offers at t'..e most reduced prices for cash, acceptances in town, or on his usiuH credit to his punctual customers. He has on hand, 70 hhds, Patuxent and P itomac TOBAC. CO, with a quantity of Cocoa, and New-Or- leans Sugar, which he is anxious to close the sales of. TO LET, The STORE and CELLAR on Baltimore- street, No. 245, which is spacio . •, o.id well calculated tor an extensive Drv-CFOod Mer- chant. The terms wilt be moderate. April 17. _________________t____________d _ Brushes, Combs & Hardware* PHILIP L I T T I G, 142, Market-street, Hat on hand, at his Stote, A large and general assortment of American manufactured and imported Brushes, A complete assortment of Ivory, Tortoise- shell, MocLshell and common Combs, of a su- perior quality, A quantity of GLUE, of the strong, clear kind, A *'ew dozen of Waldron's grain and grass Scythes He expects daily from London, an extensive assortment of Painters' Brushes, £ash Tools, &c of iUi- best quality april 2fJ.___________________,__________dlSt Prime Shad. 100 bbls. Prime Shad, just received, for sale bv the subscribers. BALDERSTON h CORNTHWAIT. On hand, 19 hhds. srood New-Oileans Sugars, which will be sold low on a- liberal credit to close sales.. 4th mo. 29th. d4t Wanted to Barter. GERMAN LINENS or CALCUTTA GOODS for a good substantial SHIP, of about 250 tons burthen. Applv to JOHN SPERRY, 55, Smith's wharfi April 29. ____________________ d4t For Sale. An elegant Gothic fronted fifteen keyed ORGAN', four stops, three barrels, drum and triangle. Those who wish to purchase, will please apply immediately, as it will (if not sold) be sent off on Saturday. Apply at this office. April 29. d4t \V ni. and Richard Hall, SADDLERS, HARNKSS-MAKSRS, Est No. 146, MarkatVstreet, Have received by the John Mams, from Liver' pool, An Assortment of articles in the above line. They have on hand, A variety of best and common Saddles and Bridles, Portmanteaus, Saddlebags, &c. Also, Plated and bvass-mounted Harness for sin- gle and pair horses, warranted to be oftlitt best materials and workmanship. They also make, and have now on hand, a complete assortment of TRU N KS. april 29. dlra For Sale, A young, large and handsome BROOD MARE, accustomed to the harness and sad- die She may be seen at Mr. Hussey'g i'avorn. North Kovvard street. april 27.____________ d4ti| The person holding an ac- cepted Bill for 400 dollars, dated New-Or- lears, 16th March, 18;,<7, at 60 days sight, k drawn in favor oi' James t: Cope, "w'u! please call at _ BsWerston and Cortfthwait's, when. : the motives for requesting aii interview, wilj 1 be- explained. april i',7, difcH,